Cape Palmas

Half Cavalla expedition

In 1869, the local Ladies First Mutual Relief Society of Cape Palmas was incorporated. Named as officers were Ann E. Dennis, president; Maria Dent, vice president; Mary A. Fletcher, treasurer; Sarah J. Simpson, secretary; Harriet E. Lee, assistant secretary; Charlotte F. Donaldson, chief manager; and managers: Mary A. Simpson, Julia A. Hance, Cecelia A. Hamilton, Mary A. Harris, Sarah Scotland, J.M. Thompson and Catherine Cooper.

The legislature in 1893 authorized the secretary of the treasury to negotiate for a loan of $30,000 to fund the South East expedition of Cape Palmas against the Half Cavallians.

Footnote: Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1869, pp. 17-18.Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1893, p. 10.

Cape Palmas

Land to Cape Palmas Grebo men

In 1896, the legislature granted 10 acres of land in fee simple to each male member of the Cape Palmas clan of Grebo.

In 1924, William U. Cummings, Sr., was reimbursed $500 which he supplied during the Cape Palmas uprising of 1910.

Also in 1924, the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, represented by the Rev. F. A. Price, was granted 100 acres of public lands on the Hoffman River, Maryland County, for the establishment of a girls’ school.

Footnote: Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1896, p. 8; Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1923-24, p. 49; Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1924-25, pp. 40-41.

Cape Palmas

Social Clubs founded

The Cape Palmas Association Number 1, led by Nyekan Blammo, president; Earnest Tubo, vice president; Frank N. Tubman, secretary; Hanbo, treasurer; John Taisee, advocate; John Wilson, chaplain; and Freeman Wreah, shea doctor.

The Try Best Company No. 5 of Bigtown with the following persons: Budu Hne, manager; Kwee, assistant manager; Gba Gyude, secretary; Keda Do, treasurer; Sobo Wade, manageress; Wese Wodooe, assistant manageress; Pe Sie, doctor; Nambo Budu, advisor; Dummude Twee, collector; and members: Bedo Tiba, Dumu Sudobla, Gbuo Keda and Nyeba Hne.

The Grebo Musical Association No. 1 of Bigtown, which included Gbawa Himie, manager; Kedads Hodo, assistant manager; Ba Wea, secretary; Dowe Nyabo, treasurer; Nysue Wede, manageress; Ba Hne-anyene, assistant manageress; Nasowe, doctor; Tia Keda, advisor; Gbudi Nmade, female treasurer; Tumu Hedoo, female collector; and members: Blio Wode, Dowedo Blanye, Tidi Gyedo and Yapo Gbo.

Footnote: Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1927-28, pp. 32-34, pp. 52-53.

Cape Palmas

Spring Hill brass band

The Spring Hill Brass Band of Half Graway, led byJohn G. Howe, manager; O. H. Shannon, assistant manager; M P. K. Killen, chaplain; N. H. Hammond, band master; and Edwin Y. Harris, inspector.

In 1938, the legislature granted an annuity to Sarah Woodall of Montserrado County, mother of Private Frank Woodall, who died in the 1910 Cape Palmas war while under the command of Captain John Betty.

Footnote: Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1927-28, pp. 39-40; Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1938, pp. 66-67.