An act supplementary to an act, entitled an act providing for a National Fair (1857 II, p. 3)*
An act for the punishment of larceny (1857 II, p. 3-4).
An act constituting and establishing a monthly and probate court and a register’s department at Robertsport (1857 II, p. 4-5).
An act providing for the repairs of public buildings in the county of Maryland (1857 II, p. 5).
[An act ordering the withdrawal and destruction of three hundred dollars or less in paper currency issued by Maryland in Africa and its replacement by an equal amount drawn upon the treasury of the Republic of Liberia (1857 II, p. 5-6).
An act regulating the enlistment and transportation of emigrants (1857 II, p. 6-7).
A preamble and resolution empowering the president to enforce a settlement of difficulties existing within the jurisdiction of this republic between the Naffaw and Padee native tribes, in the county of Maryland (1857 II, p. 7-8).
An act restoring Thornton Belton to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1857 II, p. 8).
An act providing for a National Fair (1857 II, p. 8-12).
A resolution providing for the issuing of two thousand dollars in engraved bills (1857 II, p. 12-13).
[A resolution expressing reservations concerning efforts by the American Colonization to recruit immigrants for Liberia] (1857 II, p. 12-13).
An act providing for the relief of Nancy A. Woodson [widow of Granville Woodson, killed in 1856 Sinoe war] and her child (1857 II, p. 13).
An act providing for auditors of the public accounts (1857 II, p. 13-14).
An act providing relief for Mrs. Rachel Perdue [widow of John Purdue, killed at Lexington, Sinoe in 1855] (1857 II, p. 14).
A resolution authorizing the second section, second article of the Constitution [concerning legislative representation, as applied to the newly incorporated Maryland County to be laid before the Supreme Court for its decision (1857 II, p. 14-).
A resolution to remunerate J. J. Roberts, commissioner to France (1857 II, p. 14-15).
Resolution authorizing the clearing out of the narrows at the head of the northern branch of the Junk River (1857 II, p. 15),
A resolution to acknowledge favors conferred upon this government by Her Britannic Majesty’s government [in the form of a promise to repair the Liberian government-owned schooner “Lark”] (1857 II, p. 15-16).
Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the session commencing in December 1857. Monrovia: Printed by G. Killian, 1858, except for Act marked *, which was found in “Acts passed during the session, December 1857,” Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the sessions 1857-1861, inclusive. Monrovia: G. Killian, Printer, Liberia Herald Office, 1862.

An act to amend an act entitled an act of duties on imports (1858, p. 17-18).
An act entitled an act to amend an act to regulate the militia (1858, p. 18-19).
An act to maintain peace an enforce order on the highways to the interior (1858, p. 19-20).
An act authorizing the clearing out of the Gracho Falls, Grand Bassa County (1858, p. 20-21).
An act authorizing the president to employ a Costa Guarda [naval vessel] (1858, p. 21).
An act [providing forty dollars annuity] for the relief of William Harris, Senior, of the county of Grand Bassa (1858, p. 21).
A resolution [providing twenty five dollars] to aid James Thomas of the Township of New Georgia (1858, p. 21-22).
An act to regulate taxes and licenses (1858, p. 22-23).
An act creating and defining the duties of the superintendents of the several counties (1858, p. 24-25).
Resolution approving of executive action in the “Regina Coeli” case [involving a French ship allegedly engaged in slave traffiking] (1858, p. 25).
An act prohibiting the enlistment of native African emigrants (1858, p. 25).
An act amendatory of the fourth article of the act regulating navigation, commerce and revenue (1858, p. 26).
An act to amend the fifth article of an act entitled “An act to establish the judiciary and fixing the powers common to the several courts’ (1858, p. 27).
Supplementary act to the “Act providing for the establishment of an interior settlement” (1858, p. 28.
An act amendatory of an act entitled “An act concerning elections” (1858, p. 29).
A resolution providing for the transcribing of the journals of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia (1858, p. 33).
A resolution [providing an annuity of twenty-five dollars quarterly] for the relief of David Banaker (1858, p. 34).
An act restoring J. Gearing to citizenship (1858, p. 34).
An act to provide for a state prison (1858, p. 31-32).
An act to raise the revenue [in the form of a loan of up to forty thousand dollars] and to encourage farmers (1858, p. 32-33).
An act establishing the Treasury Department and defining the duties of the same (1858, p. 34-37).
An act amendatory to the act entitled an act incorporating Liberia College, and the supplement thereto [naming Francis Burns, John Day, Daniel B. Warner, Francis Payne, Alfred F. Russell, Samuel F. McGill, Beverly R. Wilson, Amos Herring and B.V.R. James to the board of trustees and granting the College one thousand acres in each of the original four counties: Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Maryland] (1858, p. 37-38).
An act providing for a road from the St. Paul’s River to the settlement of Careysburg in the county of Montserrado (1858, p. 38).
An act divorcing John B[radberry] Jordan and Otillia Julien Jordan (1858, p. 39).
An act fixing the boundaries of the town of Robertsport (1858, p. 39).
An act providing for the pay of government interpretors [set at one dollar per day if employed by superintendents and courts of record or fifty cents per case in justice of the peace courts] (1858, p. 39-40).
A resolution providing for the payment of the militia of Sinoe County (1858, p. 40-41).
Resolution relieving the estate of Hon. R. E. Murray from claims against it by the Republic (1858, p. 41).
A resolution restoring Henry Roadman to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1858, p. 41).
An act incorporating a College (omitted in the compilation of 1856) [naming Alfred F. Russell, Samuel Benedict, Beverly R. Wilson, James B. McGill, Daniel B. Warner, Francis Payne, Amos Herring, B.V.R. James, D.T. Harris, H.M. Smith to the board of trustees and granting the College one hundred acres of land near Clay Ashland] (1858, p. 42-43).
From Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the sessions 1857-1861, inclusive. Monrovia: G. Killian, Printer, Liberia Herald Office, 1862.

An act chartering the City of Monrovia (1859, p. 45-50).
An act approving and appropriating a certain amount of money assumed and expended by the president in arresting the small pox (1859, p. 45).
An act amendatory to the second article of an act, entitled an act establishing the boundaries of the Republic, and defining the boundaries of the several counties (1859, p. 50).
A resolution recommending an amendment to the Constitution [second section of the second article] (1859, p. 50).
An act authorizing the removal of the obstructions from the Mechlin river and making appropriations for the same (1859, p. 51).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act incorporating Liberia College [moving the site from Clay Ashland to Monrovia and providing more seats on the board to Montserrado than other counties] (1859, p. 53).
An act supplementary to an act entitled “An act to maintain peace and enforce order on the highways of the interior” (1859, p. 53).
A resolution granting to the Presbyterian Missionary Society in the county of Sinoe one hundred acres of land for mission purposes [with certificate to be granted in the name of James R. Amos and T. H. Amos] (1859, p. 54).
An act fixing the salary of the superintendent of Marshall (1859, p. 54-55).
An act making appropriation [of seventy-five dollars] for H. Underwood [for services to invalids afflicted with smallpox] (1859, p. 55).
From Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the sessions 1857-1861, inclusive. Monrovia: G. Killian, Printer, Liberia Herald Office, 1862.

An act providing for the care and support of recaptured Africans (1860, p. 57-61).
An act authorizing the formation of an interior settlement at Nair Mountain in the county of Sinoe (1860, p. 61-63).
An act authorizing the formation of an interior settlement at Ghee’s Mountain in the county of Sinoe (1860, p. 63-65).
An act amendatory to an act entitled an act to amend “An act to regulate the militia” (1860, p. 65).
A resolution providing for the transcribing of the old colonial records of the Republic of Liberia (1860, p. 65-66).
An act imposing additional duties on the importation of certain articles and also for levying and collecting an additional tonnage duty on foreign ships and vessels and amendatory to an act entitled “Export duty bill” (1860, p. 66-67).
An act divorcing Georgianna M. and Jeremiah Hilliard (1860, p. 67).
A resolution authorizing the publishing [of three hundred copies at the cost of fifty dollars] of James L. Sims’ journal of travels to the interior of Liberia (1860, p. 67-68).
An act incorporating and chartering the city of Buchanan, Grand Bassa (1860, p. 68-70).
A resolution authorizing the suppression of the slave trade in Gallinas and its vicinity in the county of Montserrado [at the cost of up to ten thousand dollars] (1860, p. 70-71).
An act providing for the employment of an armed force to quell the rebellious movement of the Po-River or Naffaw tribe of Maryland County (1860, p. 71).
An act granting five acres of farm land, in addition to a town lot, to each immigrant of the settlement of Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount, in accordance with an act entitled “An act pertaining to the apportionment and improvement of lands” (1860, p. 71).
A special resolution for the relief of James R. Moore, sub-treasurer of Grand Bassa County [providing forty dollars to defray back rent for two years] (1860, p. 72).
A resolution concurring in the views and policy of the president of the Republic of Liberia, expressed in his correspondence on the question of recaptured Africans (1860, p. 72).
A resolution ratifying the compact between the American Colonization Society and the Republic of Liberia, in reference to recaptured Africans (1860, p. 72).
An act to amend an act entitled “An act defining certain crimes and relating to the punishment of crimes” (1860, p. 72-73).
A resolution restoring George W. Deadrick to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1860, p. 73).
A resolution restoring Joseph Rice of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1860, p. 73).
A resolution granting five acres of land to the Ladies Benevolent Society of Maryland County (1860, p. 73).
A resolution authorizing the payment of John H. Chavers [three hundred dollars] for services as acting commissary [for Montserrado County from Oct. 1 1852 to October 1, 1858] (1860, p. 74).
From Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the sessions 1857-1861, inclusive. Monrovia: G. Killian, Printer, Liberia Herald Office, 1862.

A resolution to authorize the issue of an additional amount of engraved bills (1861, p. 75).
An act divorcing Tristam Waters and Elizabeth Waters (1861, p. 75).
A special resolution for the relief of John W. Powell of the county of Grand Bassa [providing fifty dollars] (1861, p. 76).
An act amendatory to an act entitled “An act chartering the city of Buchanan” (1860, p. 76).
A resolution declaring the adoption of the amendment to the Constitution recommended by the legislature during the session of 1859-60 to allow the county of Maryland three representative (1861, p. 76-77).
Resolution to reimburse James C. Payne [sixty six dollars and forty two cents paid as an election penalty] (1861, p. 77).
An act amendatory to an act entitled “An act regulating deposits in the public treasury” (1860, p. 77).
An act chartering the township of Edina (1861, p. 77-79).
An act granting Careysburg and Marshall respectively a Provisional Monthly Court, also a Register’s Department at Careysburg (1861, p. 79).
An act regulating the payment of export duties and the deposit of the same in the several branches of the treasury (1860, pp. 79-80).
An act restoring Henry Hess, Samuel McKay, John Ellis Creek and others [i.e. Thomas Hoff, William McKay, Zip McKay, Robert White of Montserrado County; Louis Lowe, Lucinda Page, Charles Webb, George Holt, Benjamin Gordon, Elias Grant of Grand Bassa County; and Elvin Douglass of Sinoe County] (1860, p. 80).
An act authorizing the appointment of commissioners to select a site in the interior for the seat of government (1860, p. 80).
An act supplementary to an act authorizing the circulation of Copper coin and making the same a legal tender in this Republic (1860, p. 81).
An act providing for commissioners to enlist emigrants from the United States (1860, p. 81).
An act to prevent the setting of spring guns and spring knives [outlawing booby traps] (1860, p. 87).
An act supplementary to an act providing for the care and support of recaptured Africans [allowing for the apprenticing of adults as the previous act had provided for minors only] (1860, p. 87-88).
A resolution appropriating annually annually for the term of ten years the sum of three hundred dollars to the use and benefit of St. Mark’s Hospital (1860, p. 88).
A resolution suspending the operation of the second and third section of an act entitled “An act imposing additional duties on the importation of certain articles and levying and collecting additional tonnage duty on foreign ships and vessels” (1860, p. 88).
An act amendatory to an act entitled “An act regulating fees” [providing sixty cents per day for grand jury service and fifty cents for petit jurors] (1860, p. 88-89).
An act amendatory to an act providing for common schools [providing five thousand dollars annually] (1860, p. 84).
An act creating boarding officers in each of the ports of entry in this Republic, the port of Marshall excepted, and defining the duties of the same (1860, p. 84-86).
A resolution recommending the suspension of the National Fair provided by law, to be held in the county of Maryland in 1862 (1860, p. 86).
An act to amend and consolidate the several acts concerning Liberia College [naming as trustees: Alfred F. Russell, Beverly R. Wilson, Daniel B. Warner, Francis Payne, B.V. R. James, S. F. McGill, Francis Burns, Amos Herring, D.T. Harris and J. N. Lewis (for Montserrado County); J. S. Smith, S. S. Herring, C. L. de Randamie (Grand Bassa County); and J. M. Priest, Seborn Evans and H.B. Stewart (Sinoe County); J. T. Gibson, B. J. Drayton, R. S. McGill (Maryland County) and J. J. Roberts (President) (1860, p. 87-90).
An act requiring all deeds and conveyances of real estate to be probated and registered (1860, p. 90-91).
A resolution making appropriation of money with a view to develop the iron resources in the vicinity of Careysburg (1860, p. 92).
An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act providing for the care and support of recaptured Africans.
From Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the sessions 1857-1861, inclusive. Monrovia: G. Killian, Printer, Liberia Herald Office, 1862

A resolution providing for the purchase of a steam vessel for revenue service and to abrogate the former resolution for that purpose (1863, pp. 5-6).
An act pertaining to bounty land (1863, pp. 6-7)An act supplementary to “An act authorizing the appointment of surveyors for each county and defining their duties” (1863, pp. 7-8).
An act authorizing the appointment of commissioners to select a site in the interior for the seat of government (1863, pp. 7-8).
An act divorcing Rebecca Overton and Edward Overton (1863, p. 8)
Act appropriating forty dollars annually to William Morris of the city of Monrovia (1863, p. 9).
An act mendatory to an act chartering the township of Edina (1862, p. 9).
A resolution extending “Printing Street” to Shepard’s Lake” in the county of Maryland (1863, p. 9).
A resolution to authorize the issue of an additional amount of engraved bills (1863, p. 10).
A resolution providing for the closing up the recaptured African business (1863, p. 10).
An act confining and restricting foreign vessels to ports of entry (1863, p. 11).
An act for the reservation of public lands (1863, pp. 11-12).
An act for the relief of military officers (1862, p. 12).
An act divorcing Jacob M. Moore and Ann M. Moore, his wife (1862, pp. 12-13).
An act to divorce Thomas E. Dillon and Elizabeth Dillon (1863, p. 13).
A resolution ratifying the treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation between the Republic of Liberia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands (1863, pp. 13-14).
An act amendatory to an “Act to regulate the militia” (1863, p. 14).
An act supplementary to an act creating post offices and post masters in each county of this Republic (1863, p. 14).
An act for the relief of James McCray [providing twenty-four dollars annually] (186?, p. 14-15).
A resolution restoring John Houston of Clay-Ashland to citizenship (1863, p. 15).
An act chartering the Union Mechanic Association of Monrovia [naming as founding members: Henry E. Fuller, Gaston Killian, Thomas Roe, R.A. Sherman, S.C. Fuller, John Fuller, Thomas G. Fuller, Beverly R. WIlson, Edward C. Brown, F.P. David, I. Brown, Robert Hill, Henry Underwood, Jesse Sharp, D.B. Warner, J.W. Hilton and G.H. Mason] (1863, p. 15-16).
An act authorizing the president to adopt measures for entering into friendly relations and holding regular official intercourse with the native tribes in the different counties (1863, p. 16-17).
An act inducing citizens of other parts of Liberia to emigrate to the counties of Maryland and Sinoe in Liberia (1864, pp. 17-18).
An act authorizing the president to employ the vessels or boats of citizens of Liberia in the service and commission officers for the same (1864, p. 18).
Resolution ratifying a treaty of “Amity, commerce and navigation” between the Republic of Liberia and his majesty the king of Sweden and Norway (1864, p. 19).
A resolution authorizing and providing [eleven hundred dollars] for furniture for the president’s mansion (1864, p. 19).
A resolution providing for and authorizing the repairs of the “Liberia Schooner Quail” (1864, p. 20).
An act repealing an act entitled an act amendatory to an act regulating the militia (1864, p. 20).
Resolution suspending for five years an act entitled an act providing for a National Fair (1864, pp. 20-21).
An act to authorize the secretary of the treasury to effect a loan of currency now in circulation to the amount of seventy five thousand dollars (1864, p. 21).
An act authorizing the president to settle two hundred recaptive Africans in Maryland County (186?, pp. 21-22).
An act amendatory to “An act authorizing the establishment of a uniform currency” (1864, pp. 22-23).
A resolution authorizing the president to reimburse J.T. Gibson superintendent of Maryland County for monies expended in purchasing stationary for the government of the Republic (186?, p. 23).
A resolution authorizing the Republic of Liberia to bear all expenses in connection with the burial of Senator St. James Gilchrist (186?, p. 23).
An act suspending that part of an act entitled an act granting Careysburg and Marshall respectively a Provisional Monthly Court (1864, p. 23).
A resolution to relieve Henry P. Taite of Montserrado County, an emigrant from the West Indies [providing Taite and family one hundred dollars and fifty acres of land] (1854 (sic.) [1864?], p. 24).
An act authorizing the president to adopt measures to encourage emigration to Liberia from the West India islands (1894 (sic.) [1864?], p. 24).
Resolution authorizing the president to adopt such measures as will best effect the purpose of placing the inhabitants of the county of Maryland and other portions of the Republic of Liberia permanently in the possession of their farm lands (1864, p. 25).
An act amending an act establishing the judiciary and fixing the powers common to the several courts and repealing portions of an act for the punishment of larceny (1864, p. 25).
Resolution authorizing the president to sign a sufficient amount of engraved bills to defray the entire expenses of the present session of the legislature (186?, pp. 25-26).
An act restoring Allen Brown, Elijah Dill, S.A. Campion, John A. Rolin [of Montserrado County] and others [Jacob Purvis of Grand Bassa; Sandy Coffe, Prince Kennedy and Charles Green of Sinoe; and Sandy Ross of Maryland] to citizenship (1864, p. 26).
An act restoring Gilbert Austin to citizenship (1864, p. 26).
An act chartering the Union Agricultural Enterprise Company of the St. Paul’s River [naming as founding members: Peter M. Page, David Carter, David Kelly, S. George, G.R. Brown, G.W. Dixon, Thomas Howland, G.W. Moore and A. Washington] (1864, pp. 26-27).
An act authorizing the clearing out [of] the creek and its tributaries known as Congoe Creek in Montserrado County also that part of the Poor River adjacent to Grand Butaw and Wyet Creek running from Sinoe River to Settra-Kroo in Sinoe County and a creek or river near Grand Bassa Point, Lower Buchannan, and constructing a bridge over Big Creek in Maryland County (1864, pp. 27-28).
An act divorcing John Luca and Sarah Luca, Urias A. McGill and Angeline E. McGill, R.R. Savage and Marion L. Savage, Samuel Powers and S.E. Powers (1864, p. 28).
An supplementary to an act entitled an act to encourage citizens of other parts of Liberia to settle in Maryland and Sinoe County (1864, p. 29).
An act amendatory to an act entitled an act regulating tax and licenses (1864, p. 29).
Resolution providing for the repairs of the senate chamber (1864, pp. 29-30).
An act for the relief of Francis Davis [providing twenty four dollars annually] (1864, p. 30).
An act restoring Laurina Goode to the rights, etc., of citizenship (1864, p. 30).
An act providing for the funding of the floating debt of the Republic of Liberia and for the redemption of the same(1865, pp. 30-33).
A resolution fixing the adjournment of the present session of the legislature (1864, p. 33).
An act making an appropriation [of fifteen thousand dollars] for the building of a revenue cutter [to be named “Palmas’] at Harper, Maryland County (1864, p. 34).
An act to promote the progress of the arts, manufactures, agriculture and commerce [allowing for the patenting of inventions and discoveries] (1864, pp. 34-37).
An act to authorize the secretary of treasury to destroy by burning all the checks and the defaced and otherwise damaged currency now in the treasury department and any other of that description that may in future be received (1864, p. 37).
A resolution for the relief of the several counties [providing fifteen thousand dollars for the hiring of foreign man-of wars to protect Sinoe and Grand Bassa counties] (1864, pp. 37-38).
Resolution for the survey of this line between Clay-Ashland and Virginia (1864, p. 38).
An act to incorporate the Carysburg Livestock Company [naming Armistead Miller, William H. Dennis, Moses Coleman, Philip E. Twine and Benjamin Hornsby as founding members] (1865, pp. 38-39).
An act providing [fifteen hundred dollars] for the erection of light houses in the counties of Grand Bassa and Sinou (1865, pp. 39-40).
A resolution for the relief of the government [providing one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purchase of lumber or timber] (1865, p. 40).
An act to amend an act entitled an act amendatory to an act to regulate the militia (1865, p. 41).
A memorial to the president to have adjusted the public accounts [ordering the establishment of a commission to examine and adjust the accounts of ex-secretary of treasury Anderson] (1865, pp. 41-42).
An act amendatory to an act entitled an act confining and restricting foreign vessels to “ports of entry” (186?, p. 42).
An act destroying by burning one half of the demand currency notes made payable in gold or silver coin by the treasury of Liberia and all checks, treasury script and other papers showing government indebtedness that have been redeemed by government up to December 31, 1865 (186?, pp. 43-45).
An act to prevent the further issue of treasury notes as are being now issued under the act providing for the funding of the floating debt of the Republic of Liberia and authorizing the issue of treasury notes of the Republic of Liberia and for the redemption of the same, approved January 2, 1864, and for the redemption of such notes already issued (1865, pp. 45-46).
An act to change the venue from one county to another in civil cases (186?, pp. 46-47).
An act supplementary to an act to amend an act regulating taxes and licenses (186?, pp. 47-48).
An act authorizing the secretary of the treasury to pay certain individuals, citizens of Europe and the United States of America [paying three hundred and ninety three dollars and five cents to J.M. Harriott, Liverpool, England; one thousand dollars to James Hall, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; nine hundred and sixty dollars to C. Woormann, Hamburg; and one thousand dollars to Henry Muller] (186?, p. 48).
Acts passed during the session, December 1863,” Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the sessions 1863-1865, inclusive. Monrovia: G. Killian, Printer, Liberia Herald Office, 1866 (Check this citation)

A resolution restoring Peter Minor of Montserrado County to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1867, p. 3).
An act to increase the revenue [by increasing the duty from nine percent to twelve on transient sales, from twelve to fifteen percent on direct consignments and twenty-five to thirty-seven cents per gallon of imported liquors] (1867, pp. 3-5).
An act to amend an act to repeal part of an act laying an interdict upon the Kroo Countries [specifically Settra Kroo, Nanna Kroo, Little Kroo, King Wills Town and Warpee, in order to secure the return of Toe, the alleged murderer of James Douglass, a Sinoe resident] (1868, pp. 5-6).
An Act creating river pilots for the different rivers at the several ports of entry in the Republic of Liberia and defining the duties, fees and penalties of the same (1868, pp. 6-7).
A resolution absolving and restoring John O. Evans [Jr.] to citizenship (1868, pp. 7-8).
An act for the relief of Charles R. Johnson of Grand Bassa County, who was wounded in the Gatoomba War, in the early settlement of this Republic, and who has served his country for many years as a military officer [providing sixty dollars annually] (1868, p. 8)
An act divorcing Martha E. McKenzie and Lambert McKenzie (1868, p. 8).
Resolution removing the chief justice [Edward James Roye, for causing several judges to resign in protest of his “gross inconsistencies and legal outrages” in the case of the Schooner Phoebe Harris] (1868, p. 9).
An act defining the payment of duties, etc., etc. (1868, pp. 9-10).
An act to prevent the depreciation of government currency (1868, pp. 10-11).
An act regulating the city of Greenville [fixing the salaries of the mayor and City Court chairman at one dollar per day and reducing the number of council members from nine to five] (1868, p. 11).
An act for the relief of H. B. Matthews (of Montserrado County, providing forty dollars annually] (1868, p. 12).
An act granting a pension to J. T. Richardson of Montserrrado County (who had an arm broken in the 1840 Gatoomba War, providing sixty dollars annually).
An act authorizing the appointment of wharfingers at each of the ports of entry of this Republic and defining their duties (1868, pp. 12-13).
From Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during its session commencing December 1867. Published by authority, Monrovia: J. Adam Clarke, printer, 1868.

An act amending an act entitled an act amendatory to an act regulating fees [for jurors, sheriffs, constables and coroner’s jurymen] (1869, p. 3).
An act regulating the militia of the Republic of Liberia (1869, p. 3-5).
An act regulating the pay of officers, crew and mariners of the revenue cutter “Liberia” or any other revenue vessel belonging to government (1869, pp. 5-6).
[A resolution authorizing the secretary of treasury to pay A.F. Johns of Montserrado County one year’s interest at the legal rate of six percent on three thousand eight hundred and ninety nine dollars on vouchers issued to him by W.H. Lynch and Benjamin Anderson, former secretaries of treasury] (1869, pp. 6-7).
An act for the encouragement of agriculture and authorizing and requesting the president to enter into and conclude a commercial treaty with the government of the United States of America to mutually admit free of duty, certain articles of merchandize [meaning beef, pork, flour, pilot and navy bread from the United States and sugar, coffee, arrow-root and ginger from Liberia] (1869, p. 7).
An act providing for the revision and compilation of the statute laws of Liberia [by J. J. Roberts, based upon the Law Commentaries of Blackstone by Chitty and Wendal and the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, at the cost of fifteen hundred dollars, including printing] (1869, pp. 7-8).
[A resolution expressing thanks to the U.S. government for the Emancipation Proclamation, congratulations to enslaved African Americans upon their emancipation and thanks to God for the restoration of peace in the United States] (1869, p. 9).
A resolution to suppress the aboriginal difficulties existing in our northwestern boundaries, in the Gallinas Territory [providing for ten thousand dollars and between four hundred and five hundred Liberian militia to be sent, in response to an alleged request by Prince Bomboo to assist in the defense of his people and their allies, the Zaroh, the latter having recently emancipated themselves from domestic slavery under the Vey and Gallinas, from attacks by the Veys and Gallinas led by Prince Mannah] (1868, pp. 9-10).
An act proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia [changing the term of senators from four to eight years and of the president and representatives from two to four years] (1869, pp. 10-11).
An act authorizing the removal of obstructions from the Marphar River and making appropriation [of fifty dollars] for same (1868, pp. 11-12).
An act creating an interior department (1869, pp. 12-15).
A resolution to be appended to the appropriation bill, authorizing the secretary of the treasury to draw debentures in favor of the president and vice president for the fiscal year ending September 30th 1869 in the same manner as is provided for the legislature (1869, pp. 15-16).
An act [providing forty-nine dollars and fifty cents each] for the relief of Joseph Blanchard [of Grand Bassa] and WIlliam H. Hill [Montserrado, both having been wounded in military service] (1869, pp. 16-17).
A joint resolution [allowing four hundred eighty one and seventy nine cents to be refunded by the treasury department, at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars and forty-five cents] for the relief of Lewis Barker [of Montserrado County, who came of age in 1858] (1869, p. 16).
An act supplementary to an act amendatory to an act entitled an act confining and restricting foreign vessels to ports of entry (1869, p. 17).
A resolution ordering the secretary of treasury to burn in the presence of the legislature all demand notes, scripts, checks, debentures and other evidences of money now belonging to the government (1869, p. 17).
An act to incorporate the Ladies First Mutual Relief Society of Cape Palmas [ naming Ann E. Dennis, president; Maria Dent, vice president; Mary A. Fletcher, treasurer; Sarah J. Simpson, secretary; Harriet E. Lee, assistant secretary; Charlotte F. Donaldson, chief manager; and managers: Mary A. Simpson, Julia A. Hance, Cecelia A. Hamilton, Mary A. Harris, Sarah Scotland, J.M. Thompson and Catherine Cooper] (1869, pp. 17-18).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act defining the payment of duties (1869, pp. 18-19).
A resolution for the relief of [Hamburg-native] William Jantzen, esquire, consignee of the Barque “Bielefield” [refunding two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty cents, representing duty paid at the Grand Bassa port on an ex post facto basis (1869, pp. 19-20).
Resolution to prevent judges and justices of the peace or any other officer entrusted with the administration of the laws of this Republic from issuing writs in civil cases against members of the legislature (1869, p. 20).
An act appropriating eighty dollars annually to and for the use of the [blind and destitute] widow of Hon. John H. Paxton, late senator of this Republic and of the county of Montserrado (1869, pp. 20-21)
A resolution restoring William Jackson and Ann Minor of Montserrado County and Alexander Jackson and Boston Dade of Maryland County to the rights and privileges of other good citizens of this Republic (1869, pp. 21).
An act encouraging mining in Liberia [by allowing Liberians to associate with foreign capitalists, mineralogists and miners in search of coal and other precious ores and fixing duty on exported ore at no more five percent on the dollar] (1869?, pp. 21-22).
Resolution requiring the secretary of the treasury to have his annual report printed before submitting it to the legislature (1869, pp. 22-23).
A resolution reimbursing Gilly Bunner [twelve hundred and forty-eight dollars deposited in the Liberian treasury by Bunner’s late mother, Tempy Brown] (1869, p. 23).
[Resolution directing the treasury secretary to pay J.C. Minor one hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty seven cents for services as judge of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Montserrado] (1869, pp. 23-24).
A resolution fixing the day for adjournment of the present session of the legislature (1869, p. 24).
An act regulating the contesting seats in the legislature and defining the duties of contestants (1869, pp. 24-27).
[An act regulating seamen and merchants, with sample contract to be signed by ship masters] (1869, pp. 27-33, 38).
[A resolution authorizing the president to appoint a commissioner of education for each county, to facilitate the incorporation of aborigines and the “upbuilding of this Negro nationality”] (1869, pp. 33-36).
An act regulating an act interdicting Settra Kroo (1869, pp. 36-37)
An act appropriating forty dollars annually to William Jumbo, a Krooman of Montserrado County (1869, p. 37).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during its session 1869 (u.p., u.d.).

An act authorizing specific duties on certain articles imported into the Republic of Liberia and the collection of the same (1870, pp. 3-4).
An act to repeal an act defining the payment of duties etc., etc. (1870, pp. 4-5).
An act incorporating the Palm Grove Cemetery Company of Monrovia [consisting of two acres opposite the public burial ground with Henry Wesley Dennis, Charles Benjamin Dunbar and William McCall Davis of Monrovia named as members of the corporation] (1870, pp. 5-6).
An act authorizing the negotiation of a loan [of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand dollars in gold or silver coins, to be paid by a one dollar excise tax on each male citizen] (1870, pp. 6-7).
An act creating commissioner of internal revenue [to whom all tax collectors will report] (1870, p. 7),
An amendatory act to an act establishing the judiciary and fixing the powers common to the several courts (1870, p. 8).
An act declaring certain days to be national holidays [namely July 26 as Independence Day and the first Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day] (1870, p. 9-10).
Resolution ratifying the appointment of Honorable J. J. Roberts, Minister Plenipotentiary and also his negotiation for arms, munitions of war, etc., etc., and the distribution of the same in the leeward counties of this Republic (1870, pp. 10-11).
An act to remove the county seat to the township of Clay Ashland, St. Paul’s River [appropriating four thousand dollars for the construction of a county court house and jail in Clay Ashland and ordering the destruction of the building in Monrovia which to date housed the court house and Senate chamber (1870, pp. 11-12).
A resolution to amend the law regulating appeals and also the law defining certain crimes and relating to the punishment of crimes (1870, pp. 12-13).
A resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to pay [two hundred and sixty two dollars to] Captain Andrew M. Jackson and other certain individuals being [fifty six] persons who at the call of the government volunteered their services for the defence of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia (1870, p. 13).
A resolution declaring the opinion of the people on the Constitutional amendment [authorizing referendum on the first Tuesday of May, 1870] (1870, p. 13).
A joint resolution for the relief of the corporation of the city of Monrovia [authorizing the secretary of state to substitute for the city recorder in the local election] (1870, p. 14).
[A resolution authorizing the secretary of treasury to pay E. M. Morris three year’s interest in advance on money deposited in the treasury by her late husband, Edward] (1870, p. 14).
An act to set apart a piece of land known as Court House Square Buchanan, Grand Bassa County (1870, pp. 14-15).
A resolution for the relief of Cato Sims of Montserrado County [restoring hims to all the rights and privileges of citizenship] (1870, p. 15).
An act for the relief of the settlement of Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount (1870, pp. 15-16).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1869-1870. Published by authority Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1870.

A resolution ratifying the actions of the sovereign people of the Republic of Liberia in deposing Edward James Roye, fifth president of the Republic, for the reasons set forth in the manifesto of the executive committee of the provisional government and confirming all of their acts as set forth in said manifesto (1871, p. 3).
An act for temporarily lengthening the time of the December term of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas for Montserrado County and especially extending the sitting of the same [to ensure speedy trial of Roye administration officials] (1871, pp. 3-4).
Resolution authorizing and directing the president of the Republic of Liberia to secure the service of a good and efficient physician and direct him to proceed at once to Maryland County for the purpose of assisting the physician of Maryland County in arresting the smallpox now rapidly spreading in said county (1871, pp. 4-5).
Resolution providing for the landing and safekeeping of the cargo of the ship “Town,” until otherwise ordered by the legislature[to be held by H.W. Dennis, lawyer, and Sherman and Dimery, merchants, as security until questions surrounding the Roye loan are settled] (1871, p. 5).
A resolution authorizing the appointment of a committee to arrange for the erection of a monument to the memory of Rev. S. J. Mills (1872, p. 6).
Resolution authorizing the sale of the government vessel “Liberia” (1872, p. 6).
[An act divorcing Reginald A. Sherman and Sarah L. Sherman and H. R.W. Johnson and Sarah V. Johnson] (1872, p. 7).
An act restoring George Kimmings of Harrisburg, Montserrado County, and Benjamin N. Bond of Grand Bassa County to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1872, p. 7).
[An act ratifying the loan contracted by Edward James Roye, H.W. Johnson, W.S. Anderson and D. Chinery in the name of the Republic] (1872, pp. 7-8).
[A resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to obtain a loan of six thousand dollars from Liberians to defray increased government costs resulting from overthrow of the Roye administration, especially the expenses of the police guards and the Court of Quarter Session (1872, pp. 8-9).
A resolution restoring James S. Payne, Jr., formerly captain of the company called the “Montserrado Regulars” to militia franchise (1872, p. 9).
[A resolution authorizing a five hundred dollar reward for information on twenty four thousand dollars missing from the loan contracted by former President Roye and his commissioners (1872, pp. 9-10).
An act to open a public road from Careysburg to the City of Monrovia [at the cost of five hundred dollars] (1872, pp. 10-11).
[An act authorizing the granting of two hundred acres of land to the New York State Colonization through its president H.M Schieffelin for the establishment of a Manual Labor Institute] (1872, p. 11).
An act to repeal an act entitled an act creating commissioners of internal revenue (1872, p. 12).
Joint resolution tendering the thanks of the legislature of Liberia to Messrs. R. A. Sherman, Charles B. Dunbar and Amos Herring and all the good citizens of Montserrado County, who performed service under the provisional government (1872, p. 12).
A resolution regulating and authorizing government printing [of the legislature and the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Montserrado County, from the deposition of E. J. Roye to the inauguration of J. J. Roberts, at a cost of two thousand dollars] (1872, pp. 12-13).
Resolution authorizing the appointment of two commissioners in each of the counties of the Republic, to examine and adjust the public accounts (1872, pp. 13-14).
An act providing for the disposal of the consignment of merchandise to the government per Brig “Town of Liverpool” (1872, pp. 15-16).
Joint resolution of the senate and house of representatives of the Republic of Liberia upon the special communication of the president, on the state of affairs among the natives more or less under the dominion and rule of Farquaqua in Monstserrado County [and appropriating an additional six thousand dollars to enforce order on the highway to the interior] (1872, 16).
[A resolution authorizing an additional six hundred and fifty dollars for government printing, especially the journals of the recent treason and felony cases] (1872, p. 17).
A resolution authorizing the furnishing of the several departments of government with stamps (1872, p. 17).
Resolution appropriating seventy five dollars to Joseph H. Harmon of Maryland County (1872, p. 18).
Resolution showing the front boundary of the settlement of Crozierville (1872, p. 18).
A resolution restoring George Elias Titler [of Montserrado] and Elias Cooper [Maryland] to citizenship (1872, p. 18).
A resolution repealing the second and fifth sections of an act entitled an act to remove the county seat of Montserrado County to the township of Clay-Ashland, Saint Paul’s River (1872, p. 19).
[Resolution reimbursing the five days expenses to the secretary of the senate and representatives who had to come to the capital one month early due to the removal of the Roye government] (1872, p. 19).
A resolution fixing a day for adjournment of the present session of the legislature (1872, p. 20).
An act providing for the better regulation of the collection of the public revenue [making it a misdemeanor for any official to receive at the Custom House an species other than those approved by law (1872, pp. 20-21).
An act for the better carrying into effect the regulations of the towns and villages of this Republic [concerned particularly with election of commissioners and collection of property taxes] (1872, p. 22).
A resolution authorizing the president to grant the secretary of the treasury a warrant to issue or draw drafts on the remaining amount of money on deposit in England to the credit of Liberia from the loan (1872, p. 22).
Resolution to repair the government house in the city of Monrovia, known as the Representative Hall, and to build suitable houses required in the government square [at a cost of up to two thousand dollars] (1872, p. 22).
Resolution appropriating two thousand dollars for the traveling expenses of the president of the Republic of Liberia on the Liberian coast (1872, p. 22).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1871-1872. Published by authority by L. R. Leone, printer, Republican Office: Monrovia, 1872. (Features oversized initial letter in each title.).

An act amendatory and supplementary to an act entitled an act establishing the treasury department (1873, pp. 3-8).
An act making provision for the payment of certain claims due by government (1872, p. 9).
An act regulating the pay of the president and vice president of the Republic of Liberia or other officer in case of the absence or disability of the president (1873, p. 10).
An act amendatory to an act entitled “An act relating to divorces” [allowing divorces for reasons other than adultery] (1873, p. 11).
An act authorizing the appointment of shipping masters at the several ports of entry in Liberia [Also establishing a one dollar tax for each worker shipped and imposing import duties on goods brought by returning workers] (1873, pp. 12-13).
An act repealing the charter of the City of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County [in response to petitions from residents against oppressive taxation and unconstitutional conduct by city officials] (1873, pp. 13-14).
An act regulating the payment of tonnage dues by vessels which may casually visit a single port of entry within the Republic of Liberia (1873, p. 14).
[A resolution authorizing the secretary of treasury to burn all defaced currency] (1873, pp. 14-15).
An act encouraging agriculture throughout the Republic of Liberia (1873, p. 15).
An act supplementary to the act entitled an act authorizing specific duties approved Feby. 22nd, 1870 (1873, p. 16).
An act regulating the working of prisoners [establishing country jailors are responsible for the supervising prisoners sentenced to hard labor and fixing compensation at thirty seven and a half cents per day] (1873, p. 16).
An act organizing a board of trade [also described as a bureau of commerce, with one sub-office each in Maryland, Sinoe and Grand Bassa (1873, pp. 17-19).
An act to incorporate Trinity Church in Monrovia [naming Garrison W. Gibson, rector; William M. Davis, warden; Martin H. Freeman, warden; James B. Yates, vestryman; H. R.W. Johnson, vestryman; and Charles B. Dunbar, vestryman] (1873, pp. 19-20).
Resolution authorizing the disposal of the remainder of the consignment of merchandise to the government per Brig “Town of Liverpool” [to be auctioned at market prices, with half of proceeds going to the national government and one-eighth each to Maryland, Sinoe, Grand Bassa and Montserrado] (1873, p. 20).
An act altering and amending an act entitled an act “Incorporating the Palm Grove Cemetery of Monrovia” [substituting C. B. Dunbar, H. W. Dennis and W. M. Davis instead of originally named board] (1873, pp. 21-22).
Joint resolution authorizing the printing of two hundred copies of the secretary of treasury’s report for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30th 1872 (1873, p. 22).
An act authorizing the president personally to visit Great Britain, in order finally to adjust and make settlement of all matters pertaining to the National Loan; to secure the services of a geologist and mineralogist to aid in the development of the resources of the country; to pay all legal foreign debts of the Republic, etc., etc. (1873, p. 22)**
Resolution authorizing the president to make an official visit abroad (1873, p. 22).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the present session of the legislature (1873, p. 22).
An act for the relief of Geerge (sic.) W. Smith (1873, p. 23)
Resolution authorizing the president to grant valid deeds in lieu of certain invalid deeds executed by D.R. Fletcher of Maryland County (1873, p. 23).
An act divorcing Isaac C. Dickinson and Sarah E. Dickinson, Isaac Ostertag and Louisa Ostertag, Richard Kennedy and Patsey E. Kennedy, W. H. Buchanan and Levica Buchanan, David Gibson and Josephine Gibson, C. T. O. King and Nancy King, I. N. Turner and Henrietta Turner, Andrew Toliver and Cecilia Toliver, James Williams and Jame Williams, Abraham Shelton and Roas Shelton, George S. Woods and L. J. Woods, Andrew Hawkins and Mary Hawkins, Beverly Payne and Mary Payne, Robert Alphin and R. A. Alphin, J. D. Jones and Sarah Jones, John Norman and Lucy Norman, Henry Butler and Martha Butler, Peter White and Mary White (1873, p. 23).
Resolution granting L. K. Crocker of Little Bassa three hundred acres of land (1873, p. 23).
An act legitimizing James Martain (sic.) Moore, son of Jacob M. Moore, Jr. (1873, p. 23).
Resolution for the relief of Alexander Stubblefield of Montserrado County (1873, p. 23).
A resolution restoring Reuben Whitemore and Robert Hines of Sinou County to citizenship (1873, p. 23).
Resolution granting the citizens of Careysburg twenty five muskets or rifles and ammunition (1873, p. 23).
A resolution providing for the erection of a monument to the memory of Rev. S. J. Mills (1873, p. 23).
A resolution for the relief of John Marshall (1873, p. 23).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session of 1872-1873. Published by authority Monrovia: L. R. Leone, printer, “Republican Office,” 1873. (Features large initial letter in each title.) ** The “Acts passed by the legislature” (1873) gives titles without text for this and the next 12 acts and resolutions, all of which appear at the end of the book, suggesting that the printer ran out of paper or time for typesetting the body text of these acts and resolution. This expedient measure might have cost Leone his contract for printing legislative acts because, as of the following year, the “Acts” are published under the imprint of “T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office.”

Resolution making an appropriation [of four hundred and fifty dollars] for the inauguration of the president and vice president, elect, of the Republic of Liberia (1874, p. 3).
An act authorizing the survey and construction of a cross-street on Public Farm Hill, Maryland County (1874, pp. 3-4).
An act fixing the salary of members [at four hundred dollars per year, plus fifteen cents per mile for travel to and from Monrovia] and officers of the legislature (1874, pp. 4-5).
A resolution authorizing the secretary of state to accept the invitation of the United States Government to cooperate in the international exhibition to be held in the city of Philadelphia, A.D. 1876, and the appointment of commissioners to the same (1874, pp. 5-6).
[Resolution establishing commissioners for relations with interior chiefs - one per the four leeward counties, each with an assistant and six baggage carriers (1874, pp. 6-10).
A resolution appropriating nine thousand one hundred sixty eight dollars and thirteen cents and directing the payment of the same to the government of the United States as the interest due that government on an amount for arms and munitions of war, and also for the appointment of a commissioner to proceed direct to Sierra Leone to adjust and make a final settlement of the indemnity bonds [worth eighteen thousand two hundred and seventy five dollars] held by the administrator of the British African Settlements at Sierra Leone, in favour of British subjects (1874, pp. 10-11).
A resolution providing for the revisal, compiling and printing of six hundred copies of the revised Statutes of Liberia [appropriates two hundreds for each of two lawyers who will examine the Statutes already compiled by H.W. Johnson, Jr., specifies that the Statutes be published in “small pica” in the United States and that two hundred copies be bound in calf at cost of fourteen hundred dollars] (1874, pp. 11-12).
Resolution authorizing the burning of useless moneys (1874, p. 12).
An act to incorporate the Union Missionary Society of the county of Grand Bassa (naming James S. Smith, M. D., D. F. Smith, J. L. Crusoe, Joseph J. Blyden, Anthony W. Gardner, Charles Clinton, John H. Clinton, H. L. Crusoe, J. J. Cheeseman, James M. Horace, W. Brumskine and Samuel Strothers Herring) (1874, pp. 12-13).
Resolution providing one hundred acres of public lands to S[amuel] S[trothers] Herring, introducer of the palm kernel trade, as a premium (1872, pp. 13-14).
Resolution restoring Winder A. Harris of the town of Edina, Grand Bassa County, to citizenship (1876, p. 15).
Resolution restoring William H. Hill of New Georgia to military franchise (1874, p. 15).
An act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing the first day of October, Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Three, and ending the thirteenth day of September, Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Four [Sets appropriation at one hundred forty four thousand and one hundred fifty six dollars and twenty nine cents and details the salaries of civil servants, from the presidents to “runners”] (1874, pp. 17-25).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1873-1874. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1874. (Oversized initial letter are no longer used in each title. Compared to previous issue, type lines up more consistently, imprint shows sharper contrast with fewer, if any, typographical errors.)

Resolution providing for the sale of the government steam-tug and all appurtenances to the same (1875, p. 3).
Resolution providing for the erection of a public building in Grand Bassa County (1875, pp. 3-4).
An act appropriating fifteen hundred dollars for the erection of a court house and jail in Robertsport, Montserrado County (1875, p. 4)
An act providing for the support of the general government [ordering each county to submit half of all revenue from imports and exports for support of the national government] (1875, pp. 4-5).
An act to incorporate “The Liberian Saint Paul’s River Steamboat and Tramway Company” for the convenience and facility of the citizens traveling and for the interior trade” [naming as company members: J. W. Good, G. W. Gibson, M. R. Richards, Moses Rick, R. C. Cooper, J. W. Blacklidge, W. D. Coleman, G. W. Walker, E. T. Holder, Francis King, S. D. Richards, I. J. Ash, T. C. Lomax, R. R. Johnson, I. C. Capehart, Stephen Bond, S. C. Fuller, Sol. Fuller, Joseph Ash, E. C. Clack (sic.) and T. C. Mitchell of Montserrado County with S. H. Crayton and W. E. Harris of Sinoe] (1875, pp. 5-7).
An act providing for the appointment of auditors of public accounts in the several leeway counties and defining the duties of the same (1875, pp. 7-8).
Resolution providing for the distribution of the specie in the treasury [in the following manner: for participation in the U.S. Centennial Exhibition, four thousand and five hundred dollars; five hundred dollars to each of four counties; two thousand nine hundred and ten dollars to the legislature; two hundred dollars to the Supreme Court, with recipients of gold species ordered to pay a twelve-percent premium] (1875, pp. 9-10).
Resolution amendatory to a resolution passed during the present session of the legislature respecting the distribution of the specie in the treasury (1875, p. 10).
An act authorizing the secretary of the treasury to negotiate a loan of twenty five thousand dollars upon the faith and credit of the revenue of this Republic [to pay overdue salaries of public school teachers in Montserrado County] (1875, p. 10).
An act to amend an act entitled an act authorizing the secretary of the treasury to negotiate a loan of twenty five thousand dollars upon the faith and credit of the revenue of the Republic of Liberia [ordering the secretary to pay no more than seven percent interest] (1875, p. 11).
Resolution amendatory to a resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to negotiate a loan of twenty five thousand dollars on the faith and credit of the revenue of this Republic [allowing the secretary to negotiate for a loan of up to twenty five thousand, rather than limiting him to that exact amount, as worded in the original] (1875, p. 11)***
An act to amend an act entitled an act encouraging agriculture throughout the Republic of Liberia [increasing the reward offered farmers from ten dollars to twelve dollars per thousand seedings planted, if more than five thousand are planted, and from five to six dollars per acre of ginger, ground peas and arrowroot, if more than two acres] (1875, pp. 11-12).
Resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the present session of the legislature (1875, p. 12).
An act reorganizing the supreme court of the Republic of Liberia [authorizing two associate justices to assist the Chief Justice] (1875, pp. 12-15).
Resolution appropriating one hundred and fifty dollars to assist the citizens of Brewersville to clear out Logan’s creek and to throw up a short path in the swamps running from said creek to the town (1875, pp. 15-16).
An act amendatory to a resolution approved January 26, 1874, authorizing the secretary of state to accept the invitation of the U.S. government to cooperate in the International Exhibition to be held in the city of Philadelphia in 1876, and the appointment of commissioners to the same (1875, pp. 16-18).
An act to renew and extend the plots and to transcribe the records of lands [providing for the drawing of accurate maps of every town, particularly of deeded land within each] (1875, pp. 18-19).
An act granting to one of the principal chieftains in each of the counties of this Republic, a yearly stipend of one hundred dollars (1875, p. 20).
A resolution granting one hundred acres of public land [on the north side of the St. Paul River] to J. T. Dimery, agent of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of the United States, for educational purposes (1875, pp. 20-21).
Resolution providing [one town lot in Edina and ten acres of bounty lands] for the relief of Maria Titler, widow of Ephraim Titler of the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia [a delegate to the 1847 Constitutional Convention] (1875, pp. 21-22).
An act appropriating funds to reimburse the estate of E[zra] W. Wright, deceased through the administrator and administratrix of his estate, on account of [seventy five thousand dollars at seven percent interest] moneys loaned the government [in 1864] (1875, pp. 22-23).
Resolution to reimburse [eighty nine dollars and fifty cents] James R. Moore, sub-treasurer of Grand Bassa (1875, p. 23).
An act restoring Henderson Shern, Rebecca Parker, Jackson Dimery, Warrock Coverson, James Bally, Lavinia Barnett, H. A. Erskine and William H. Arthur to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1875, p. 23).
An act restoring F. C. Holderness to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1875, p. 24).
An act to incorporate the First Presbyterian Church of Monrovia [naming as leaders: Robert A.M. Deputie, Daniel B. Warner, Joseph W. Hilton and Jehu T. Dimery] (1875, pp. 24-25).
Resolution granting D. R. Fletcher, M.D., of Maryland County, two hundred dollars for services rendered the people in arresting the smallpox in said county (1875, p. 25).
Resolution reimbursing H.A. Williams of Grand Bassa County [the sum of one hundred dollars for transporting Bassa’s legislative delegates and their belongings to Monrovia] (1875, pp. 25-26).
Resolution of relief authorizing the secretary of the treasury to pay to James M. Horace [senator] of Grand Bassa, the sum of six hundred and twenty five dollars under an act repealing an “Act interdicting trade town and adjacent countries and approved A.D. 1867” [as refund for payment to Prince Boyer on behalf of the government] (1875, pp. 26-27).
Resolution authorizing the payment of certain moneys to J.D. Preston for services rendered as school commissioner for the county of Grand Bassa in 1872, under the special appointment and direction of President Roberts [exactly one hundred and ninety four dollars] (1875, pp. 27-28).
Resolution granting an extension of time in favor of E. S. Morris and George Stockham on letters patent [for improvements in the manufacture of indigo and in machines for hulling coffee, based upon patents originally granted to Theodore T. Woodruff of Philadelphia, but transferred by him to E.S. Morris who tranferred partial interest to George and J. O. Neal Stockham, all of Philadelphia] (1875, p. 28).
An act creating a board of trustees in Maryland County, to be denominated Trustees of the Hall’s School Fund, and defining the duties of the same [naming R. S. McGill, Sr., Henson W. Moulton, Charles H. Lee, Daniel F. Wilson and Elijah H. A. Dennis to administer seven thousand five hundred dollars donated by James Hall of Maryland, United States of America] (1875, pp. 29-30).
An act to amend the charter of Liberia College [reducing to seven the number of trustee needed for a quorum and converting from regular to ex-officio status all trustees from leeward counties, due to the hardships and costs of transportation to Monrovia for regular meetings] (1875, pp. 30-31).
An act chartering Mountain Mining Company, Sinoe County [naming Z.B.Roberts, R.S. Jones, F.J. Grante, Josiah Neyle, N.J.A. Maarschalk, William Kelly, Edward Berquine and W.W. McDonough, all of Greenville, Sinoe County] (1875, pp. 31-32).
Resolution for the relief of Benjamin Anderson, chief commissioner to the interior of Montserrado County [refund of three hundred dollars spent for journey to Musadu] (1875, p. 33-34).
An act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing the first day of October, A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Four, and ending the thirtieth day of September, A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Five [Sets appropriation at one hundred forty eight thousand and three hundred and forty dollars and ninety-four cents and details the salaries of civil servants, from the presidents to “runners”] (1874, pp. 17-25).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1874-1875. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1875. Although the resolution marked *** is characterized as amending a previous “resolution,” the original was labeled “an act,” an incorrect characterization since the legislature’s directive was narrowly focus in contrast to acts which are binding on all citizens or residents of a particular geographic area.

A resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia to interdict all of the native tribes in the county of Maryland, who are in rebellion to the Liberian government (1876, p. 4).
An act providing for the issuing of thirty thousand dollars in engraved bills and making the same a legal tender of the Republic of Liberia (1876, pp. 5-6).
An act to amend “An act authorizing the issuing of thirty thousand dollars engraved bills” passed during the present session of the legislature (1876, p. 6).
An act providing for the better protection of the aborigines living with the jurisdiction of the Republic of Liberia in the prosecution of lawful traffic and trade and in the disposal of the same to Liberian or foreign traders or merchants, also amending several laws regulating licenses (1876, pp. 6-7).
[An act to authorize the use of reasonable force by the president to rescue Captain F. A. Gross and Commissary R. L. Griggs, captured while fighting in Bassaw, Maryland County (1876, pp. 7-8).
A resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia to negiotiate a treaty of defensive alliance and protection with the United State government (1876, p. 8).
A resolution proposing sundry amendments to the Constitution of Liberia [extending the term of the president from two to four years, the representatives to four and senators to eight (1876, pp. 8-10).
An act incorporating and assimilating the Sinou native tribe, residing in the county of Sinou [appropriating three hundred dollars for surveying in connection with fulfilling the conditions of this act and authorizing the president to incorporate other groups desirous of similarly associating with the Republic without further legislative action (1876, pp. 10-13).
An act to amend the several existing acts regulating the militia (1876, pp. 13-17).
An act authorizing the government of Liberia to lease lands to foreigners (1876, p. 17).
An act supplementary and amendatory to “an act authorizing the government of Liberia to lease lands to foreigners,” passed during the present session (1876, p. 18).
An act to repeal ”An act authorizing specific duties on certain articles importing into the Republic of Liberia and collection of the same,” approved January twenty second, eighteen hundred and seventy (1870) and regulating the payment of duties on imports (1876, pp. 18-19).
An act of naturalization admitting aliens to become citizens of the Republic of Liberia (1876, pp. 20-21).
Resolution suspending the sixth section of “An act amendatory and supplementary to an act entitled an act establishing the treasury department,” approved February 3, 1873 (1876, p. 21).
Resolution authorizing the signing and issuing one hundred thousand dollars of old currency to meet the general expenses of government and the war in Maryland county and other points on the Liberian coast (1876, pp. 21-23).
An act authorizing and directing the post master general of the Republic of Liberia to remit all funds arising from foreign postage to the British Foreign Post Office (1876, p. 23).
Resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the first session of the fifteenth legislature of the Republic of Liberia (1876, pp. 23-24).
An act authorizing a loan of not less than ten million dollars [for developing interior agriculture and trade] (1876, pp. 24-27).
An act forbidding the importation and sale of firearms and munitions of warfare into the county of Maryland (1876, pp. 27-28).
Resolution authorizing the secretary of State to decline the invitation of U.S. government to take part in the centennial exhibition of 1876 (1876, p. 28).
Resolution authorizing the president to draw two hundred dollars for the expenses of the inauguration (1876, pp. 28-29).
Joint resolution of thanks to Consul-General Jackson and the donors in England who so generously gave supplies for the relief of Maryland (1876, p. 29).
An act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate The Liberian St. Paul’s River Steamboat and Tramway Company for the convenience of the citizens traveling and for the interior trade (1876, pp. 29-30).
An act divorcing W. M. Davis and his wife Fanny Davis, also James McMullen and his wife Rebecca McMullen (1876, pp. 30-31).
An act repealing the charter of the city of Greenville in Sinoe County [due to the instituting of oppressive laws] (1876, p. 31).
A resolution providing for the relief of James R. Moore, sub-treasurer of Grand Bassa County [providing four thousand five hundred dollars for outstanding claims against the Republic] (1876, p. 32).
An act making appropriations for the fiscal year commencing the first day of October, A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Five and ending the thirteenth day of September, A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventh Six [detailing salaries of all civil servants] (1876, pp. 33-39).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1875-1876. Published by authority Monrovia: T.W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1876. [Page three is missing, probably not copied, and, with it, the title of an act or resolution which begins there.]

Joint resolution making appropriation [of four hundred dollars] for defraying the expenses of the inauguration of the president and vice president elect (1878, p. 3).
An act to repeal an act entitled “An act to repeal an act authorizing specific duties on certain articles imported into the Republic of Liberia and the collection of the same passed by two-third vote January 22nd, 1976 and regulating the payment of duties on imports” (1878, pp. 3-5).
A resolution for laying out and running off a road from the settlement of Fortsville to the Saint John’s River in Grand Bassa County (1878, pp. 5-6).
An act establishing the post office and a branch custom house at the second ward of Buchanan, commonly known as Lower Buchanan, Grand Bassa County (1878, pp. 6-7).
An act repealing an act amendatory to an act entitled “An act relating to divorces” [due to petitions from the people arguing that granting divorces for reasons other than adultery tends to “cultivate immorality and vice’] (1878, p. 8).
An act providing, permitting and regulating coastwise trade of foreigners in the county of Maryland, leeward of the Cavalla River in said county to San Pedro (1878, pp. 8-9).
Resolution suspending the payment of debentures, dutiable obligation or drafts upon custom houses (1878, pp. 10-11).
An act to amend an act entitled ”An act to amend the several existing acts regulating the militia” (1878, pp. 11-12).
Resolution [appropriating two hundred dollars annually] for the special relief of Edward Berry [who lost both his hands while firing a salute to the U.S. flag] (1878, pp. 12-23).
An act to reduce the amount of paper currency now in circulation (1878, p. 13).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers approved January 27th, 1863 [providing each disabled soldier with a pension of fifty dollars; each commissioned officer (under the rank of major), sixty dollars; each commissioned officer (above the rank of major), seventy five dollars] (1878, pp. 13-14).
Resolution providing for the pay of commissioners to be appointed by the president to accompany the commissioners of the Liberia Exodus or other associations of the United States of America (1878, pp. 14-15).
An act to repeal so much of an act regulating the payment of tonnage dues by vessels which may casually visit a single port of entry within the Republic of Liberia (1878, p. 15).
An act making appropriations for the fiscal year commencing October 1st A.D., Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Seven and ending September 30th, A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Eight (1878, pp. 16-22).
Joint resolution removing Z. B. Roberts, judge of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Sinoe County [for allegedly bribing voters at the May 1877 biennial election (1878, p. 23).
Joint resolution removing John T. Richardson, judge of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [for allegedly receiving a pension of sixteen hundred and eighty dollars on false pretense from Secretary of Treasury Benjamin Anderson] (1878, pp. 23-24).
[An act authorizing the president to employ one or more mineralogist at a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars each plus expenses, to examine and exploit marble recently discovered in Bassa County] (1878, pp. 24-25).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1877-1878. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1878.

Resolution recommending an amendment to the Constitution of Liberia [allowing persons impeached from office or convicted of high crimes to petition the legislature for restoration of citizenship rights after seven years] (1879, pp. 3-4).
A resolution tendering the thanks of the government and people of Liberia to Mr. Edward S. Morris for his devotedness and zeal in behalf of Liberia (1879, p. 4).
An act establishing and fixing an export duty on coffee scions and dried coffee (1879, pp. 4-5).
Resolution authorizing the secretary of state to have reprinted five hundred copies of the compiled Statute Laws of the Republic of Liberia [at a cost of one thousand and eight hundred dollars] (1879, p. 5).
An act for the relief of several citizens of Philadelphia, Maryland County, who have sustained the loss of their property and have been deprived of their town lots on account of the late Grebo War in the year 1875 (1879, pp. 5-6).
An act incorporating the first Presbyterian Church of Greenville in Sinoe County [naming Louis Sherman, Stephen J. Crayton, Jacob J. Ross, Gibson H. Montgomery and Rufus Kennedy (1879, pp. 6-7).
An act chartering the city of Harper in Maryland County (1879, pp. 7-9).
A resolution granting to Henry Charles Criswick and Robert Acton Burnell, both of London, England, the right to construct, at their own cost, a railway from Monrovia to Musardu (1879, pp. 9-10).
An act to create and incorporate a philanthropic order to be styled The Liberian Humane Order of African Redemption [and crediting Signoir Francisco Senmarti y’ Bruges with conceiving the Order] (1879, pp. 10-12).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act regulating the payment of duties passed and approved February 8th, 1878 (1879, pp. 12-14).
Resolution authorizing the president to locate immigrants [in equal number in the various counties] (1879, p. 15).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to negotiate with any merchant or merchants, foreign or Liberian, to pay the English Postage Claim (1879, p. 15).
Resolution providing for the payment of the species of money commonly called and known as debentures (1879, pp. 15-16).
Resolution to restore James Munroe Curd, John Hunter, George W. Hardy and others to citizenship [including John T. Emory, Lew Bowie, Lewis Hardy and Barth W. Morris] (1879, pp. 16-17).
An act granting to [Bassa Chief] Peter Herring an annual [one hundred dollar] stipend and establishing a school in the vicinity of his tribe and other tribes adjacent in the Bassa country in Grand Bassa County (1879, p. 17).
An act to repeal certain portions of the act authorizing specific duties on certain articles imported into the Republic of Liberia and the collection of the same and regulating the payment of duties on imports,” approved February 8th, 1878 (1879, pp. 17-19).
An act to amend an act establishing the judiciary and fixing the powers common to the several courts (1879, pp. 19-20).
An act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing Oct. 1st A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Eight and ending September 30th, A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Nine [including salaries of civil servants] (1879, pp. 21-27).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1878-1879. Published by authority Monrovia: T.W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1879.

Joint resolution reviving the interior department and the act providing for the education and incorporation of the aborigines (1880, p. 3).
Resolution reimbursing [one hundred seventy six dollars and seventy five cents to] Lieutenant Commander J[ohn] S. Harris, L[iberian].N[avy] (1880, pp. 3-4).
A resolution reviving the charter of the city of Buchanan in the county of Grand Bassa (1880, p. 4).
Resolution restoring J. A. Neal and Major Tubman of Maryland County to citizenship and repealing the second section of the resolution approved January 22nd, 1870 for the relief of Cato Sims of Monsterrado (1880, pp. 4-5).
Resolution restricting the president to conform to a certain rule touching resignations of accounting officials of this government [requiring audits before resignations may be accepted] (1880, p. 5).
An act for the relief of the government [requiring payment of duties in gold, silver or copper coins and authorizing the secretary of the treasury to negotiate loans from local merchants and other citizens at eight percent interest (1880, pp. 5-7).
Supplementary act to the act for the relief of government (1880, pp. 7-8).
Joint resolution of thanks to the government of the United States of America and an expression of gratitude to Commodore R.W. Shufedt, U[nited] S[tates] N[avy, of the “Ticonderoga” for their role in the settlement of the northwest boundary, previously questioned by Britain] (1880, p. 8).
An act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act establishing the judiciary and fixing the powers common to the several courts” (1880, pp. 9-10).
A resolution [providing one hundred dollars annually] for the special relief of Elizabeth A. Griggs, widow of the late Robert L. Griggs, of Grand Bassa County (1880, p. 10).
An act authorizing the secretary of treasury to enter into arrangements for the striking off [fifty thousand dollars] of currency and copper coin (1880, pp. 10-11).
A joint resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to grant letters of credit upon the treasury or sub-treasuries of this Republic for moneys borrowed under the act “An act for the relief of government” [making it a crime for officials to issue false letters of credit] (1880, p. 11).
An act to enable the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Republic of Liberia and its subordinate lodges to make, hold and convey real and personal estate [naming William M. Davis (grand master), Thomas G. Fuller (deputy grand mason), James B. Yates (senior grand warden) and Solomon C. Fuller (junior grand warden), at the national level; James E. Moore (master), James B. McGill (senior warden) and Gabriel D. Moore (junior warden), of the Oriental Lodge of Monrovia; George W. Dixon (senior warden) and Daniel Ware (junior warden) of Saint Paul’s Lodge of St. Paul’s River; Robert A.M. Deputie (master), William N. Williams (senior warden) and James J. Morris (junior warden) of the St. John’s Lodge of Monrovia; Jacob J. Ross (master), Jacob C. Franze (senior warden) and James N. Lewis (junior warden) of Excelsior Lodge, Sinoe County; Hamilton C. Russ (master) and Henry P. Hall (senior warden) of the Rising Sun Lodge of Grand Bassa County; and James M. Thompson (master), Daniel F. Wilson (senior warden) and Samuel D. Ferguson (junior warden) of the Morning Star Lodge, Harper, Maryland County] (1880, pp. 11-14).
Supplementary act to “An act for the relief of government [deeming it a misdemeanor for superintendents to make unappropriated withdrawal from the treasury] (1880, p. 14).
An act to repeal “An act to reduce the amount of paper currency now in circulation” approved February 7th, 1878 (1880, p. 15).
A resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to immediately pay over any and all monies now in his possession or in the treasury arising from the sale of produce paid on account of the one-tenth of the revenue set aside for the liquidation of foreign claims (1880, pp. 15-16).
Resolution authorizing the sale of the government vessel “Emmy” (1880, p. 16).
Resolution to authorize the board of trustee of Liberia College to remove said institution and establish [preparatory schools as] branches thereof in the counties (1880, pp. 16-17).
Resolution [authorizing payment of ninety six dollars annually] for the special relief of Richard Nelson [who lost both eyes while firing a national salute] (1880, p. 17).
Resolution authorizing the president to instruct the superintendent of Maryland County to select a suitable town lot for the use of the corporation of the city of Harper on which to erect a market house (1880, p. 17).
An act to amend an act entitled “An act amendatory and supplementary to an act regulating the payment of duties,” passed and approved January 5th 1879 [ordering that the ten percent revenue set-aside for foreign claims to paid in silver and gold coins, not produce} (1880, p. 18).
Joint resolution of thanks to the Liberian members of the mixed commission on the Liberian northwest boundary question [naming commissioners William M. Davis and John W. Worrell and secretary Alfred B. King, the latter two having died by this date] (1880, p. 18).
A joint resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to grant letters of credit upon the treasury or sub-treasuries of this republic for moneys borrowed under the act “An act for the relief of government” (1880, p. 19).
A joint resolution authorizing the secretary of state of the Republic of Liberia to solicit the kind offices of the United States of America as well as other nations with whom the Republic of Liberia is in treaty stipulations in reference to the northwestern boundary question [sending a copy of the Committee on Foreign Affairs report] (1880, p. 19).
An act providing for the restricting the payment of import and export duties in each county of this Republic (1880, p. 19-20?)****
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1879-1880. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1880. Page 20 (and beyond) marked **** is missing from the copy of the Acts used to compile this index.

A joint resolution repealing the joint resolution of the senate and house of representatives approved January 17th 1880 [which authorizing the granting of letters of credit for loans] (1881, p. 3).
An act to incorporate St. Mark’s Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of Harper, Maryland County [naming Samuel D. Ferguson (pastor), James W. Ashton (senior warden), Joseph A. Gibson (vestryman), Francis O. Thorne (vestryman), Turner P. Stewart (vestryman) and Titlman T. Brewer (vestryman), all of Harper] (1881, pp. 3-4).
An act granting two hundred acres of land to the trustees of “All Saints Hall” in the county of Grand Bassa [naming as trustees: John H. B. Latrobe, Samuel G. Wyman, G. W. S. Hall, J. Noel Wyatt and Walter S. Cox] (1881, p. 4).
An act granting one hundred acres of land to the Presbyterian Church in Liberia (1881, p. 5).
An act incorporating the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Liberia [naming Santania Francis Flegler (traveling preacher), Samuel Jefferson Campbell (traveling preacher), Clement Irons (trustee and local preacher), Scott Bailey (trustee and local preacher), Rufus Clark (local preacher), Israel Moultry (trustee and local preacher), Pompey Green (trustee), Robert Monger (trustee), Thaddeus Middleton (trustee), Allen Brisbane (trustee), James D. Lyon (trustee), John Walkenough (trustee), James Wilson (trustee), Jackson Caldwell (trustee), Ellis Clark (trustee) and Charles Wilson (trustee)] (1881, p. 5).
Joint resolution regulating the title [changing from referee to delegate] and privilege of the native African representatives in the national legislature of this Republic [granting vote on native affairs and one hundred dollars per year plus travel expenses] (1881, p. 6).
An act incorporating the Farmersville Baptist Church of Sinoe County [naming as trustees: George Byng, Askelly Roberts and James Washington] (1881, p. 6).
An act to incorporate the First Baptist Church of Clay Ashland in Montserrado County [naming as deacons and trustees: Samuel Ricks, Sr., Henry Ricks, Presley Freeman, Albert J. Morris, Isaac J. Ash and Moses Ricks] (1881, p. 7).
Resolution for the rebuilding of the bridge and levee running from the settlement of Farmersville to the settlement of Lexington [appropriating eight hundred dollars] (1881, pp. 7-9).
An act to encourage agriculture throughout the Republic of Liberia [offering six dollars per hundred for between two and nine hundred cocoa seedlings planted and eight dollars per hundred for every ten or more hundred] (1881, pp. 8-9).
Resolution authorizing the repair of the big bridge between Mt. Vaughan and Mt. Tubman in Maryland County, also to erect a bridge and throw up a cause way between Latrobe and Hoffman Station (1881, p. 9).
Resolution for the relief of James T. Carroll, light house keeper, Harper [raising his pension from one hundred dollars, as incorrectly printed in last “Act,” to one hundred and eighty dollars, as was approved, and granting him eighty dollars as back pension] (1881, pp. 9-10).
An act to amend an act for the relief of government approved January 12th 1880 [ordering the submission of all checks and debentures against government within ninety days] (1881, p. 10).
An act requiring all missions and missionaries within this Republic to pay import and export dues (1881, p. 10).
[A resolution calling for a Constitutional Amendment lengthening the term of the president and vice president from two to four years as well as a referendum on relief for impeached persons, previous rejected by voters in May 1979] (1881, p. 11).
An act to incorporate the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lower Caldwell Saint Paul’s River [naming Horatio B. Capehart (pastor), Isaac Lawrence (trustee), Francis T. Clark, Jr. (trustee), C. R. Sims (trustee), A. F. Travis (steward), Zeal Prichard (trustee) and James Bunyan (trustee)] (1881, p. 11-12).
An act to establish additional ports of entry in the several counties of this Republic (1881, pp. 12-14).
An act to amend the several acts regulating taxes and assessments on real property within this Republic [setting the tax rates for unimproved lots and ordering properties to be sold, if taxes are not paid] (1881, pp. 14-15).
An act incorporating the first Baptist Church of Greenville, Sinoe County [naming William Witherspoon (pastor) and, as deacons and trustees: Russell Minns, William Rice, James Barlon, F.A. Crawford and Iner Morris] (1881, p. 15).
An act to incorporate the Liberian Baptist Missionary Convention [naming J. J. Cheesman (president), W. F. Gibson (vice president), R. B. Richardson (recording secretary) and H. N. Boney (corresponding secretary and financial agent) (1881, p. 16).
An act incorporating the Shiloh Baptist Church [of Virginia, Montserrado County, naming John Sanders Washington (pastor) and, as deacons and trustees: James Roots, George H. Bailey, Sidney J. Washington, Lewis Capehart and Cornelius Minor] (1881, p. 16).
A joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the present session of the legislature (1881, p. 17).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1880-1881. Published by authority Monrovia: T.W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1881.

A resolution assisting the citizens of Lexington of Sinoe County in building a bridge and causeway through a swamp between Lexington and Farmersville (1883, p. 3).
A resolution authorizing [six thousand dollars for] the repairs of the old public mansion in the city of Monrovia (1883, p. 3).
Resolution compensating Stephen A. Hoff, jailor of Robertsport [sixty dollars for the use of his house] (1883, pp. 3-4).
An act of indemnity for loss of registered articles [in keeping with the provisions of article 6th of the Convention of Paris in June 1878 of the Universal Postal Union] (1883, p. 4).
An act supplementary to an act declaring certain days to be national holidays [declaring the second Friday of April to be “Fast and Prayer Day”] (1883, pp. 4-5).
Resolution of the senate and house of representatives of the Republic of Liberia exempting the C. Woermann’s line of mail steamers from tonnage dues in consideration of certain services to be rendered to the Republic by the said line of mail steamers [namely, transportation of all mail and commissioned officials of Liberia] (1883, p. 5).
An act to amend the laws granting retail license money to the several settlements (1883, p. 7).
An act amendatory and supplementary to the several existing acts regulating the payment of custom house duties and also amending the 4th section of an act for the relief of government, approved January 12th 1880, and repealing the law passed January 5th 1879 (1883, pp. 7-8).
Supplementary act to an act to increase the revenue (1883, pp. 8-9)
A resolution providing for the creation of bridges in Clay-Ashland [appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars] (1883, p. 9)
An act regulating the liquor traffic [requiring liquor importers to pay an annual license of two thousand dollars to each of the counties] (1883, pp. 9-10).
An act declaring it treason for any citizen of Liberia — naturalized, aborigines or Americo-Liberian — to be engaged in levying war against the Republic or in adhering to its enemies giving them aid and comfort (1883, pp. 10-11).
An act chartering the Union Mining Company of Liberia [granting up to two thousand acres for forty years to Henry J. Neyle (Grand Bassa), John W. Worrell (Grand Bassa), Alfred B. King (Montserrado), Charles T.O. King (Montserrado), William David Coleman (Monsterrado), D.M. Johnson (Maryland) and James M. Priest (Sinoe)] (1883, pp. 11-12).
An act to incorporate “The Liberia Interior Association” [allowing the association to lease land from government for ten years to farming and trading in the interior, naming A.L. Stanford, E.J. Barclay, W.H. King, J.A. Cuthbert, S.J. Campbell and J.R. Cooper] (1883, pp. 12-14).
A resolution authorizinf the president to build a gun house in the county of Maryland in the city of Harper [appropriating five hundred dollars for a stone gun house, plus six hundred dollars for completion of fortification at Jacksonville and five hundred dollars for completing fortification at Tubman Town] (1883, p. 14).
An act to incorporate the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Maryland County of Harper [naming E.W. Diggs, Charles McIntosh, J.W. Simpson, E.B. Cummings, Adam Barker, Richard Webster, Boston Moulton and A.B. Jackson] (1883, p. 14).
A resolution accepting the proffer of Telegraphic Communication in the Republic of Liberia [made known through James W. Shaw, consul general in England] (1883, p. 15).
A resolution [appropriating four hundred dollars for] assisting the citizens of Robertsport of Montserrado County in building a bridge and causeway through the swamp or creek between Krotown and the Old Garrison, and one by R.J.B. Watson’s residence also one between Jas. M. Strother and Charles Curtis place (1883, p. 15).
An additional act supplementing the several existing acts regulating the payment of the custom house duties and providing for the punishment of offending officers (1883, pp. 15-16).
An act regulating the duties of the several law officers of the government [offering district and county attorneys two and a half percent on the value of all stolen government property recovered through their efforts] (1883, pp. 16-17).
An act to incorporate the Farmers Joint Stock Raising and Trading Association [to modernize agriculture and further interior trade, naming Andrew Cartwright, George Moore, Samuel Barker, Joseph Ash, T. C. Lomax, Henry Chesson, William P. Chesson, Richard Newton, Julia Simpson and W.D. Coleman] (1883, pp. 18-19).
An act to incorporate the Union League Society of Arthington, Montserrado County [naming George Askie, S.R. Hoggard, Solomon York, James H. Rawlhac, McGilbert Lawrence, W.L. Askie, S.W. Askie, Robert Mitchell and W.L. Carter] (1883, p. 19).
A resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the Eighteenth Legislature 2nd Session (1883, p. 20).
A resolution to amend an act to encourage agriculture throughout the Republic of Liberia, approved January 18th 1883 (1883, p. 20).
A resolution making appropriation [of seven hundred and seventy-five dollars] to assist the citizens of Brewersville and the old field in the rear of Upper Caldwell to throw up the worst swamps and to bridge the running streams through them (1883, pp. 20-21).
A resolution amending a resolution of the legislature of Liberia, approved January 18th 1876 [authorizing the president to negotiate a defensive alliance with the United States] (1883, pp. 21-22).
Joint resolution in behalf of President Anthony William Gardner [appropriating one thousand dollars annuity, upon his retirement from the presidency] (1883, pp. 22-23).
A resolution appropriating an amount of five hundred dollars for opening and constructing a road between Harlandsville and Lower Buchanan in Bassa County (1883, p. 23).
Resolution authorizing the secretary of treasury to examine into the claim of Mrs. A.E. Roye [concerning one thousand dollars allegedly loaned to the government by her husband, E.F. Roye] (1883, p. 23).
An act for the relief of the settlements of Crozerville, Careysburg, Paynesville and Ammonsville in the Old Field Mesurado River [appropriating eleven hundred dollars for the construction of six bridges] (1883, pp. 23-24).
A resolution making appropriation [of three hundred dollars] for the opening of Findley Road in Grand Bassa County [rendered impassable by small creeks and swamps] (1883, p. 24).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1882-1883. Published by authority Monrovia: T.W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1883.

An act amendatory to an act regulating the duties of the tax collectors of the different counties (1884, p. 3).
An amendatory act to an act to amend the several existing acts regulating the militia [imposing penalties and fines on military fine collectors who are late in transmitting quarterly returns] (1884, pp. 3-4).
An act to repeal certain portions of the act entitled an act to amend the several existing acts regulating the militia, passed by two third vote January 26th 1884 [reinstating the officer drill] (1884, p. 4).
An act amendatory to an act regulating the militia in Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [shifting the third quarterly parade day to the first Friday of April, to avoid a conflict with “Fast and Prayer Day”] (1884, pp. 4-5).
An act authorizing the compilation and printing of the decisions and rulings of the Supreme Court [appropriating three hundred and fifty dollars to pay a compiler] (1884, p. 5).
An act to incorporate Sey’s Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, Careysburg, Montserrdo County [naming William T. Hagan, George C. Nelson, Marshall Givens, Richard Craggs, Samuel Bates, Benjamin Hornsby and Jacob Waters] (1884, p. 6).
An act to incorporate the McClintock Grove Methodist Episcopal Church, Bensonville, county of Montserrado [naming F. Tilman, A. Gall, Henry Brent, R. Boyce, M. DeVault and Daniel Smith] (1884, pp. 6-7).
An act to incorporate the First Baptist Church, Careysburg, Montserrado County [naming J.A. Curthbert, George W. Walker, Isaac Givens, Nelson Moment, F.W. Jackson, J.C. Johnson, Hank Woodson, Thomas Carroll and Richard F. Walker] (1884, p. 7).
An act restoring John Henry Diggs of Grand Bassa County to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1884, p. 7).
Supplementary act amendatory to an act for the relief of government approved January 9th 1883 and amending an additional act supplementing the several existing acts regulating the payment of custom duties etc., approved January 11th 1883 [ordering that one eighth of all import duty be paid by gold coin] (1884, p. 8).
A resolution appropriating an amount of seventy five dollars for opening and cleaning out the Ayers Creek that leads to Barnersville in the rear of the settlement of New Georgia (1884, p. 8).
An act amendatory to an act for the relief of government approved Janaury 9th 1883, also amending an additional act supplementing the several existing acts regulating the payment of custom duties etc., approved January 11th 1883 [ordering the defacing of one half of all currency paid into the treasury with no substitute being issued] (1884, pp. 9-10).
Joint resolution amendatory to the joint resolution regulating the title and privoleges of the native African representatives in the national legislature of this Republic approved January 8th 1881 [denying a seat to any delegate whose ethnic group does not pay designated taxes] (1884, p. 9).
An act [appropriating two thousand dollars annually for teacher salaries] for the establishment of high schools in each of the leeward counties [of Maryland, Sinoe and Grand Bassa, as preparatory sections of Liberia College] (1884, pp. 9-10).
An act amendatory to an act creating an interior department [urging, without penalties, that presents for interior chiefs not be misappropriated by interior department officials, ordering an annual inspection by the secretary of the department to ensure that interior roads remain open, and proposing a road to link coastal counties to each other and to the Barline and Mandingo countries] (1884, pp. 10-11).
Supplementary act to the existing acts incorporating the aboriginal tribes of the Republic [appointing two tax collectors per ethnic community — one Americo-Liberian, the other native] (1884, p. 11).
An act to relieve the citizens of the settlement of Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado County [ordering the procurement of small arms and munitions for defense] (1884, pp. 11-12).
A resolution compensating Chief Justice C.L. Parsons of Montserrado County [for an office he rented for the judicial department] (1884, p. 12).
An act authorizing the purchase of Steel Stamps and dates for the different post offices of this Republic (1884, p. 12).
Joint resolution authorizing the president to cause immediate peace between the Little Cess fishermen and the Battoo fisherman and reparation for the piratical destruction of the boat of W.E. Harris of Sinou County by the Little Cess fishermen off Timbo, and also to make an immediate demand for the Nanna Kroo Bonds (1884, p. 13).
An act authorizing the establishing of a settlement and a port of entry at San-Pedro the southeastern boundary of the Republic of Liberia in Maryland County and an additional port of entry in the county of Montserrado and of Sinou (1884, pp. 13-14).
Amendatory act to the act entitled an act regulating the liquor traffic approved January 9th 1883 [requiring payment of two thousand dollars annually for liquor license, with half going to the county into which the liquor is imported and fifty percent to the national government with an additional three hundred dollar wholesale fee and a one hundred dollar fee payable to the city of Monrovia] (1884, p.14).
An act adopting Caroline Charlotte Emmery, as adopted daughter of J.T. Emmery of the county of Montserrado (1884, p. 14).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1883-1884. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1884.

An act restoring sundry persons to the rights and privileges of citizenship [naming Alexander Moulton (Maryland), James W. Stephens (Maryland), George Williams (Montserado), G.W. Smith (Montserrado), Edward J. Skipwith (Montserrado) and John Priest (Sinoe)] (1884, p. 3).
An act repealing an act entitled an act for the relief of government, passed and approved January 11th 1884 and providing for the payment of bonds issued under the act of the legislature and approved January 12th 1880 [repealing the order for defacing of one half of all government currency] (1884, p. 3).
A resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to pay to L. C. Sherman [former collector of the Sinoe port] the sum of one hundred and thirty one dollars [the amount he was compelled into the treasury for allowing a five percent discount on liquor imports by the firm of A. Woermann] (1884, p. 4).
An act amendatory to the fifth section of an act for the relief of government approved January 12, 1880 {ordering the payment of all fines and taxes in audited bills] (1884, p. 4).
A resolution authorizing a discount of 5 percent to all importers of liquor into this Republic (1884, pp. 4-5).
An act amendatory to the ninth section of an act to regulate the militia and defining the duties of the general [providing for annual visits to the counties by the brigadier general to inspect the regiments] (1884, p. 5).
An act in respect to certain officers, reports [requiring collectors of fines, taxes and other public funds to receive independent confirmations of their reports from the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions of each county] (1884, p. 6).
An act supplementary to an act amendatory to an act entitled an act creating an interior department [placing all stipends for chiefs and highway funds under the secretary of the interior and requiring the holder of that office to report to the legislature, in addition to the president] (1884, p. 7).
Joint resolution authorizing [three hundred dollars for] the survey of the settlement of Brewerville (1884, p. 7).
An act fixing [at three hundred dollars] the salary of the collector of customs of the port of Niffou in Sinou County in the Republic of Liberia, under act of the legislature approved January 18th 1884 (1884, p. 8).
An act for the encouragement of agriculture and authorizing and requesting the president to enter into and conclude a commercial treaty with the government of the United States of America to mutually admit free of duty certain articles of merchandise as the agricultural interest of Liberia suffers from the heavy duties by the tariff laws of the United States upon the Liberian products imported into that county. (1884, p. 8-9).
An act legitimizing Daniel Warner of the county of Montserrado, an illegitimate son of John J. Woodson (1884, p. 9).
An act legitimizing Josiah Abner Prosser of the county of Grand Bassa, an illegitimate son of William Henry Prosser (1884, p. 9).
An act restoring sundry persons to citizenship [naming Richard A. Kennedy, Henry Cotton, Leonard Williams and William Anderson, all of Montserrado, and J.F. Scotland and C.J. Adams of Maryland] (1884, p. 10).
An act legitimizing George Henry Ash, illegitimate son of Henry Ash and adopted son of Isaac James Ash and Mary Catherine Ash, as legal heir and son of the aforesaid Isaac James Ash, and Mary Catherine Ash of the settlement of Clay-Ashland and county of Montserrado (1884, p. 10)l.
Joint resolution authorizing His Excellency the President to contract with Messrs H. Muller and Col, of Rotterdam, Holland, for the purchase of a steam gunboat [appropriating thirty thousand dollars] (1884, pp. 10-11).
An act establishing an additional port of entry and delivery at the southwest side of the mouth of the Cavally River in the county of Maryland (1884, pp. 11-12).
A resolution reviving and amending the charter of the city of Greenville in the county of Sinou (1884, p. 12).
Joint resolution to incorporate a female institution in the settlement of Brewerville, under the name and style of the “Garnet Memorial School” [naming H. R.W. Johnson, C. L. Parsons, R. H. Jackson, John O. Hayes, S. N. Williams, S. J. Campbell, J. S. Washington, W. D. Coleman, James M. Strother, B. K. McKeever and Spencer McMillan and the grant of one hundred acres of land previously granted to this institute by former president A. F. Russell] (1884, pp. 12-13).
A joint resolution restoring Iena Morris of the city of Greenville in the county of Sinou to the rights and privileges of other good citizens (1884, p. 13).
An act to incorporate the M. E. Church of Greenville, Sinou County [naming William P. Kennedy, Jr., Z. B. Roberts, J. W. Draper, John Manus, J. W. Bonner and J. L. Fuller] (1884, pp. 13-14).
A joint resolution reimbursing the heirs of D.F. Smith [three thousand dollars] and F.M. McGill [six hundred dollars] and G.R. McGill [two hundred and fifty dollars] for property lost by the burning of the house owned by the heirs of D.F. Smith by the insurgents during the so-called rebellion in the county of Grand Bassa in the month of August, 1884 (1884, p. 14).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1884-1885. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1885.

An act to incorporate the St. Paul’s Protestant Episcopal Church of the City of Greenville, Sinoe County [naming James G. Monger (pastor), R. H. Montgomery (senior warden), J. S. S. Wicks (vestryman), John Davis (vestryman), Isaac J. Higgins (vestryman) and George A. Dunbar, Jr. (vestryman)] (1886, p. 3).
An act providing for a custom house at the port of River Cess in Grand Bassa County [appropriating five hundred dollars for building] (1886, pp. 3-4).
Resolution providing [five hundred dollars] for the building of a court house in Grand Bassa County and [three hundred dollars for] repairing the jail house in Maryland Count (1886, pp. 4-5).
An act defining the limits of the port of entry and delivery at River Costers, county of Grand Bassa, and providing for the appoint of a permanent collector and erection of a custom house (1886, p. 5).
An act authorizing a permanent port of entry and delivery at the mouth of the Mannah River, Montserrado County [appropriating four hundred dollars annual for collector’s salary and found hundred dollars for building} (1886, pp. 5-6).
An act making provision for the appointment of a superintendent and sub-treasurer for Montserrado County in the Republic of Liberia (1886, p. 6).
A supplementary port of entry act [adding Dodolu to the list of towns within the Half Cavalla port’s jurisdiction] (1886, pp. 6-7).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of state to examine the manuscript purporting to be a history of Liberia written by one J. P. Artis [and appropriating one hundred and fifty dollars for publication, if the manuscript is approved by the government] (1886, p. 7).
An act restoring George L. McField of Montserrado County, Chas. F. Cook of Sinoe County and James WIlliams of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1886, p. 7).
An act repealing the act regulating the liquor traffic [placing a sixty cent duty in gold on every gallon of run, gin, whiskey, brandy, Sweet Johnny and other alcoholic liquors] (1886, pp. 7-8).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1885-1886. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1886.

An act to grant seventy five acres of land for the Anna Morris School of Arthington and to incorporate the same [naming Edward S. Morris as sole trustee] (1887, p. 3).
An act amending an act providing for the erection of a court house in Grand Bassa County [appropriating five thousand dollars for construction] (1887, pp. 3-4).
[A resolution proposing a Constitution Amendment extending the term of senators to eight years and of representatives, the president and vice president from two to four years] (1887, p. 4).
An act reimbursing the superintendent of Robertsport [appropriating one hundred dollars for clerks salary] (1887, pp. 4-5).
An act providing for a bridge in the settlement of Tallah, Grand Cape Mount [appropriating seventy dollars] (1887, p. 5).
Resolution for the immediate settlement of the difficulty between the [Ding] Golahs and the Boatswain tribes [allegedly precipitated by Dwollah Zeppia of Bongh, successor to Farquaqua], and opening of the road (1887, pp. 5-6).
An amendment to the several statutes regulating the payment and the collection of duties upon imports [at ten percent on the dollar] and exports [one cent per gallon on palm oil, two cent per bushel on palm kernels, three and a half dollar per ton on camwood and no charge on clean coffee] within this Republic (1887, p. 6).
An act appropriating the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars open the avenue for the people of Sassy Town, Louisiana Settlement (1887, pp. 6-7).
[An act placing the superintendent of Cape Mount under the immediate direction of the president} (1887, p. 7).
[An act placing an interdiction upon the port of Timbo, from Quintizone point to Mannah point, Grand Bassa COunty] (1887, pp. 7-8).
A resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the twentieth legislature, second session (1887, p. 8).
A resolution authorizing the suppression of the rebellious attitude assumed by the Greboes at Half Cavalla in Maryland County [appropriating twenty thousand dollars, in case a military expedition is deemed necessary by the president] (1887, p. 8).
An act to incorporate Zion Grove Baptist Church of Brewersville, Montserrado County [naming J.O. Hayes (pastor), R.H. Eubanks (deacon), Charles Freeman (deacon), Warren Phelps (deacon), March Gaskings (deacon), J.C. Sears (deacon), W.B. Gant (deacon), John Brown (trustee), M. Wynn (trustee), L. Daily (trustee), Henry Clements (trustee) and George Holmes (trustee)] (1887, pp. 8-9).
An act to alter and amend the several acts establishing the judiciary and regulating the powers common to the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas of the several counties (1887, pp. 9-10).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1886-1887. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1887.

Joint resolution making appropriation [three hundred dollars] for defraying the expenses of the inauguration of the president and vice president elect (1888, p. 3).
An act supplementary and amendatory to an act regulating the residence of native Africans within the Republic [allowing Christianized and civilized aborigines to draw lands the same as emigrant allotments] (1888, p. 3).
Joint resolution for the relief of Charles R. Johnson [born 1812, the last surviving male from the Sherbo Island settlers, veteran of a battle in 1822] formerly of the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County, but at present a resident of Grand Bassa County (1888, pp. 3-4).
An act granting the Presbyterian Mission two hundred acres of land at Cape Mount in Montserrado County (1888, p. 4).
Resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia to employ an armed force, domestic or foreign, to subdue the rebellious Greboes in Maryland County (1888, p. 5).
An act for the better regulation of the postal service of this Republic [ordering all mail sent through the post office, not through steamers] (1888, pp. 5-7).
An act interdicting the port of entry and delivery of Half Cavalla, Maryland County, in the Republic of Liberia [due to a rebellion by some Greboes against Christianized Greboes and other subjects of the Republic] (1888, pp. 7-8).
An act granting the Protestant Episcopal Mission in Liberia two hundred acres in the county of Grand Bassa (1888, pp. 8-9).
A resolution for the protection of the government against the fraud of aliens [aimed at fraudulently enjoy the advantages of two nationalities and to escape the duties and burdens of both] (1888, p. 9).
An act restoring James M. Curd and Peter Hilton to citizenship (1888, p. 9).
An act granting the citizens of Maryland County [two hundred and fifty dollars] assistance in repairing the causeway that connects the two wards of the city of Harper, known by the names of Latrobe and Hoffman Station (1888, p. 10).
An act restoring Thomas H. Johnson of Maryland County and Sarah E. Barnny, David Bryant and Samuel Jackson of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia, to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1888, p. 10).
Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution to be submitted to the people at the next biennial election to be held A.D. 1889 [to shift referenda from being held simultaneously with elections of legislators to being ordered at any time by two thirds of both branches] (1888, pp. 10-11).
An act repealing certain portion of an act entitled an act providing for and restricting the payment of import and export duties in each county of this Republic (1888, p. 11).
An act making a special appropriation to pay one C. H. Morgan the sum of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents, for services rendered the government as deputy collector for the port of Cavalla, Maryland County (1888, p. 11).
An act to employ a scientific mineralogist and geologist to make researches [in collaboration with B. J. K. Anderson] for valuable mines in this Republic [appropriating three thousand dollars] (1888, p.12).
Resolution exempting La Compaignie Francaise de l’Afrique Occidentale, that is to say the French Company of Western Africa line of mail steamers from tonnage dues in consideration of certain services to be rendered to the Republic of Liberia by said line of mail steamers [namely, the transportation of commissioned officials when traveling on official duties (1888, pp. 12-13).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1887-1888. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1888.

[A resolution appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars for rebuilding a bridge across Big Creek in Maryland County, between Tubman Town and Philadelphia (1890, p. 3).
[A resolution appropriating five hundred dollars for an interior road between Gorranommah and Gouga, one hundred dollars for cleaning out Gorranommah Creek, Cape Mount, and one hundred and fifty dollars for cleaning out Mi-ingga and Cabolia River] (1890, p. 3).
A joint resolution making provision for the payment of the [four hundred and thirty three dollars and sixty cents] amount due Nelly Banks, Lilly Banks, Maria Banks and O. Banks [accrued from the estate of their late parents, Peter and Dilsey Banks, and deposited into the treasury by William Douglas, guardian of the children] (1890, pp. 3-4).
A resolution removing the interdict of Timbo (1890, p. 4).
An act creating a Humane Order to be styled The Liberia Order for saving Human Life (1890, pp. 4-5).
An act amendatory and supplementary to the several acts regulating the judiciary [requiring judges who request absence with pay because of ill health to present a physician’s certificate to the president] (1890, p. 5).
Resolution reimbursing C.A. White Sheriff of Grand Bassa County [one hundred dollars fine paid by order of Associate Justice H.J. Neyle] (1890, p. 6).
An act granting the Methodist Episcopal Church Mission in Montserrado County, on the Farmington River at the place known as Mount Olive, three hundred acres of land [for mission purposes] (1890, p. 6).
An act chartering the National Division No. 1 Philanthropic Order of Sons of Temperance of Maryland County [naming as members: E. J. Woods (p.w.p.), H. J. Bell (w.p.), H. H. Harris (w.t.), T.H. Lauder (t.s.), W. A. Barnes (c.) W. D. Greenfield (a.r.s.), C. A. Tasco (c.), C. H. Ridgly (a.c.) J. H. Stevens (j.s.), P. W. Mitchell (o.s.) and W. G. McKnight (1890, pp. 6-7).
An act to grant certain concessions for the charter and construction of a system of railroads in the Republic of Liberia [naming F. F. Whittekin, borough of Tionesta, Pennsylvania (1890, pp. 6-12).
An act granting the Protestant Episcopal Church in Sinoe County, one hundred acres of land for missionary purposes (1890, p. 12).
Resolution for the special relief of [one hundred dollars annually to] John W. Harland [Bassa County, blinded in the left eye by a shot received in the 1851 Grand Bass war] (1890, p. 12).
An act to incorporate the Baptist Union Sisters of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [naming Mary Lauder, Caroline Diggs, Margaret Brooks, Jeanette McIntosh, R. A. Moulton, A. R. Gibson and P.A. Tubman] (1890, p. 13).
An act incorporating the Woman’s Missionary Native Aid Society, Grand Bassa County, Liberia [naming L. A. Morgan, C.A. Crusoe, E. L. Gross and H. J. Scott] (1890, pp. 13-14).
An act declaring the meaning of the 2nd Section of the IVth Article of the Constitution of Liberia and defining the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court judges under said article [barring Supreme Court justices from issuing original writs in any case other than those affecting foreign emissaries and involving a county as a party] (1890, pp. 14-15).
An act granting a concession to Messrs Ellis Parr, Lathan Augustus Withall and Richard Pearson of London, England, a concession to gather, collect and prepare caoutchouc or rubber and gutta percha within the Republic of Liberia and for other purposes [granting them sole rights to export rubber and making exportation by others a misdemeanor punishable by five hundred to ten thousand dollars (1890, pp. 15-17)******
Joint resolution repealing the present act regulating the reshipment of goods and merchandise from one county to another within this Republic and reviving the Drawback Law (1890, pp. 17-18).
A joint resolution making an appropriation [of three hundred dollars] for the inauguration of the president and vice president of the Republic of Liberia for the term of office 1890 & 91 (1890, p. 18).
Resolution restoring George W. Hardy and James W.N. Yates of Maryland County to citizenship (1890, p. 18).
An act to alter and amend the several acts establishing the judiciary and regulating the powers common to the courts of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas in the several counties [extending from two weeks to three the term of Common Pleas in Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Maryland] (1890, pp. 18-19).
An act granting one hundred acres of land [near Careysburg] to the Methodist Episcopal Church in Liberia [naming as trustees: Amos Brown, W. T. Hagan and Rydan Boyce] (1890, p. 19).
Resolution restoring certain persons to citizenship [naming Armstead Woods, James E. Butler and John Briggs of Montserrado County] (1890, p. 19).
An act to incorporate the M. E. Eddy’s Chapel, Virginia, St. Paul’s River, Montserrado County [naming as trustees: F.C. Holderness (pastor), A. Snorton, D.A. Snorton, Thomas Brown, W.H. Johnson, Jacob Harris, Charles Johnson and C.H. Capehart] (1890, p. 20).
An act to repeal an act approved January 5th, 1879, amendatory and supplementary to an act regulating the payment of duties passed and approved February 8th 1878 (1890, p.20).
An act supplementing the several acts respecting the post office department [requiring each master to file a separate bond and directing the post master general to conclude parcel post and money order conventions, establish post offices at Marshall and Robertsport, and develop a uniform national postal order system] (1890, pp. 20-22).
An act fixing a tariff on goods, wares and merchandize imported into and on produce exported from the Republic of Liberia [giving specific duties on extensive list of possible imports, requiring the Liberian consul generals at port of departure to verify all import invoices and the impounding goods at local ports, if there is a prospect of duty being evaded] (1890, pp. 22-25).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1889-1890. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1890. Although the title of the act marked ****** names London as the home-city of the concessionaires, the body of act cites Liverpool.

An act chartering the city of Buchanan (1891, pp. 3-7).
An act making provision for the inducement, encouragement and maintenance of Negro immigrants into the Republic of Liberia [appointing a commissioner of immigration for each county under the secretary of the interior] (1891, pp. 7-?)*******
A resolution providing for the apprehending and bringing to justice certain turbulent kings and chiefs [namely King Darwarnar and his son of Cong-gar town, Goronammah section] of Grand Cape Mount and Pondeh in the Ding Golah Country (1891, p. 10).
An act making appropriation [of two hundred dollars] for cleaning out Ayres Creek branch of the Stockton in Montserrado County (1891, p. 10).
Resolution providing for laying out and running a road from the main road at Sassy Town or from Congo Town five miles back of Louisiana, to the settlement of Fendall in Louisiana (1891, pp. 10-11).
Resolution making appropriation [of two thousand and three hundred dollars] to assist the citizens of the several settlements in the county of Montserrado to throw up extended roads and to build bridges (1891, pp. 11-12).
An act amending an act requiring the aborigines to pay duties on their earnings [removing duties from all goods brought back by returning workers, except on guns, powder, other ammunition, tobacco and alcoholic liquors (1891, pp. 12-13).
Resolution disposing of the [thirty thousand dollars] balance of the bonus in the possession of the secretary of the treasury and authorizing the purchase of a Steam Gun Boat with arms and outfit and the placing of the several counties in a state of defense, with suitable infantry rifles and ammunition (1891, pp. 13-14).
Joint resolution respecting public records [appropriating three thousand dollars to cover the salary of a transcriber to transfer endangered public records into more durable volumes as well as the cost of new leather-bound blank books] (1891, p. 14).
Resolution providing [fifteen hundred dollars, half drawn from the national treasury and the rest from the counties] for the surveying and plotting of the counties of Maryland, Sinoe and Grand Bassa (1891, p. 15).
Joint resolution authorizing a special election to be held on the second Tuesday in March A.D. 1891 in the city of Greenville (1891, p. 15).
An act authorizing the secretary of the treasury to put the light house of Monrovia in proper repairs [and appropriating eight hundred dollars] (1891, pp. 15-16).
Resolution [appropriating one hundred and seventy five dollars, in response to a petition from area parents] making provision for the pay of William Henry Taylor, school teacher at Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [who was refused pay by the county school commissioner] (1891, p. 16).
Joint resolution extending the provisions of the Drawback Law to the district of Robertsport (1891, p. 16).
Resolution providing an annual pension [of forty five dollars] for Ceasar Kingsley of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia (1891, pp. 16-17).
A resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the Twenty Second Legislature, Second Session (1891, p. 17).
An act to encourage interior trade to Greenville by use of the Sinoe River [legalizing trade by Liberian and foreign merchants along the banks of the Sinoe, as far inward as they may desire] (1891, pp. 17-18).
Joint resolution [appropriating fifteen hundred dollars for] endowing scholarships in Liberia College [for three students each from Maryland, Sinoe and Grand Bassa] (1891, pp. 18-19).
An act authorizing and granting a public road in the Vey Country [appropriating three thousand dollars, in response to appeals from the Tawoh and Gola chiefs] (1891, pp. 19-20).
Joint resolution repealing the first section of an act providing for the support of the general government, approved January 18th 1875 [distributing two fifths of all revenue from import and export duties to the national government, the rest going to the counties] (1891, p. 20).
Resolution appropriating two hundred dollars to assist the citizens of Paynesville to build a bridge and causeway between Paynesville and Old Congo Town (1891, pp. 20-21).
Resolution appropriating five thousand one hundred and forty dollars to assist the citizens of Sinoe County in building a bridge and levees and to survey certain creeks and rivers in Sinoe County (1891, p.21).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1890-1891. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1891. Pages seven through nine, marked with *******, are missing from the copy of the Acts used to prepare this index.

An act to close the port of entry at River Cess, Grand Bassa County [due to loss of traffic] (1892, p. 3).
An act to repeal so much of an act requiring constables and other collecting officers at Robertsport to make their report to the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas Montserrado County in common with others, approved January 1st 1885 [shifting reports instead to the Provisional Monthly and Probate Court] (1892, pp. 3-4).
An act granting the Zion Grove Association, Baptist Mission of Sinoe County, two hundred acres of land on the Joeyah Road in the aforesaid county (1892, p. 4).
Resolution providing [five hundred dollars] for the surveying and plotting of the town of Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount (1892, pp. 4-5).
Joint resolution [providing two hundred dollars] for the completion of cleaning Jay Creek in the county of Grand Bassa (1892, p. 5).
Joint resolution [providing two thousand dollars] for cleaning out Mechlin River in the county of Grand Bassa.
Joint resolution making appropriation [of six hundred dollars] for the inauguration of the president and vice president (1892, p. 5).
An act creating a Native African Bureau and supplementing “An act authorizing the appointment of shipping masters at the several ports of entry in Liberia” [appointing a General Shipping Agent with a salary of four hundred per year to regulate the shipping of workers from Liberia] (1892, pp. 5-9).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the First Session of the Twenty third Legislature of the Republic of Liberia (1892, p. 9).
A resolution authorizing the secretary of state to accept the invitation of the United States government to cooperate in the International Columbian Exhibition to be held in the city of Chicago, A.D. 1893, and the appointment of commissioners to the same [with an appropriation of ten thousand dollars, including one thousand and five hundred for each of two commissions (1892, pp. 9-10).
Joint resolution for the educating in the Liberia College thirteen male youth [one each from the Saint Paul’s River, Junk-Marshall, Careysburg and Robertsport-Grand Cape Mount and three each from Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Maryland] (1892, p. 10).
An act to incorporate the Young Men’s Christian Association in the county of Maryland [naming J. S. Pratt, E. H. A. Dennis, C. H. Tascoe, Nathan Barnes, A. H. Dent, J. W. Gross, W. T. Smith, J. A. Neal, Allen Yancy, H.H. Evans, W. G. McKnight, J. T. Wilson, William H. Yancy, S. W. Yancy, A. R. Harmon, J. W. Dent, H. H. Yancy, J. W. Yancy, W. J. Chase, D. W. Cain, R. A. Brewer, W. C. Tunning, J. A. Tull, James S. Dent, J. W. Yates, J. R. Gibson, W. Hance, A. L. Gibson and E. J. Price] (1892, p. 10).
An act amending the charter of the city of Edina, Grand Bassa County (1892, pp. 11-14).
Joint resolution relating to immigration [appropriating six thousand dollars in gold annually to the American Colonization Society] (1892, p. 15).
Joint resolution authorizing a negotiation for the ratification of an extradition treaty between the Republic of Liberia and Her Britannic Majesty’s government, the colony of Sierra Leone, Mannah Salijah and other British possessions on the northwest (1892, pp. 15-16).
An act providing for the registration of claims [by Liberians] against the government (1892, pp. 16-17).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1891-1892. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1892.

Resolution authorizing and designating a site on the west side of Norris Road in the county of Maryland for a pest house [taking two acres from James W. Ashton and letting the same land to him] (1893, p. 3).
Joint resolution paying a judicial claim of [three hundred and fifty eight dollars and fifty cents] A. D. Williams of Montserrado County [growing out of the sentencing of one Doe] (1893, p. 3).
An act making the payment of import duties in gold and the payment of export duties in currency or gold (1893, p. 4).
Joint resolution declaring certain claims presented by J. S. Smith of Grand Bassa for account of pension of ex-president Gardner a nullity, the same having been paid [rejecting as fraudulent warrants for five hundred dollars signed by ex-president A. F. Russell and for two hundred and fifty dollars by ex-president by ex-president H. R. W. Johnson in favor of ex-president Gardner] (1893, pp. 4-5).
Joint resolution providing for the education of twelve native youths from the collection of interior taxes and the keeping of peace on the public highway to the interior of this Republic (1893, pp. 5-6).
An act to increase the number of regiments in this Republic [adding a fifth regiment, drawn from Clay-Ashland, Louisiana, Millsburg, Harrisburg, Arthington, Muhlenburg, White Plains, Robertsville, Crozerville, Bensonville and Careysburg] (1893, p. 6).
Joint resolution authorizing the exchange of Liberian currency for bonds and the payment of the interest upon the same (1893, pp. 6-7).
An act to incorporate the Independent Congregational Church of Greenville, Sinoe County [naming James K. P. Greene (pastor), Perry A. Greene (deacon), Jesse E. Harris (deacon), Peter Greene (deacon), Z. B. Brown (deacon), Z. T. Greene (trustee and clerk), H. Maccaulay (trustee) and W.E. Harris (trustee)] (1893, p. 7).
Joint resolution restoring John L. Green of Maryland County to citizenship (1893, p. 7).
An act entitled an act to amend an act regulating the militia organization discipline and pay and to repeal the bounty land act [paying each private twelve dollars per month; corporals fourteen dollars, sergeants seventeen dollars, ensigns nineteen, lieutenants twenty, captains twenty five, majors thirty, lieutenant colonels thirty seven, colonels forty dollars and brigade generals forty four dollars per month] (1893, p. 8).
Joint resolution authorizing the payment of the heir of James C. Gittens estate the sum of one hundred and fifty six dollars and sixteen cents (1893, pp. 8-9).
Joint resolution granting [one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars to] the citizens of Bexley, Hartford and Fortsville in Bassa County, money to build bridges and throw up causeway (1893, p. 9).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to negotiate for the loan of thirty thousand dollars to carry out effectually the purposes of the South East expedition of Cape Palmas [against the Half Cavallians] (1893, p. 10).
An act to incorporate the first Baptist Church in Upper Buchanan Grand Bassa County [naming Henry Butler, William Jones, Ishmael P. Harris and James A.M. Peters] (1893, p. 10).
An act to regulate the importation and sale of firearms and ammunition [ prohibiting the provision of swift firing weapons to aborigines, unless in the armed forces, in keeping with the General Act signed in Brussels in July 1890] (1893, pp. 10-12).
[An act detailing the terms for negotiation of extradition treaties with foreign governments] (1893, pp. 12-16).
An act providing port regulations for the Republic of Liberia (1893, pp. 16-18).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act to repeal an act requiring constables and other collecting officers at Robertsport to make their reports to the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Monsterrado County in common with others, approved January 18 1898 (1893, p. 18).
Resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia on the anticipated arrival of the gunboat “Gorronammah” to make immediate provisions in demanding collection of the Nanna Kroo bonds and punishment of the outrages by the natives of the Setra Kroo tribes (1893, p. 19).
Resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia to put on foot a sufficient armed force to quell the rebellious attitude of the natives in the Vey and Zarroh sections of ... Grand Cape Mount towards government in the continuation of the perpetual raids on each other and their obstinate disloyalty in refusing executive authority commanding peace, and also to drive out all invaders in said section of country (1893, pp. 19-20).
Joint resolution amendatory to the act entitled an act to regulate the militia pass at the session of the legislature A.D. 1847 [providing for one surgeon, with the rank of major, and two surgeon mates, with the rank of lieutenants, in each regiment] (1893, p. 20).
An act to amend an act fixing the tariff on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the Republic of Liberia, approved January 28, 1890 (1893, pp. 20-21).
[A resolution authorizing the secretary to treasury to investigate the claim held against the government for eighty thousand four hundred eighty sight dollars and eighty four cents by the widow of the late M. T. Worrell] (1893, p. 21).
An act causing all liquor licenses to be paid in gold (1893, p. 21).
Resolution providing [ninety dollars in compensation for land taken for a road] for the relief of the heirs of S.A. Benson, late of Grand Bassa County (1893, pp. 21-22).
Joint resolution to incorporate the Saint Augustine Lodge No. 2 of the Evangelical Zoanknights in Maryland County [naming John F. R. Scotland, A. L. Gibson, James L. Henson, E. M. Cummings, W. A. Harmon, C. W. Harmon, J. W. Hutchings, H. Johnson, Wellington Mitchell, E. Wilkinsen, G. A. Tippet, G. A. Howard and W. A. Greenfield] (1893, p. 22).
Joint resolution restoring Mrs. Charlotte Kingfield of Sinoe County to citizenship (1893, pp. 22-23).
Joint resolution repealing joint resolution of the senate and house of representatives, providing for the support of the general government, approved January 1891 [providing half of all import and export duties for the national government] (1893, p. 23).
Joint resolution reopening the port of River Cess in Grand Bassa County (1893, p. 23).
[A resolution establishing the rates of duty on various specific commodities] (1893, pp. 23-24).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1892-1893. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1893.

Joint resolution accepting the resignation of Chief Justice C.L. Parsons [due to failure of eyesight] and retiring him after June 30, 1894 (1894, p. 3).
Joint resolution [appropriating one hundred and fifty dollars] for the relief of the widow of Captain John Johnson of No. 3 militia company of the second regiment, Grand Bassa County [who fell in the battle of Rocktown, June 21, 1893] (1894, pp. 3-4).
Joint resolution restoring J. N. Skipworth of Grand Bassa County to citizenship (1894, p.4).
An act creating a secretary of war and navy and defining his duties (1894, pp. 4-5).
An act to amend “An act to grant certain concessions for the charter and construction of a system of railroads in the Republic of Liberia,” approved January 21st 1890 [transferring the concession from F. F. Whittekin, who died on his way to Liberia to fulfill the contract, to his nephew, F. F. Whittekin] (1894, pp. 5-6).
An act authorizing the opening of a canal to connect the waters of the Cavalla and Hoffman Rivers in the county of Maryland [and appropriating eight hundred dollars] (1894, p. 6).
An act to restore to citizenship J.W. Brown and Leum Brown of Sinoe County, Levi Martin of Grand Bassa County, A.L. Cummings of Maryland Count, and A.P. Burnett and John Drayton of Montserrado County (1894, pp. 6-7).
Joint resolution fixing a place for a high school in the county of Grand Bassa and providing competent teachers for said school [with appropriation of one thousand and five hundred dollars] (1894, p. 7).
An act chartering the Young Men’s Lyceum of Lower Buchanan, Grand Bassa County [naming Henry P. Hall (president), Isaac Bishop Yancy (vice president), Daniel J. Page (recording secretary), Philip A. Thatcher (corresponding secretary), Ishmael P. Harris, C. H. Johnson, W. H. Perry, Peter Capehart, J. B. Thomas, J. W. Payne, Gabriel Burke, C.H. Nurse, John T. Harris and A.D. Holliday] (1894, pp. 7-8).
An act to incorporate the Methodist Episcopal Church, Marshall [naming J.P. Artis (pastor), W.G. Mathis (trustee and stewart), George W. Williams (trustee and stewart), J.W. Gordon (stewart), T.N. Wright (stewart), J.H. Marshall (stewart) and J.E. Davis (stewart)] (1894, pp. 8-9).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to dispose of the currency accruing from gold bonds issued and extending the act authorizing the issue of gold bonds for currency (1894, pp. 9-10).
Joint resolution chartering the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, Marshall [naming J. H. Marshall (p.w.f.), W. S. Mathis (n.s.), J. B. Cole (n.g.), G. H. Marshall (v.g.), T. B. Woodson (s.w.) and W. G. Mathis (j.w.)] (1894, p. 10).
An act amendatory to the act establishing the judiciary and fixing the powers common to the several courts and amending the acts regulating appeals (1894, pp. 10-11).
An act to incorporate the Roberts Hospital [providing four town lots in Monrovia and naming as trustees: H. D. Brown, W. E. Dennis, H. J. Moore, H.A. Williams, Arthus Barclay, J. H. Roberts and G. C. Dennis] (1894, pp. 11-12).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of war and navy to furnish Sinoe County with certain arms and ammunitions [forwarding seventy five Peabody rifles and twenty thousand rounds of ammunition] (1894, p. 12).
Joint resolution appropriating annually seventy-five dollars to and for the use of John Hess of Montserrado County [who sustained head and eye injuries while firing a salute at Fort Norris in 1892] (1894, p. 12).
Joint resolution levying a special navy tax upon all inhabitants within the incorporate townships of this Republic without exception as to nationality or citizenship (1894, p. 13).
An act granting [Prof. O.F. Cook] the agent of the New York State Colonization Society exemption from duties on imports (1894, p. 13).
An act to provide support for Liberia College [appropriating three thousand and six hundred dollars annually for salaries of professors and two thousand dollars for other expenses] (1894, p. 14).
Joint resolution making further provisions for the appropriation of a sufficient amount to complete the building of a jail and court house at Robertsport, Montserrado County [appropriating one thousand dollars] (1894, pp. 14-15).
Joint resolution granting an annuity [of one hundred dollars each] to Ida W. Outland, Catherine J. Thompson, Patsey Hardy, Martha Woodson, Fannie E. Smith and Minty Ann Moore, whose husbands died in the battle of Rock Town; also [two hundred dollars each to] Geo. S. Padmore, Daniel Morris, R.T. Taylor, Josiah Benson, Isaiah Ireland, Henry Rogers who were wounded in the battle of Rock Town; also [two hundred dollars to] George Trembo who was wounded in the battle of Renelu in 1875 (1894, p. 15).
Resolution authorizing the celebration of the fiftieth year of Liberian independence [appropriating one thousand dollars for a fair in Monrovia] (1894, p. 16).
[A resolution granting one thousand acres of land to the New York State Colonization Society to establish an agricultural experiment station] (1894, pp. 16-17).
Joint resolution regulating the payment of the members and officers of the legislature [ordering full payment in gold five days before adjournment] (1894, pp. 17-18).
Joint resolution authorizing the removal of Judge I. N. Roberts, Grand Bassa County [in response allegedly to petitions from Grand Bassa citizens] (1894, p. 18-19).
Joint resolution authorizing the payment of a certain claim [for one hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents] held against the government by Thomas Smith of Montserrado County [on balance due to George Bailey] (1894, p. 18).
Joint resolution authorizing the sale of the schooner Beatrice by the marshal of Monsterrado County [for no less than two thousand and five hundred dollars] (1894, p. 19).
Joint resolution authorizing the payment of certain claims of Thomas Smith [of six hundred and eighteen dollars] (1894, p. 19).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the First Session of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the Republic of Liberia (1894, p. 19).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act entitled an act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers approved February 8th 1878 [providing annuity for the widows, orphans and aged or infirm parents of soldiers] (1894, p. 20).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1893-1894. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1894.

Joint resolution calling in all war certificates now in circulation within the Republic (1895, p. 3).
An act requiring the auditor of the treasury department to visit the Leeward Counties once a quarter for the purpose of examining and checking the public accounts and expenditure (1895, pp. 3-4).
An act to incorporate the national museum and library [appropriating three hundred and fifty dollars per year] (1895, p. 4).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act entitled an act fixing the boundaries of town of Robertsport (1895, pp. 4-5).
Joint resolution providing for the survey and rectification of lands at Talla and Waterville, Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado Count [appropriating three hundred and fifty dollars] (1895, p. 5).
Joint resolution providing for a court house, jail and government houses in the county of Grand Bassa and watch house in the county of Sinoe [approving for repair the recently transferred premises of A. Woermann, Upper Buchanan for government use] (1895, pp. 5-6).
An act amendatory to the Homestead Exemption Act approved January 4th 1889 [making it misdemeanor for any sheriff or clerk to seize and expose for sale any homesteaded property] (1895, p. 6).
Joint resolution providing for the settlement of disturbances on the Kroo Coast [appropriating ten thousand dollars for military action if negotiation fails to obtain from the Nanna Kroo and Settra Kroo one thousand dollars each allegedly for owed import duties] (1895, pp. 6-7).
An act to amend the acts establishing the judiciary and fixing the powers and jurisdiction of the several courts [extending the jurisdiction of monthly and probate courts and the powers of justices of the peace, in order to cut spending for the Courts of Common Pleas and Admiralty] (1895, p. 7-8).
Joint resolution reviving the act establishing and fixing ... export duty on coffee scions and dried coffee, passed and approved December 26th 1878 (1895, p. 8).
An act to regulate the fees to be allowed the marshall of the several Courts of Common Pleas and Admiralty in the Republic, also the marshall of the Supreme Court (1895, pp. 8-9).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of war and navy to furnish Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount, and Careysburg, Monstserrado County [fifty Peabody rifles and fifteen thousand rounds of cartridges], Sinoe [one Gatling gun, two hundred Peabody rifles and twenty thousand rounds of cartridges] and Maryland [one Gatling gun, one hundred Peabody rifles and two thousand rounds of cartridges] Counties with certain arms and the necessary ammunition (1895, p. 9).
An act supplementary and amendatory to an act entitled an act chartering the city of Harper, approved December 27th 1878 (1895, p. 9).
Joint resolution providing for immigrant receptacles in the several counties [appropriating four thousand dollars for receptacles] (1895, p. 10).
Joint resolution authorizing the president to appoint two suitable persons in the counties of Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Maryland to select suitable places to establish civilized settlements (1895, pp. 10-11).
Joint resolution granting lands in the several counties of this Republic to the trustees of Bishop Taylor’s Industrial Missions (1895, pp. 11-12).
An act to authorize the citizens of Grand Bassa County, to run a Tram Road through the city of Buchanan and to assist them in accomplishing the same (1895, pp. 12-13).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act entitled an act encouraging mining in the Republic of Liberia (1895, pp. 13-14).
An act making appropriations for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October 1894 and ending September 30th 1895 (1895, pp. 14-21).
An act providing for a Liberian Common School Reader [authorizing no more than three persons to compile the manuscript, two thousand copies of which are to be published by “some foreign printing company”] (1895, pp. 21-22).
An act to increase the revenue of this Republic [appropriating two thousand acres for government farms and state prisons] (1895, pp. 22-24).
An act to alter and amend an act to increase the number of regiments in the Republic of Liberia [from four regimental and eight monthly parades a year to two regimental and ten monthly parades] (1895, pp. 24-25).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1894-1895. Published by authority Monrovia: T. W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1895.

Joint resolution incorporating the Bridge Association of the settlements of White Plains, Crozerville, Bensonville and Careysburg in Montserrado County [naming W. T. Hagans (president), R. A. M. Deputie (vice president), Sr., Benjamin Fagans (vice president), Cato A. Sims (vice president), James D. Carter (vice president), Edward Hunte (treasurer), G. S. Padmore (recording secretary), D. E. Howard (corresponding secretary), J. C. Johnson (manager), Jas. W. Cooper (manager), J. E. Port (manager), Jas. B. Wright (manager) and Thomas W. Haynes (manager)] (1896, p. 3).
Joint resolution incorporating Saint Paul’s Baptist Church, Arthington in the county of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia [naming June Moore (pastor) and deacons J.C. Taylor, Solomon Hill, E. Ponder, V. L. Miller, Henry Taylor and George Askie] (1896, p. 4).
Joint resolution extending the time for all persons holding war certificates within the Republic [from Sept. 30, 1895 to Sept. 30, 1896] (1896, p. 4).
An act empowering the president to designate by public proclamation the limits of townships not already defined (1896, p. 5).
Joint resolution providing for a criminal code [appropriating five hundred dollars for a commission composed of two judges and three counsellors at law] (1896, p. 5).
An act granting Charles William Meiter [of London, England], his associates or assigns the right to establish a bank within this Republic with special privileges [including the exclusive right to coin and issue money in the city of Monrovia] (1896, pp. 6-8).
Joint resolution granting 10 acres of land in fee simple to each male member of the Cape Palmas tribe in Maryland County (1896, p. 8).
Joint resolution removing H.C. Birch, judge of the Monthly and Probate Court of Sinoe County [in order to avoid impeachment] (1896, pp. 8-9).
[A resolution appropriating three hundred and fifty dollars for the inauguration of the president and vice president] (1896, p. 9).
An act defining the duties of the postmaster general [requiring a twenty thousand dollar bond] (1896, pp. 9-10).
Joint resolution authorizing the coining of twenty-five thousand dollars in copper and silver coin (1896, pp. 10-11).
An act providing for the registration of partnership deeds and the articles of association of public companies working within the Republic of Liberia (1896, pp. 11-16).
An act amending the acts chartering Liberia College [allowing for trust fund holders — foreign and domestic — to elect trustees and for trustees to elect the professors and president] (1896, pp. 16-17).
An act granting a road right or right of way and other lands to the American Colonization Society and the New York State Colonization Society [including eight thousand acres near Mount Coffee] (1896, pp. 17-18).
An act to repeal a portion of an act entitled an act to amend the acts establishing the judiciary and fixing the powers and jurisdiction of the several courts, passed and approved January 14, 1895 [restoring Grand Bassa and Maryland Courts of Quarter Sessions to their original terms, due to “embarrassment,” “inconveninence” and “oppression” of the people under their recent charter] (1896, pp. 18-19).
An act amendatory and supplementary to the several existing military acts [establishing one court martial each in Harper and Monrovia and fixing parade dates for the various brigades and regiments] (1896, pp. 19-20).
An act amending the act defining the duties of the post master general [substituting a bond of ten thousand dollars instead of twenty thousand dollars] (1896, pp. 20-21).
Joint resolution repealing an act passed by the legislature approved Janaury 21, 1890, granting a concession to F. F. Whitekin and also repealing an act extending the time for said concession, approved Janaury 3, 1894 (1896, p. 21).
An act granting certain lands in Grand Bassa County to the American Colonization Society [up to six thousand acres near Hartford, Grand Bassa, for use by the All Saints Hall Mission School, established by Mrs. Margretta Scott but recently taken over by the ACS] (1896, pp. 21-22).
Joint resolution for the relief of the several counties of this Republic [ordering the clerks of court to keep an account of all fines and imposed costs for double-checking the accounts of sheriffs and marshalls] (1896, p. 22).
Joint resolution declaring Little Bassa in the county of Grand Bassa a port of entry and delivery [appropriating one thousand dollars to build a port and custom house] (1896, pp. 23-24).
An act granting [Thomas J.R. Faulkner of New York City] a concession to construct, work and maintain railways, telegraphs and telephone lines in the Republic of Liberia [allowing free mining of coal, iron and other metals to cover cost of road, duty-free importation of equipment and tax-free operation for twenty five years] (1896, pp. 23-24).
Joint resolution repealing all that part of the 3rd section of the act entitled an act fixing a tariff on goods, wares and merchandise imported into and on produce exported from the Republic of Liberia, approved January 28, 1896, referring to “fees” of foreign consuls for certification of invoices (1896, p. 24).
An act making appropriations for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October 1895 and ending September 30th 1896 [including salaries of public officers at the national and county levels] (1896, pp. 25-29).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1895-1896. Published by authority Monrovia: T.W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1896.

An act chartering the Enterprise Mining Company of Grand Bassa County [permitting the importation of mining materials duty free and granting two thousand acres at fifty cents per acre to C. C. Brown, J. D. Summerville, A. J. Woods and J. A. Toliver] (1897, p. 3)
Joint resolution incorporating Unity Lodge No. 96 of the Order of United Brothers of Friendship of Brewerville, Montserrado County [naming L. D. Davis (w.m.), G. W. Woods (d.m.), J. W. Bowens (w.s.), J. H. Davis (w.a.s.), A. E. Brown (w.t.), E. W. Williams (w.c.), W. M. Hardy (w.s.m.) T. H. Hunter (w.t.), H. B. Hayes (w.t.), A. D. Simpson (w.t.), J. W. Ash (w.r.s.), Peter Slight (w.l.s.) and E. G. Mathews (w.t.s.) (1897, p. 4).
An act incorporating the First Presbyterian Church Schiefflin [naming the Rev. Z. R. Kennedy, Alfred B. King, William N. Smith (elder), William Jones (elder), William H. Blaine (elder), Spencer H. McMiller (elder) and Christopher C. Lett (communicant)] (1897, p. 4).
A joint resolution requiring the secretary of war and navy to despatch the Gorronammah to the coast in order to carry the guns, port lights and gatlins with ammunition for the same (1897, p. 5).
Joint resolution restoring James M. Curd of the city of Monrovia in the county of Montserrado to citizenship [because Justice of the Peace R. Johnson Clarke, in association with no other justices of the peace, did try Curd, convict him and deny him appeal, “an outrage upon the law and the rights of a person”] (1897, p. 5).
Joint resolution granting one hundred acres of land in the settlement of Brewerville to the American National Baptist Foreign Mission Board for Missionary purposes (1897, pp. 5-6).
Joint resolution restoring John W. Howard of Maryland County to citizenship (1897, p. 6).
Joint resolution restoring sundry persons to citizenship [naming Moses R. Toliver and William H. Sharp of the county of Grand Bassa and Richard Turner and G.W. Hardy of the county of Maryland (1897, p. 6).
Joint resolution granting the citizens of Owens Grove Grand Bassa County the sum of fifty dollars to have the settlement properly plotted (1897, p. 6).
Joint resolution [appropriating one thousand and six hundred dollars and] authorizing the president to secure the services of Messrs. Thomas J. Faulkner, J.B. Dennis and Clement Irons for teaching the art of engineering and other branches of industry to 16 youths of this Republic [to include four youths from each county, two each from repatriate and indigenous backgrounds] (1897, p. 7).
Joint resolution providing additional election polls to be opened in the county of Maryland (1897, p. 7).
Joint resolution granting five hundred acres of land in Montserrado County as a donation to Rev. Paulus Moort and trustees for and in behalf of the Female Training and Educational Institution of Liberia (1897, pp. 7-8).
An act incorporating the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Farmers Link Lodge No. 3.451 in the settlement of Clay Ashland, St. Paul’s River in the county of Montserrado [naming as trustees: Z.H. Dixon, J.B. Burton, J.J. Ash, A. Houston and A.F. Nimmo] (1897, p. 8).
An act granting the Episcopal Mission twenty acres of land at Cape Mount and fifty acres of land in the county of Maryland (1897, pp. 8-9).
An act to amend all that part of the joint resolution passed January 28th 1896 referring to the fees allowed Liberian consuls for the verification of invoices (1897, p. 9).
An act amending the coinage act approved January 1896 [empowering the secretary of treasury to demonitize the coins of foreign countries circulating in Liberia] (1897, p. 10).
Joint resolution approving the special bonds given by the secretary of the treasury to the East Africa Company during the year 1896 with respect to the Sinoe war and for other purposes (1897, p. 10).
Joint resolution granting one thousand acres of land to the First Presbyterian Church Careysburg, Montserrado County [five hundred acres in the Gomooshoo district and five hundred in Glee] (1897, p. 10).
Joint resolution better defining the duties of the commissaries of the counties of Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Maryland (1897, p. 11).
Joint resolution directing the government of Liberia to grant a mining concession in the county of Grand Bassa to A. Meikle on the terms settled by the executive government [requiring the payment of five thousand pounds sterling] (1897, p. 11).
A joint resolution for the better protection of native African laborers [requiring a license for the solicitation of workers from Montserrado and Grand Bassa] (1897, pp. 11-12).
An act fixing a duty [of one quarter of a cent per pound payable in Liberian currency, gold or silver] on Piassava (1897, p. 12).
An act requiring the superintendents of the several counties and the Wharfingers to give bond and fixing the salaries of the said Wharfingers within this Republic and placing the several collectors of customs and Wharfingers upon the general civil list (1897, pp. 12-13).
Joint resolution authorizing the president to erect or cause to be erected suitable block-houses in the interior or any part of this Republic whenever it is necessary [appropriating three thousand dollars for construction and maintaining the military force] (1897, pp. 13-14).
An act respecting revenue and commerce [allowing foreign traders doing business in the ports of Robertsport, Monrovia, Marshall, Grand Bassa, Greenville and Harper to establish factories at the principal coastal trading points, other than ports of entry (1897, pp. 14-15).
Joint resolution incorporating F. Bernard’s Hotel, Monrovia, Liberia (1897, p. 16).
Joint resolution making constables and all fee officers responsible for any unlawful detaining of parties who tender cost in legal tender, etc., etc. (1897, p. 16).
A joint resolution granting William Stepney a deed for the two hundred acres of land in lieu of one burned (1897, p. 17).
Joint resolution incorporating the Knights of Pythias [naming A. L. Sims (c.c.), Josiah Cox (v.c.c.), Isaac Holder (p.), J. H. Locket (m.w.), W. O. Crawford (k.r.s.), Cato A. Sims (m.f.), Jas. B. Padmore (m.a.), E. A. Padmore (i.g.), J. D. Weeks (o.g.) and John I. Thorpe (l.a.) (1897, p. 17).
Joint resolution granting annuity [of sixty dollars per year] to Alexander Mars of Paynesville, Montserrado County (1897, pp. 17-18).
An act to incorporate the First Presbyterian Church, Careysburg, Montserrado County [naming the Rev. R.A.M. Deputie, Sr., G.W.P. Wordsworth (elder), R.A.M. Deputie, Jr. (elder), Francis W.M. (elder), E.C. Deputie (deacon) and W.A. Wordsworth (deacon) (1897, p. 18).
An act with respect to the local debt of the several counties (1897, p. 18).
An act providing for the survey and establishing of permanent agricultural settlements at Cavalla and along the western side of the Cavalla RIver in the county of Maryland [appropriating three thousand dollars] (1897, pp. 18-20).
An act amendatory to the act respecting the navy tax (1897, pp. 20-21).
An act supplementary to the existing acts regulating the postal service of this Republic (1897, pp. 21-22).
An act to incorporating the Liberian Land Development Company [naming W. K. Roberts of Mexico, Md., D. J. Flummer, E. B. Cattingham, T. D. Howard, C. K. Funsdate of Birmingham, Alabama, J. V. Doud of Chattanooga, Tennesee] (1897, pp. 22-24).
Joint resolution incorporating the Daughters of Zion of Sassy Town, Louisiana, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming M. Yates (mother), E. W. Sharp (assistant mother), Jane Seys (treasurer), L.A. Johnson (secretary), Amelia Johnson, Sarah F. Johnson, George Anna Erskine, Ellen Roberts, Mariah E. Jackson, Sarah James, Mary Carney, Saphire Johnson, Martha L. Wilson, Elizabeth Russell and Lydia A. Washington] (1897, p. 24).
Joint resolution pensioning Lieut. Colonel A.M. Jackson of the county of Montserrado [appropriating two hundred dollars per year] (1897, p. 24).
Joint resolution authorizing negotiation for the payment of the English loan of 1871 the same having accumulated interest with principal now exceeding one million dollars (1897, p. 25).
[A resolution appropriating three hundred dollars for a road from Barkers Street, Brewerville, to Logan’s creek, St. Paul’s River, in response to a petition from Brewerville resident] (1897, pp. 25-26).
An act chartering the “Union Mining Company” of Grand Bassa County [naming Edward E. Grant, Daniel G. Harris and Henry B. Williams of Grand Bassa; E.A. Payne, R.H. Jackson and A.B. King of Montserrado as recipients of a 25 year lease on three hundred acres in Grand Bassa and one thousand acres in Montserrado] (1897, p. 26).
Joint resolution requiring defaulting officers to make good the amounts of their deficits [ordering the attorney general to prosecute offenders] (1897, p. 27).
Joint resolution providing for the delimitation of the frontier between the Liberian territory and the French possessions contiguous thereto (1897, p. 27).
Joint resolution empowering the executive government of Liberia to enter into negotiation for the establishment of a banking institution within this Republic [in keeping with the Meiter Banking Act] (1897, pp. 27-28).
A joint resolution authorizing the secretary of treasury to pay A. Blackledge seventy five dollars in lieu of audited bills held by him (1897, p. 28).
Joint resolution granting an annuity of one thousand dollars for three years to Ricks Institute (1897, p. 28).
Joint resolution authorizing the president to approve war certificates in the hands of the superintendents of the several counties of this Republic [ordering that the review of certificates be extended beyond the original deadline due the government’s delay in publishing the announcement calling for the surrender of certificates] (1897, pp. 28-29).
Joint resolution to incorporate Zephus’ Lodge of the grand United Order of Odd Fellows No. 4069 Brewerville, Montserrado County [naming March Gaskin, W. D. Coleman, Henry Chesson, William Adams, Harvey Bast, George Moore, J. J. Saunders, H. B. Lee, Charles Banks, J.C. Lewis, L.D. Davis, A.B. Richardson, N. W. Williams, Jno. T. Banks, William Lucas, Jno. Marshall and Alfred Boyles] (1897, p. 29).
An act providing for the conversion of audited bills and scripts part of the floating debt of this Republic into bonds [in gold coins, bearing three percent interest] (1897, p. 29).
An act altering and amending the charter of the city of Buchanan approved January 13, 1891 [allowing the mayor and council members to fix their own compensation and designating all taxes collected from residents to be the property of the city] (1897, p. 32).
Joint resolution amendatory to the act and supplementary to the several military acts approved January 29 1896 [authorizing one surgeon general for the entire army at the rank of colonel, one surgeon for each brigade at the rank of major and one assistant surgeon per regiment at the rank of first lieutenant] (1897, p. 32).
[A resolution suspending application of the new military law regarding brigade parades] (1897, p. 33).
Joint resolution incorporating Live Stock Company of Careysburg, Montserrado County [granting one thousand acres in the Bough Kelly section, Careysburg, for raising beef and dairy cattle to R. L. Knuckles (chairman of the board), G.W. Walker (treasurer and board member), G. W. R. Wordsworth (corresponding secretary and board member), R. A. M. Deputie [Sr.?] (recording secretary and board member), J. C. Johnson (board member), G.W. Walker (board member), F. W. Jackson.(board member) — all shareholders, along with J. A. Cuthbert, J. E. Porte, Z. R. Kennedy, R. F. Walker, H. B. Woodson, E. C. Deputie, A. E. Walker, N. A. Richardson, J. H. Carr and Daniel Walker] (1897, pp. 33-34).
An act making appropriations [totaling one hundred eighty five thousand and nine hundred forty five dollars and ten cents] for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October A.D. 1896 and ending September 30th 1897 (1897, pp. 34-39).
Acts of the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia passed during the session 1896-1897. Monrovia: T. W. Howard, Printer, Government Printing Office, 1897.

Joint resolution making appropriation [of three hundred dollars] for the inauguration of president and vice president (1898, p. 3)?
Joint resolution restoring John Devine Rowlins of Sinoe County to all the rights and privileges of citizenship (1898, p. 3).
Joint resolution restoring Asbury B. Scott of the settlement of Caldwell, Montserrado County [along with Robert Lynch of Montserrado County and P.C. Dunnwoody of Grand Bassa], to the rights and privileges of citizenship (1898, pp. 3-4).
Joint resolution chartering the First Good Hope Baptist Church of Marshall, Montserrado County [naming W.F. Gibson (pastor) and as deacons and trustees: A. Poindexter, John F. Lewis, Hilary Teage, Thomas B. Woodson and Benjamin Yates] (1898, p.4).
Acts passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1897-1898. Published by authority Monrovia: T.W. Howard, printer, Government Printing Office, 1898.

Adjournment of the Thirty-second legislature, joint resolution fixing (1914, p. 53).
Apollo Circle No. 1 of Harper, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 7).
Banking institutions in Liberia, an act amendatory to an act providing for the registration and requiring all to pay a license (1914, p. 47).
Baptist Industrial Academy of Fortsville, Grand Bassa County, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 7).
Brown, D. A., of Sinoe County, joint resolution restoring to citizenship (1914, p. 7).
Richard Brown of Paynesville, an act granting ... the right to operate a railway between Paynesville and Junk River (1914, p. 13).
Buchanan City Lodge No. 7, International Order of Good Templers, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 46).
Budget for fiscal period ending June 30th, 1915 to cover quarters ending September 30th and December 31st, 1915, an act extending (1914, p. 55).
Bureau of Internal Telegraphy to be supervised and controlled by General Postal Department, an act creating and establishing (1914, p. 30).
Celebration of Liberia’s Natal Day, joint resolution respecting (1914, p. 57).
Christian Woman’s Board of Missions, joint resolution granting five hundred acres of land to (1914, p. 15).
City of Monrovia, joint resolution granting real estate of Monrovia to (1914, p. 54).
Civilized settlements and townships, joint resolution authorizing president to open (1914, p. 35).
Coast Hinterland Railroad Company, an act incorporating (1914, p. 32).
Colonial Silver circulation, an act approving the president’s action in forbidding (1914, p. 46).
Criminal and Civil Code of Procedure, an act legalizing (1914, p. 34).
Customs Tariff of 1910, an act amending (1914, p. 52).
Daughters of Amantemis, Maryland County, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 43).
United Order of Odd Fellows, District Grand Lodge No. 37 of the Republic of Liberia, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 50).
District of Marshall a territory, joint resolution creating (1914, p. 54).
Divorce, an act amendatory to an act relating to (1914, p. 6).
Dudley, James of Montserrrado County, joint resolution restoring to citizenship (1914, p. 7).
Kieszar, Cleveland of Montserrado County, joint resolution restoring to citizenship (1914, p. 7).
Excelsior Mining Company, Limited, Maryland County, an act amending an act enlarging the rights and powers of (1914, p. 44).
Exploration of hardwoods on Anglo-Liberian frontier, joint resolution authorizing the president to negotiate with Mr. F. P. McMullan of Tocoma, Washington, United States (1914, p. 5).
McMullan, F. P. of Tocoma, Wahsington, United States, joint resoltuion authorizing the president to negotiate with ... concerning exploration of hardwood on Anglo-Liberian frontier (1914, p. 5).
Frontier Force, joint resolution directing dispersement of pay (1914, p. 12).
Half-Graway Benevolent Society of Maryland County, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 13).
Hoffman Station and other sites formerly occupied by Greboes of Maryland County, joint resolution respecting the disposing of (1914, p. 45).
Bigtown and other sites formerly occupied by Greboes of Maryland County, joint resolution respecting the disposing of (1914, p. 45).
Budetor and other sites formerly occupied by Greboes of Maryland County, joint resolution respecting the disposing of (1914, p. 45).
Interior Department, an act making regulations governing (1914, p. 16).
Internal revenue, an act relating to cash collections of (1914, p. 56).
Judiciary, an act amendatory to an act relating to the (1914, p. 50).
International Order of Good Templars, Krootown Pioneer Lodge No. 12, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 51).
Military Service of Merit, an act instituting Liberian Order of (1914, p. 4).
James A. Wilson (pastor), named in joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County (1914, p. 3).
Edward M. Johnson (trustee), named in joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County (1914, p. 3).
Isaac Lloyd (trustee), named in joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County (1914, p. 3).
E. M.Johnson, Jr. (trustee), named in joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County (1914, p. 3).
A. E. Baxter (trustee), named in joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County (1914, p. 3).
Daniel Dennis (trustee), named in joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County (1914, p. 3).
W. A. Carver (trustee), named in joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County (1914, p. 3).
Methodist Episcopal Church of Fendal, Montserrado County, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 3).
Muhlenburg Mission, joint resolution granting 100 acres of land for educational and industrial purposes (1914, p. 48).
National legislature, joint resolution amendatory to a joint resolution fixing the time for the meeting of (1914, p. 54).
National Relief Committee, an act authorizing the appointment of (1914, p. 11).
Government employees, an act forbidding the ordering and importation of goods and merchandise by (1914, p. 36).
Public instruction and common schools, an act amendatory to an act consolidating, amending and supplementing the several existing acts relative to (1914, p. 52).
Recruitment of laborers for service beyond the Republic, joint resolution relative to (1914, p. 37).
Militia of Liberia, an act relating to the Second Regiment (1914, p. 9).
Secretary of Interior and others forbidden from claiming or demanding extra-legal fees in towns and villages, an act (1914, p. 10).
Native African Commissioners and others forbidden from claiming or demanding extra-legal fees in towns and villages, an act (1914, p. 10).
District Commissioners and others forbidden from claiming or demanding extra-legal fees in towns and villages, an act (1914, p. 10).
Thomas Sergeant, an act granting the right of pearl fishing in waters of the Republic (1914, p. 33).
Old Congo Town in Montserrado County and other settlements, joint resolution making voting precincts (1914, p. 53).
White Plains in Montserrado County and other settlements, joint resolution making voting precincts (1914, p. 53).
Nana Kroo in Sinoe County and other settlements, joint resolution making voting precincts (1914, p. 53).
International Order of Good Templars, Silver Star Lodge No. 9 of Hartford, Bassa County, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 15).
Starr, Frederick, University of Chicago professor, a joint resolution expressing the thanks of government and people of Liberia to (1914, p. 8).
Stewart, T. McCants, joint resolution ordering his removal as justice of Supreme Court (1914, p. 55).
Town and villages, an act amendatory to an act regulating (1914, p. 38).
United Brothers of Friendship, Tucker’s Lodge No. 137, Careysburg, Montserrado COunty, joint resolution incoporating (1914, p. 53).
Militia of Liberia, an act providing for the uniform and pay of officers and soldiers in time of war [Brigadier general, $125; colonel, $100; lieutenant colonel, $90; major, $60; junior major, $45; brigadier major, $45; brigadier quarter master, $25; captain, $40; lieutenant, $30; adjutant, $30; sergeant, $20; corporal, $17; and private, $15] (1914, p. 5).
Union Baptist Church of Fortsville, Grand Bassa County, joint resolution incorporating (1914, p. 37).
Thomas, Henry Perry of Maryland County, joint resolution granting thirty acres of land to his widow and heirs (1914, p. 9).

“Emergency Relief Fund Act” [repealing Section 1 of the 1906 Stamp Act; requiring the payment of 20 percent duty on every parcel post or baggage item, for use in paying government salaries; and providing for a $100 fine for each violation of the Act] (Call Session of 1915, pp. 3-5).
“Emergency Mode of Procedure Act” [authorizing a reduction in the number of government employees, with retrenched workers to to be owed one-fourth of their salaries for the duration of the crisis, along with a 50 percent reduction in government salaries and emoluments, to not less than $10] (Call Session of 1915, p. 5-6).
An Act extending the time for the Excelsior Mining Company Limited of Maryland County, Liberia, to commence the surveys of the railroad routes [to 18 months after the end of the current European war] and their time within which to commence the construction of said railroad [to three years after the end of the war], as approved Sept. 24th, 1914 (Call Session of 1915, pp. 6-7).
An act amending Section 6 of the Customs Code [to require vessels trading at more than one Liberian port to pay ten cent per ton on total tonnage at first port of entry] (Call Session of 1915, p. 7).
An act supplementary to an act providing for a stamp duty on deeds, agreements, receipts and certain other documents, as approved Feb. 1st, 1906 [to require payment of a ten cent stamp duty on licenses of: commission agents, auctioneers, surveyors, lawyers, physicians, alien artisans, banks, mining companies, big game hunters, boats, and labor recruiting agents] (Call Session of 1915, pp. 7-8).
An act to prevent the restraint of trade and monopolies in the Republic of Liberia [making every hinderance of importation or exportation by rumor or otherwise a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or six month imprisonment (Call Session of 1915, pp. 8-11).
Joint resolution for the relief of officials, public servants and creditors of the Republic of Liberia [authorizing the issuance of warrants of government indebtedness which may be used by individuals only to buy government land or to pay taxes or other debts owed to government] (Call Session of 1915, pp. 11-12).
An act supplementary to the Emergency Mode of Procedure Act [exempting from reduction those salaries set by the Constitution and the salaries of attorney generals and county attorneys as well as government obligations under special contracts and the Sea Transit Fee] (Call Session of 1915, pp. 12-13).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the Call Session of the legislature, March 1915 (Call Session of 1915, p. 13).
Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the Call Session of 1915. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1915.

Joint resolution incorporating the Pleahn Wanh Society of Krutown, Monrovia [naming as officers: K. Nimbly Pyne, president; Jack, Andrew, vice president; Kor Weah, secretary; Tomee Toluji, assistant secretary; Japro Nanor, treasurer; Knoteah Norsonah, mother; Geploh Doedu, assistant mother; Yankoon Bomah, collector; Tegroo Dawyer, assistant collector; Teah Morboo, Nimbly Morboo, Narboh Bordie and Juah Tantie] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 3-4).
Joint resolution incorporating the New Wye Company of Kru Town, Monrovia, Montserrado County [naming Jack Freeman, manager; Cobah Pennor, queen; May Wreh Warto, second queen; Sinoe, chief officer; Ginger, judge; Whiskey, chief engineer; Moses, mess room steward; Try Best, fourth engineer; Sea Boe Deck, captain; Lewis Teah, chief steward; Fenur Seekey, doctor; Yancee Wreh, police; William Johnson, captain; Markon, female captain; Nawnwin, second steward; Saw Frau, second engineer; Tom Peter, second manager; Seneca, lawyer; D.C. Huntington, clerk] (Acts 1915-16, p. 4).
Joint resolution granting David B. Peal of the settlement of Millsburg, Montserrado County, the right to run a ferry across the St. Paul River from a point at Millsburg to an opposite point at White Plains and from the latter place to the former (Acts 1915-16, pp. 4-5).
Joint resolution incorporating the Afro-Liberian Union Association of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [naming Samuel H. Merriam, president; Robert W. Wilson, vice president; Timothy N. Savage, general secretary; Henry H. Merriam, recording secretary; John P. Harris, financial secretary; Jerome N. Seton, emergency secretary; Jane W. Valentine, treasurer; Samuel K. Scott, chaplain; George G. Wood, marshall; Alonzo P. Clarke, guard; Nathaniel P. Speare, organist; Jeremiah D. Scott, patron; and Virginia W. Scott, matron] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 5-6).
An act amending an act amending and enlarging the charter of the Excelsior Mining Company, Ltd., of Maryland County, approved January 19th, 1914 [permitting the company to use a non-standard guage of three feet and six inches, to use unimproved land if needed, with owners to be compensated similarly situated government land, and to add branches to its main line, as required] (Acts 1915-16, p. 6).
Joint resolution incorporating the National Company of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming George Tarpeh, president; Saccho Blamor, vice president; Florbhey, secretary; Munoh, treasurer; Geteh Wuloh, doctor; and Jack Andrew, judge] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 6-7).
Joint resolution incorporating the Union Castle Company of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Jonah Davis, manager; T. Borrow, assistant manager; F.C. Grant, captain; J. A. Manning, general doctor; C. B. M. Williams, purser; Yankor Monah, treasurer; Peter Davis, judge; and Wulor Teh, mistress] (Acts 1915-16, p. 7).
Joint resolution incorporating the Soldier Company No. 1 of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Worroh Jaroy, manager; G. F. Sharpe, assistant manager; Gbee Teahpleh, queen; Gbee Tebah, assistant queen; Munah Tarpeh, secretary; War Chen Callah, judge; Tah Yannoh Beah, purser; Yannoh Ta Yankoon, treasurer; and Kpeneh Toe Surely, doctor] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 7-8).
An act amending the act incorporating the Caroline Donovan Normal and Industrial Institute [, a public school, to receive annual interest payments from the Donovan Estate for Education in Liberia, administered by the American Colonization Society] (Acts 1915-16, p. 8).
An act relating to the issuing of lawyers licenses [only by the Clerks of the Circuit Courts and only after approval by the Circuit judges] (Acts 1915-16, p. 9).
Joint resolution amending a joint resolution incorporating the Baptist Indistrial Academy of Fortsville, Grand Bassa County, approved Oct. 20th, 1914 [adding the Rev. James Kelly and the Rev. L. J. Campbell to the list of trustees] (Acts 1915-16, p. 9).
An act providing [$500] for the repairing of the Government House in Upper Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, and [$300 each for] jail houses in Greenville, Sinoe, and Maryland counties (Acts 1915-16, pp. 9-10).
An act fixing the penalty for violation of the neutrality of the Republic of Liberia [at up to two years imprisonment or $5,000] (Acts 1915-16, p. 10).
An act fixing the penalty for the violation of the proclamation of the president of the Republic of Liberia [between $25 and $500, left to the discretion of the courts] (Acts 1915-16, p. 11).
An act forbidding the circulation and spread of false news and rumors, whereby the foreign relations of the Republic of Liberia may be disturbed, and fixing penalty for same [at up to $1,000 or two years imprisonment] (Acts 1915-16, p. 11).
An act making appropriation [of $1,149.20] for defraying the expenses of the inauguration of the president and vice president of the Republic, A. D. 1916 (Acts 1915-16, pp. 11-12).
An act incorporating the Mary A. Sharp Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church of Kru Town, Monrovia, Montserrado County [naming Tom Green, Bill Williams, George F. Sharpe, S. B. Smith, Tea Cup Cooper, W. E. Dennis, T. J. R. Faulkner, J. B. McCritty, and D. E. Howard] (Acts 1915-16, p. 12).
An act extending the budget for the fiscal period ending Dec. 31st, 1915, to cover the period ending June 30th, 1917 (Acts 1915-16, pp. 12-13).
Joint resolution restoring D. D. Freeman of Monrovia, Montserrado County, to citizenship (Acts 1915-16, pp. 13).
An act authorizing the secretary of the treasury of the Republic of Liberia to pay the expenses of the call election in Sinoe County, and the quadrennial election in the several counties, March and May A. D. 1915 [out of the revenue of each county] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 13).
An act augmenting the salary of the commissioner of internal revenue [by $200] (Acts 1915-16, p. 12).
An act requiring the secretary of the treasury to pay the mileage bills of the legislature (Acts 1915-16, p. 14).
An act fixing the salaries of the marshall of the Supreme Court, sheriffs and clerks of courts (Acts 1915-16, pp. 14-15).
An act providing for the government of Kru Town, Monrovia, and constituting the same a corporation [providing for a governor, with the power to appoint one clerk and four police officers, and to act as a justice of the peace; one advisory councillor from each of the six nominating districts: Kru, Jiwroh, G’Bata, Ka-u, Bassa and Grebo; and the levying of taxes by the corporation to cover sanitation, water supply and poor relief] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 15-18).
Joint resolution restoring Andrew J. Wheathers of Montserrado County to citizenship (Acts 1915-16, p. 18).
Joint resolution incorporating the Eureka Lodge International Order of Good Templars, Robertsport, Montserrado County [naming G. N. Emmons, lodge deputy; R. W. Gordon, chief templar; W. A. Williams, vice templar; J. B. Stryker, secretary; L. J. Baker, financial secretary; Peter Russell, treasurer; W. S. Hoff, chaplain; J. A. H. Jones, superintendent of juvenile temple; A. J. Dimery, past chief templar; Ralph Perry, assistant secretary; Lemuel Russell, marshall; J. W. O. Garber, deputy marshall; J. R. McKeiver, guard; and J. H. Lewis, sentinel] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 18-19).
Joint resolution incorporating the Central Free Will Baptist Church, Brewerville, Montserrado County [naming William M. Coleman, pastor; and deacons: L. C. Crooksy, Alexander Moore, W. H. Davis, William Cheeseman, John A. Coleman, W. H. Forfey and Shederich Williams] (Acts 1915-16, p. 19).
Joint resolution incorporating the No. 1 Brass Band of the territory of Marshall, Republic of Liberia [naming Aaron P. Page, president; E. Francis Marshall, band master; Josiah White, assistant band master; and members: T. W. Marshall, Amos L. Williams, Thomas Smith, Samuel Mathis, H. Augustus Marshall, Thomas J. White, Henry King, Eddie White, Andrew Sanders, Jacob White, Paul Page, Andrew White and C. J. White (Acts 1915-16, pp. 19-20).
Joint resolution incorporating the Saint Philips Parish of the Protestant Episcopal Mission of Fortsville, Grand Bassa County [naming William Alex Greenfield, rector; Alexander A. Pierre, senior warden; Samuel P. Hodges, secretary; and vestrymen: James C. Rutlege, junior warden; Thomas L. Morris, E. J. Snyder, C. E. Vierdier] (Acts 1915-16, p. 20).
An act declaring certain acts seditious and fixing the punishment of same [making it a crime to (a) charge the government of unfairness in its conduct toward “native tribes,” punishable by up to $2,000 fines, five years imprisonment and confiscation of property or (b) harbor anyone engaged in revolt against the government, punishable by up to $500 fines or one year imprisonment if the offender is a Liberian or by up to $5,000 in fines and deportation if an alien] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 21-22).
Joint resolution granting J. N. Wright and Company of the territory of Marshall, Montserrado County, the right to run a ferry across the Junk River near the mouth of the Junk Bar in the territory, county and Republic of Liberia [for ten years] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 22-23).
An act forbiding the sale or improper use of government arms and ammunition [creating a high misdemeanor punishable by up to $500 and two years imprisonment] (Acts 1915-16, p. 23).
Joint resolution incorporating the Morris Memorial Lodge No. 133, United Brothers of Friendship of Bensonville, Montserrado County [naming James D. Brent, worthy master; Samuel N. Smith d. m.; J. T. Hampton, w.s.; James A. Parker, w. a. s.; Sandy F. Horace, w. f.; E. S. Moore, chaplain; and trustees: Fred. A. Padmore, E. S. Moore and Henry Ammons] (Acts 1915-16, p. 24).
Joint resolution granting Bishop S. D. Ferguson, missionary bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Mission in Liberia, six acres of land in the territory of Grand Cape Mount, in the city of Robertsport, for the purpose of carrying on a girls boarding and day school and for other industrial purposes (Acts 1915-16, pp. 24-25).
An act authorizing the secrtary of the treasury to pay off the officers of the national legislature the remainder of their salaries which may be due them at the end of each and every session (Acts 1915-16, p. 25).
An act providing for the maintenance of disabled seaman of the Republic of Liberia [on the following scale: second officer and above, $100; officers below second officer, $75; seamen, $60; and firemen and other hands, $40] (Acts 1915-16, p. 26).
An act amendatory to an act regulating the interior department, Republic of Liberia, approved Oct. 13, 1914 [requiring a $1,000 bond from each district commisioner] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 26-27).
An act chartering the City of Clay-Ashland, Montserrado County [with a mayor, one auditor, one recorder, one solicitor, one treasurer, one or more tax collector, one or more city magistrate, one lerk, one or more street inspectors, oen or more inspectors of weights and measures, a “suitable number” of police officers and a seven-member council] (Acts 1915-16, p. 23-30).
An act altering and amending the charter of the City of Greenville [with a mayor, one clerk, one auditor, one treasurer, one solicitor, one chief of police, one health commissioner, one chief tax collector, one commissioner of public works, one magistrate, and a seven-member council with one member from each ward and three at-large members] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 30-37).
Joint resolution reimbursing certain citizens holding legal claims against the Republic of Liberia [namely C. H. Taylor, $148; Thomas G. Ville, $350; and A. F. Jackson, $87.42] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 37-38).
An act making an appropriation [of $1,000] for the payment of the rent for the new executive mansion of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1915-16, p. 38).
Joint resolution in memory of Dr. Booker Taliaferro Washington, founder of Tuskegee Institute, Alabama [who for many years “manifested a sincere and unselfish interest in the affairs and progress” of Liberia] (Acts 1915-16, pp. 38-39).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the first session of the 33rd legislature (Acts 1915-16, p. 39).
An act regulating the residence of aliens within the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1915-16, pp. 39-40?).
Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1915—1916. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1916. [Some pages were apparently missing from among copy of the Acts used for preparing this section of the index.]

Joint resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of the settlement of Tallah, Grand Cape Mount [naming Samuel B. Jackson, pastor; and trustees: John T. Moore, I. McIntosh and Stephen Moore] (Acts 1916, pp. 3-4).
Joint resolution incorporating the Apollo Circle, Buchanan, Grand Bassa, Liberia [naming Aaron P. Worrel, president; Thomas J. Rainsbury, vice president; Thomas R. Hill, secretary; James B. John, treasurer; Thomas W. John, chaplain; Joseph F. Barlone, conductor; Edwin A. Morgan, critic; D. Tipmore Harris, historian; P. J. L. Brumskine, advocate; Edward J. Summerville, assistant advocate; Jacob H. Logan, trustee; and W. S. Mason, trustee] (Acts 1916, p. 4).
Joint resolution tendering the thanks of the legislature and the people of the Republic of Liberia to the government of the United States of America, for the magnanimity of that government towards the Liberian government, during the last rebellion of confederate Krus in the county of Sinoe and elsewhere on the coast within the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1916, pp. 4-5).
Joint resolution granting to the African Methodist Episcopal Church of Grand Cape Mount, one acre of public land in said territory for a burying ground for their dead (Acts 1916, p. 5).
An act changing the term of the Supreme Court [to the fourth Monday in November and the first Monday in April] (Acts 1916, p. 6).
An act amending an act fixing the penalty for the violation of the proclamation of the president of the Republic of Liberia, approved Jan. 19th, 1916 [substituting “or” for “and”] (Acts 1916, p. 6).
Joint resolution incorporating the Gastronomic Circle No. 17 of Grand Bassa County [David A. Worrell, royal arch.; David A. Peters, president; Francis C. Hill, vice president; Samuel W. Payne, umpire; E. J. T. Herron, historian; W. P. Lysander Brumskine, treasurer; Randolph P. Hill, orgt. superintendent; J. N. Horace, recording secretary; Samuel T. Innis, corresponding secretary; James M. Cole, chaplain; Samuel White, marshall; W. A. Rogers, moderator; P. J. L. Brumskine, advocate; Milton White, conductor; Jehu Royal King, registra; and Robert H. Herron, assistant secretary] (Acts 1916, p. 6).
Joint resolution restoring Isaiah F. Peal of Montserrado County to citizenship (Acts 1916, p. 7).
Joint resolution incorporating the Annie E. Davis Temple No. 131, Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, Careysburg, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming Mary J. Sims, past princess; Rose A. Wardsworth, worthy princess; Penecy A. Deputie, vice princess; Mary A. Freeman, worthy secretary; Sarah E. Wordsworth, assistant secretary; W. Ella Knuckles, worthy treasurer; trustees: James F. Sims, Gabriel C. Knuckles and Charles C. Wordsworth; Hannah A. M. Deputie, worthy chaplain; Matilda A Jackson, senior marshall; Julia E. Jackson, pilot; Margaret A. Givens, inside sentinel; Sarah Givens, outside sentinel; Dalis A. Craig; and Zilla Edward C. Deputie, chairman of the committee] (Acts 1916, p. 7).
An act incorporating the Ferry Boat Company of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [naming Edwin Morgan, James S. Smith and H. L. White] (Acts 1916, pp. 7-8).
An act incorporating “The Ladies Christian Association” of Lower Buchanan, Grand Bassa County [naming R. A. Morris, president; M. A. E. Savage, vice president; F. H. Davies, secretary; A. C. Cooker, assistant secretary; S. G. Harmon, treasurer; S. A. Reffel, conductor; J. R. Davvis, chaplain; trustees: K. F. Mason, F. A. K. Russell, T. G. Reffel; and members: Rose Brown, C. A. Clinton, Elizabeth Overton, Charity Oliver, Lucy Martin, M. J. Watts, Sarah Watts, Sarah J. Dean and Laura Greaves] (Acts 1916, p. 8).
Joint resolution restoring Moses Dennis of Montserrado County to citizenship (Acts 1916, p. 8).
An act incorporating the “Stepping Company No. 1 of Monrovia, Montserrado County (Acts 1916, p. 9).
An act incorporating the “Granger Presbyterian Church” of Johnsonville in Montserrado County [naming J. G. B. Parson, senior stated supply; J. H. Kennedy, elder; Jacob Wetherspoon, elder; J. H. Brown, elder; and S. N. Williams, deacon] (Acts 1916, p. 9).
Joint resolution incorporating the No. 1 National Company of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Peter Robo, manager; Joe Taipleh, assistant manager; Wreh-Meh-Geplu, financial secretary; Yeu-pru Pkanner, judge; S. B. Naibey, assistant mistress; Neppay Gbee, treasurer; Blarnu Jaw, assistant treasurer] (Acts 1916, pp. 9-10).
An act supplementary to an act declaring certain days to be national holidays approved Jan. 9, 1883 [adding to the National Fast and Prayer Day, observed on the second Friday of April, the following new national holidays: Pioneers Day, January 7th; Flag Day, August 24th; December 1st, Matilda Newport Day; and Decoration Day, second Wednesday of March] (Acts 1916, pp. 10-11).
An act amending an act extending the budget of the Republic of Liberia approved Jan. 28th, 1916 [substituting “September” for “June”] (Acts 1916, p. 11).
Joint resolution appreciative of the services rendered the Republic of Liberia by the late Samuel David Ferguson, D. D., D. C. L., K. C., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Liberia (Acts 1916, pp. 11-12).
Joint resolution incorporating the Number One Brass Band of Arthington, Montserrado County [naming John Moore, band director; Johnny Bracewell, band master; W. H. Tyler, band instructor; Scott Carter, band leader; James Hoggard, financial secretary; Emma Tyler, band treasurer; Solomon Miller, boatswain; Thomas H. Tyler, band patron; and members: Joseph Bracewell and Jerry Jones] (Acts 1916, p. 12).
An act amending a joint resolution incorporating the Unity Lodge No. 95, United Brothers of Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, Brewerville, Montserrado County, approved A. D. 1897 [substituting “No. 120” for “No. 95”] (Acts 1916, pp. 12-13).
Joint resolution incorporating the Coleman’s Memorial Lodge No. 134, United Brothers of Friendship of Arthington, Montserrado County [naming Thomas H. Tyler, p.m.; June Moore, p.m.; W. H. Tyler, w. m.; H. W. Davies, d. m.; Willie A. Moore, w. s.; Francis Hill, assistance secretary; James Clarke, chaplain; David Moore, marshall; trustees: John Moore and Henry Hill; W. H. Tyes, treasurer; Charles R. Askie, pilot; and Lot Hill (Acts 1916, p. 13).
An act granting a ferry franchaise to F. V. Massali, across the Po and Little Cape Mount or Loffa Rivers [from Manjamah to Bornaijah, with rates not to exceed ten cents per person] (Acts 1916, pp. 13-14).
An act creating a territorial court in the territory of Grand Cape Mount, defining its jurisdiction and providing for its organization [with five divisions: law, admiralty, equity, probate and native] (Acts 1916, pp. 14-16).
An act requesting the president of Liberia to erect a national monument in Maryland County and in memory of the late John Hilary Tubman, major general, Republic of Liberia [with an appropriation of $500] (Acts 1916, p. 16).
An act amending an act regulating towns and villages [shifting the date of town meetings to the first Tuesday in October] (Acts 1916, p. 17).
An act amending Chapter XXX of the Acts of 1916 approved Jan. 18th, 1916, entitled “An act declaring certain acts seditious and fixing the punishment of the same” [emphasizing “with intent to stir up rebellion” and increasing punishment for Liberians to $2,000, five years imprisonment and confiscation of real property while reducing the punishment of aliens to deportation only] (Acts 1916, pp. 17-18).
An act altering and amending the charter of the City of Marshall [to provide for one mayor and five council members, and the appointment of aldermen together with one solicitor, one treasurer, one tax collector, one inspector and police] (Acts 1916, pp. 18-19).
Joint resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia to publish the oration delivered by the Right Reverend Samuel David Ferguson, D. D., D. C. L., K. C., on our natal day, the twenty-sixth of July 1916, in pamphlet form for free distribution in Liberia (Acts 1916, p. 19).
An act incorporating the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, Careysburg, Montserrado County [naming D. W. Urey, past noble father; G. A. Minor, noble father; J. A. Deputie, past noble grand; W. R. Craig, noble grand; W. D. Cassell, vice grand; D. A. Ureh, p. s.; W. F. Dennis, e. s.; R. E. Knuckles, w. t.; T. A. Jackson, w. h.; G. E. Knuckles, w. c.; James Paxton, r. s.; G. R. Knuckles, l. s.; James People, r. s.; G. E. Winder, l. s.; J. T. Wordsworth, guardian; and trustees: George B. Walker, J. E. Woodson, J. L. Honsby and R. L. Knuckles] (Acts 1916, p. 20).
An act levying hut tax [instead of the unpopular poll tax] among the uncivilized aboriginal inhabitants within the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1916, pp. 20-21).
An act altering and amending the charter of the City of Robertsport, territory of Grand Cape Mount [providing for a mayor, a city clerk, one city treasurer, one auditor, one solicitor, one chief of police, one health commissioner, one tax collector, one commissioner of public works, one magistrate and a seven-member council with the power to elect a chairman, sergeant-at-arms, clerk and messengers, and to collect the following taxes: a $1 poll tax on males 21 to 75 years of age; a fifty cent dog tax; and a $1 female tax] (Acts 1916, pp. 21-26).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the thirty third legislature, second session 1916 (Acts 1916, p. 27).
An act defining how the oath or affidavit of a claimant, shipper, importer, exporter, consignor, or consignee required by the president’s proclamation dated June 22nd, A. D. 1916, shall be made [authorizing the removal from office of any collector of customs or clerk of customs collecting any fee or perquisites for administering any oath to shippers and others] (Acts 1916, pp. 27).
An act defining and fixing the boundaries between the settlements of Careysburg, Bensonville, Crozierville and White Plains (Acts 1916, p. 28).
Joint resolution declaring the twenty-fifty day of December ensuing Commemoration Day [in honor of the American Colonization Society] and providing for its commemoration [by the publication of a presidential proclamation] (Acts 1916, pp. 28-29).
An act amending an act defining treason and fixing the punishment therefor [at no more than 25 years imprisonment and confiscation of all property where no death resulted from the treasonable act] (Acts 1916, p. 29).
An act suspending the act entitled “An act permitting foreign individuals or firms irrespective of nationality established at any of the regular ports of entry of this republic to trade interiorward or coastwise beyond ports of entry” passed at the session 1908-1909 [withdrawing permission for the operation of foreign firms outside ports of entry until three years after the end of the current European War] (Acts 1916, pp. 29-30).
An act suspending the benefit of the Habeas Corpus Act on the Kru Coast and between and including Rock Cess and Picanini Cess and forty miles interiorward in said district (Acts 1916, p. 30).
Joint resolution prescribing a penalty for the violation of customs rules and regulations [issued by the Customs Receivership, with fines of up to $1,000] (Acts 1916, p. 31).
A joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to enlarge the depository agreement entered into between the government of Liberia and the Bank of British West Africa Limited, Monrovia, on the 4th day of February A. D. 1916 (Acts 1916, p. 31).
An act amending Section One of the Emergency Relief Fund Act [extending the act until government receipts equal or exceed $9,000 for six months] (Acts 1916, p. 31).
Joint resolution incorporating the Southern Nigeria Company of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Gmarrue Pargedoe, manager; Fardeh, assistant manager; Sebehtee Gedeh, manageress; Wadayennor Brown, assistant manageress; J. A. Sawyer, secretary; G. M. J. Morris, treasurer; Seekee Bohyennor, financial treasurer; John Moore, judge; and runners: Dehwenneh Seboe and Dehbleh Welly] (Acts 1917-18, pp. 32-33).
Joint resolution amendatory and supplementary to joint resolution respecting the title and privileges of native African representatives in the legislature, approved January 20th, 1903 [stipulating that the required tax be paid in gold, silver or copper coin] (Acts 1917-18, p. 33).
Joint resolution incorporating the African Association of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Henry Grimes, chief commander; Peter Clay, second commander; Bue Shetter, secretary; Beadie, chairman; Brighte, captain; Johnny No. 1, chief doctor; Cantoo Bah, assistant doctor; Nah Lepet, treasurer; Pine Zlogard, president; Sayneilyard, collector; Joseph Berry, quartermaster; and Esarway, second mate] (Acts 1917-18, pp. 33-34).
Joint resolution incorporating the Navy Company No. 1 of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Sardee Pargada, manager; Judee Kan Kneh, assistant manager; Jer Que Gbe, manageress; Gelar Keen Marsonah, assistant manageress; T. W. Magen, secretary; Gbne-Bee Monah, treasurer; Juah Tarneh Teysayer, doctor; Jardee Cee, collector; and Gban-lee Teah, captain] (Acts 1917-18, p. 34).
An act providing for a Kru governor [to be appointed by the president] and council in Kru Town, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1917-18, p. 34).
An act to revoke the charter of the City of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [ordering all monies and books to be forward to the national government] (Acts 1917-18, p. 35).
Joint resolution restoring George Capeheart of Montserrado County to citizenship (Acts 1917-18, p. 35).
An act to amend the act of Jan. 24, 1900 relating to crimes and misdemeanors and their punishments [altering the definition of smuggling to include the failure to declare any dutiable item to customs] (Acts 1917-18, p. 35).
Joint resolution reimbursing Elizabeth A. Griggs, widow and the legal surviving heirs of the late Robert L. Griggs, deceased of Grand Bassa County, thirty acres of bounty land (Acts 1917-18, pp. 35-36).
An act incorporating the “Johnsonville Company” No. 1 of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Carka Dehun, manager; Joe Yonnoh, assistant manager; Mrs. Werleh Juah G’bay, treasurer; Shedeegbedee, manageress; G. Y. Penner, recording secretary; A. T. G. Appleton, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Tekler Shardee, member] (Acts 1917-18, p. 36).
Joint resolution granting Bombo and David L. Rose the right to run one ferry across the little Cape Mount River in the County of Montserrado and Republic of Liberia (Acts 1917-18, pp. 36-37).
An act incorporating the St. Paul Baptist Church, Arthington, Liberia [naming the Rev. R. B. Wicker, pastor; J. C. Taylor, sen.; Solomon Hill, sen.; George Askie, church clerk; Thomas H. Tyler, building treasurer; and deacons: George Askie, Eli Poner, Henry Tylor, E. Samuel Moore and Menford F. Smallwood] (Acts 1917-18, p. 37).
Joint resolution incorporating “Liberian Unity Lodge, No. 1” Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Grand Bassa [naming P. A. Thatcher, p. c. p.; J. T. Innis, p. g.; C. H. Johnston, v. g.; E. F. Grante, w. t.; A. P. L. Harris, conductor; J. S. Wright, i. s. g.; I. H. Payne, e. s.; D. A. Worrell, r. s.; D. T. Harris, Jr., l. s.; J. W. Worrell, p. n. g.; H. A. Page, p. n. g.; J. H. B. Ellis, w. g.; R. T. Wilks, w. c.; E. J. White, warden; J. F. Barlone, o. s. g.; W. S. Mason, p. s.; E. B. S. Johnson, advocate; S. Davis, r. s.; Hon. J. H. Logan, l. s.; and J. J. Harris] (Acts 1917-18, pp. 37-38).
Joint resolution restoring John F. Wright of the county of Grand Bassa to citizenship (Acts 1917-18, p. 38).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the third session of the thirty-third legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1917-18, p. 38).
An act repealing and annulling a certain portion of “An act providing for the government of districts in the republic inhabited by aborigines” approved Jan. 25, 1905 (Acts 1917-18, pp. 38-39).
An act levying an export duty on all kola nuts [six cents per pound] and rice [fifty cents per cwt.]; and 20 per cent surtax on all produce exported from the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1917-18, p. 39).
Joint resolution granting annuities and pensions to several persons in the Republic [transferring the $200 pension of the late John Bettie of Johnsonville to his children until they reach the age of majority and the $75 pension of the late S. A. Neal of Maryland to his seventy-five year old mother, Rebecca Carpenter; both Bettie and Neal fought in the Grebo War of 1910] (Acts 1917-18, pp. 39-40).
Joint resolution restoring P. W. Roberts of Sinoe County to citizenship (Acts 1917-18, p. 42).
Joint resolution incorporating “the Bow Tie Company” No. 1 of Kru Town, Monrovia, Montserrado County [naming S. B. Nabby, manager; Kogbar Nanah, manageress; Joe-pre-Depay, assistant manager; Kambo Joe Welle, assistant manageress; R. C. Brown, secretary; Weah Gofah, treasurer; Gelarkrow Marseneh, collector; Nanneh Welle, doctor; Nagbay Weah, purser; judges: Jophlar Brown, Joe Tarplay and Kambo Wreah; Wraeh Tee, general; and captains: Ars King, Sampon Tee and Farkarteh] (Acts 1917-18, p. 42).
An act granting S. F. Brown of Virginia, Montserrado County, the right to run a ferry across the St. Paul River from Virginia, half mile above his wharf and half mile below to the opposite bank of the Caldwell side of said river half mile above and below (Acts 1917-18, pp. 42-43).
An act incorporating “The Saving Company No. 1 of Kru Town,” Monrovia, Montserrado County [naming Chea Doe, manager; Tarney Kay, assistant manager; Nimley T. Morton, secretary; S. B. Nabey, doctor; Waler Juah Gbae, manageress; Sackey Bahlee, treasurer; and Sailee Unnah, collector] (Acts 1917-18, p. 43).
Joint resolution incorporating “The Mary A. Sharp Training Company” [naming Tour Myer Eea, manager; Fred W. Cor-Wea, assistant manager; Milliam D. Brown, secretary; Glascow Blama, runner; Sawi Dorner, treasurer; Wale Plee, doctor; and Corwea Nancy] (Acts 1917-18, pp. 43-44).
Joint resolution incorporating Greenville Lodge No. 6003, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia [naming C. O. Tuning, p. n. f.; E. A. McCauley, n. f.; Z. B. Russ, p. n. g.; B. J. Turner, n. g.; Richard P. Greene, p. secretary; J. N. F. Russ, e. secretary; Isaac Roberts, worthy treasurer; C. M. W. Cooper, worthy chaplain; and Samuel J. Grisby, advocate] (Acts 1917-18, p. 44).
Joint resolution incorporating the St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal Church, Kru Town, Monrovia [naming J. G. Coleman, rector; D. D. Freeman, senior warden; W. D. Herman, junior warden; and vestrymen: K. N. Pyne, T. W. Johnson, Him Boyle, Pyne Nappay and Peter Warboe] (Acts 1917-18, p. 44).
Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1916, 1917—1918. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1918.

Joint resolution authorizing the appointment of delegates to the peace conference to be held at the termination of hostilities against the German Empire [appropriating $20,000 to cover expenses of delegation] (Acts, 1919, pp. 3-4).
Joint resolution incorporating the Fishtown Ferry-Boat Company of the county of Maryland, Republic of Liberia {naming James N. Collins, Isaac S. Nicholson, Samuel W. Wilson, Jacob Williams, John D. Freeman and James G. Body as members] (Acts, 1919, p. 4).
Joint resolution granting the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to the widow and heirs of the Honorable E. A. Stevenson, late representative of the county of Maryland, Republic of Liberia (Acts, 1919, pp. 4-5).
Joint resolution restoring Benjamin F. Lewis of the territory of Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts, 1919, p. 5).
An act revoking the charter of Greenville, within the county of Sinoe, Republic of Liberia [ordering the submission of all monies and books to the national government] (Acts, 1919, p. 5).
Joint resolution restoring D. L. Cephas of Montserrado County to citizenship (Acts, 1919, pp. 5-6).
Joint resolution amendatory to a “Joint resolution granting unto J. N. Wright & Company of the territory of Marshall the right to run a ferry across the Junk “bar,” passed and approved Jan. 15, 1916 [substituting “twenty-five” for “twelve” in the second line of Section Five and setting the maximum charge for the transportation of animals at fifty cents] (Acts, 1919, p. 6).
Joint resolution granting J. C. Leonard, president, Muhlenburg Mission, Liberia, one hundred acres of land situated at Sanoghie-Gitting, for the purpose of opening a new station for missionary operation (Acts, 1919, p. 6).
An act penalizing all sheriffs, marshalls and clerks of courts for not reporting to the Department of Justice as is required by law [providing for summary trials with fines of between $25 and $50] (Acts, 1919, p. 7).
Joint resolution restoring William D. Ponder of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts, 1919, p. 7).
An act extending the budget for the fiscal year commencing from Oct. 1, 1918, and ending Oct. 1, 1919 (Acts, 1919, p. 7).
Joint resolution relating to the publication of the acts of the legislature [to be made in two sections, one containing public acts and the other with private acts] (Acts, 1919, pp. 7-8).
Joint resolution granting to Charlotte S. Sancea, alias Gibson, heirs of Sandy and Patsy Gannaway, fifteen acres of farm land in the county of Maryland, Republic of Liberia (Acts, 1919, p. 8).
Joint resolution granting the Garraway Ferry Boat Company of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, the right to run one ferry across the Po River [naming Samuel J. Mooney, George D. Natt, Jr., J. S. Williams, George G. Purser and Alexander G. Wreeah] (Acts, 1919, pp. 8-9).
An act to incorporate the Protestant Episcopal Church of Robertsport in the territory of Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado County [naming M. W. G. Muhlenburg,rector; James Dwala, senior warden; E. Z. B. Jones, junior warden; W. A. Williams, treasurer; W. B. Gray, secretary; and E. D. W. Shannon, vestryman] (Acts, 1919, p. 9).
Joint resolution penalizing any person or company who may land native labourers returning from foreign services in counties other than those from which they were shipped [to be fined $50 per labourer, with $25 going to each labourer] (Acts, 1919, pp. 9-10).
Joint resolution incorporating the Liberian Christian Union Association of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Daem Tugbeh, conductor; S. B. Nagbee, vice conductor; J. J. A. McFoy, secretary; G. F. Sear, assistant secretary; Teah Debech, treasurer; John Walker, chairman; E. C. V. Peneard, judge; See Juepleh, first mother; Leutta Freeman, second mother; and C. A. Clark, third mother] (Acts, 1919, p. 10).
An act chartering the City of Lower Buchanan, Grand Bassa County [providing for a mayor, one auditor, one recorder, one solicitor, one treasurer, one or more tax collector, one or more magistrates, one clerk, one or more street inspectors, oen or more inspector of weights and measures, a “suitable number” of police officers, and a seven-member council] (Acts, 1919, pp. 11-13).
An act incorporating the Red Cross Society of the Republic of Liberia [naming Walter F. Walker, president; M. A. R. Camphor, secretary; C. B. Dunbar, treasurer; and members: C. A. King, Victoria E. Grimes, Cecelia A. Dunbar, Corinna A. McGill, M. H. Faulkner, Anna E. McCritty, I. C. Stevens, Annabel Walker, Thomas J. R. Faulkner, Deborah F. Stubblefield, Matilda A. Howard, G. L. Johnson and C. A. Cassell] (Acts, 1919, pp. 13-14).
Joint resolution incorporating the No. 1 Jones Brass Band of the City of Monrovia [naming Joshua Howard, band master; E. A. O’Corner, assistant band master; Louis A. Railey, treasurer; James A. Railey, secretary; John Gbabo Kolenky, instructor; and patrons: Edwin Barclay, J. F. Copeland, Momo Massaquoi and James W. Cooper] (Acts, 1919, p. 14).
Joint resolution granting to the executive board, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia, of the Foreign Mission Board of the Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas, U. S. A., seventy-five acres of land situated in the vicinity of Lexington, Sinoe County, for the purpose of establishing a mission station and industrial high school (Acts, 1919, pp. 14-15).
Joint resolution requiring the secretary of the treasury to pay the mileage of the members of the national legislature for the years A. D. 1915-16 & 1917 (Acts, 1919, p. 15).
Joint resolution granting pensions to several persons within the Republic [specifically $250 to the widow and heirs of the late Samuel N. Smith, former district commissioner, Montserrado County; $100 to the widow of Charles Nelson of Caldwell, Montserrado County; $100 to Rufus Knight, former seaman on several gun-boats; $75 to Charles C. Vinton, who lost his sight while serving as district commissioner of Maryland County] (Acts, 1919, pp. 15-16).
Joint resolution making a special appropriation [of $,380.68] for the construction of roadway from Lower Buchanan, to the Caroline Donovan Normal and Industrial Institute, Grand Bassa County (Acts, 1919, p. 16).
An act amendatory to an act incorporating the Ferry Boat Company of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, passed and approved Oct. 12th, 1916 [adding “Nothing in this Act shall be construed as to prevent persons crossing in their own boats and canoes”] (Acts, 1919, p. 16).
Joint resolution reimbursing able seaman Robert Fuller of Montserrado County [$97.70] and Samuel A. Norris, ex-captain of the R. L. S. “President Howard” of Maryland County [$72.22, both for losses sustained due to the torpedoing the the schooner by a German submarine on April 10th, 1918] (Acts, 1919, pp. 16-17).
Joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to accept the proffered [five million dollar] credit from the government of the United States of America (Acts, 1919, p. 17).
An act to repeal an act entitled “An act relating to the Second Regiment, Grand Bassa County [reinstated quarterly parades at Edina and Buchanan] (Acts, 1919, p. 17).
Joint resolution reimbursing the [Oost Afrikanische Compagnie the sum of $5,739] for losses sustained at several points along the Bassa coast caused by the uprising of the hostile Krus (Acts, 1919, pp. 17-18).
Joint resolution reimbursing sundry persons in Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia [namely Oost Afrikanische Compagnie, $740; T. G. Feighery, $3,000; and the estate of J. J. W. Johns, $3000 for losses during the Kru uprising of 1916] (Acts, 1919, p. 18).
An act to remove the seat of government to the interior of the Republic [appropriating $3,000 for surveying of a point 60 miles from the coast and midway between Cape Mount and Maryland for a city to be called “Ashmun”] (Acts, 1919, pp. 18-19).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the fourth session of the thirty-third legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts, 1919, p. 19).
Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1918—1919. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1919.

Joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to call an election in Sinoe County for the purpose of electing a senator and three representatives (Acts 1920, p. 3).
An act to define the property qualification of any person or persons who may become labour recruiting agents [requiring unencumbered estate of $300] (Acts 1920, p. 4).
Joint resolution making an appropriation to defray the expenses of the ensuing inauguration of the president, vice president of the Republic of Liberia [appropriating $5,000] (Acts 1920, p. 4).
Resolution ratifying the treaty of peace, between the allied and associated powers and Germany, signed at Versailles, France, the twenty-eighth day of June one thousand and nine hundred and nineteen (Acts 1920, pp. 4-5).
An act repealing an act amalgamating the Interior Department and Department of Public Instruction and Common Schools [and setting the salary of the secretary of public instruction at $2,000] (Acts 1920, p. 5).
Joint resolution creating the office of typist in the senate and house of representatives, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1920, pp. 5-6).
An act amendatory and supplementary to an act establishing a criminal code approved Oct. 14th, 1914 [defining “house breaking” as entering during the daytime, to distinguish this crime from “burglary”] (Acts 1920, p. 6).
Joint resolution making an appropriation for the repairs of the Greenville Post Office, in the county of Sinoe [$1,000], and the Court House and Jail House of the territory of Grand Cape Mount [$200] also the Court House and Jail House in the territory of Marshall, county of Montserrado [$2,000], Republic of Liberia (Acts 1920, pp. 6-7).
An act fixing the daily allowances of the pages of the senate and house of representative [at 50 cents per day while in session] (Acts 1920, p. 7).
Joint resolution amendatory to a joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the first session of the thirty fourth legislature of the republic, passed Jan. 15th, 1920 (Acts 1920, p. 7).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the first session of the thirty fourth legislature (Acts 1920, pp. 7-8).
An act chartering the Saint John River City of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [permitting one mayor, magistrate, sheriff and a seven-member council, authorized to appropriate three-fourth of all taxes, fines and other revenue generated within the city] (Acts 1920, pp. 8-11).
Joint resolution amendatory to the act approved Jan. 12, 1897, relating to consular fees [allowing consuls and consul-generals to retain one half of all fees] (Acts 1920, p. 11).
An act granting authority to the president of Liberia to suspend the Emergency Mode of Procedure Act and the amendment thereto approved March 12, 1915 (Acts 1920, pp. 11-12).
An act declaring a cessation of the state of war between the German Empire and the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1920, p. 12).
Joint resolution amendatory to a resolution approved Jan. 22nd, 1919, authorizing the president of Liberia to accept the proffered loan credit from the government of the United States of America [requiring submission to the legislature for final approval] (Acts 1920, p. 12).
An act creating and instituting an order of merit styled the Order of the Star of Africa [limited membership to two hundred and establishing theses grades, in descending order of importance: grand band, grand commander, commander, officer and chevalier] (Acts 1920, pp. 13-14).
Joint resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia to establish at Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America, a legation and to appoint thereto a diplomatic representative (Acts 1920, p. 14).
An act amendatory to an act granting annuities to ex-presidents and ex-vice presidents of the Republic of Liberia, approved Jan. 11, 1911 [extending annuities to their wives, upon the death of ex-officials] (Acts 1920, p. 14).
Joint resolution authorizing the auditor of the accounts of the Republic of Liberia to credit the accounts of Thomas G. Fuller, ex-general treasurer of the Republic of Liberia, [$213.12] for monies stolen from the office of general treasurer on the night of first of March A.D. 1919 (Acts 1920, p. 15).
Joint resolution fixing the salaries of the auditor, the interior commissioner-general, district commissioners and other officers (Acts 1920, pp. 15-16).
Joint resolution restoring Josiah E. B. Ricks of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia to citizenship (Acts 1920, p. 16).
An act incorporating the Liberian Manufacturing and Developing Company of Maryland County, Liberia [granting 500 acres of public land and the right to import sawmill machinery to: Samuel G. Andres, Theophilus M. Gardiner, Robert A. Massey, Alexander B. Stevens, Cornelius A. Lincoln, Franklin J. Harris, Napoleon G. Weaver, Charles C. Perry, Granville A. Howard, Charles B. Cooper, William P. Young, John A. Harris, James B. Gray, William V. S. Tubman, Cerinthus E. Gibson, Anthony D. Wilson, Sr., and John H. Smith] (Acts 1920, p. 17).
Joint resolution transferring the [$50] pension of George Smith of Brewerville [to his wife and heirs until his youngest child comes of age] and augmenting the pension of General G. Stanley Padmore of Montserrado County [from $200 to $400 for his lifetime] (Acts 1920, pp. 17-18).
Joint resolution granting to Jane Berry, widow of the late Edward Perry of the city of Monrovia, the annual pension [of $100] of her deceased husband (Acts 1920, p. 18).
Joint resolution re-imbursing W. H. Blaine of Schiefflin, ex-superintendent of the territory of Marshall [$100] for losses sustained (Acts 1920, pp. 18-19).
Joint resolution granting pensions to C. R. Tyler of Grand Bassa [transferring a $50 pension from her late husband, William F. Tyler] and [$50 to] Alfred Morris of Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1920, p. 19).
An act chartering the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School of the Methodist Church, Monrovia [naming R. V. Richards, pastor; John H. Smythe, superintendent; Anna E. W. Howard, first assistant superintendent; Henry W. Dennis, secretary; Fannie E. Dennis, treasurer; and committee members: Daniel E. Howard, Benjamin J. K. Anderson and B. W. Payne] (Acts 1920, pp. 19-20).
Joint resolution granting S. E. McCarey, Son & Co., Ltd., of the City Monrovia, County of Montserrado, the right to run a ferry across the St. Paul River near the bar mouth of said St. Paul River (Acts 1920, pp. 20-21).
Joint resolution granting to sundry missionary institutions public lands for missionary and educational purposes in the county of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia [naming as petitioners: George B. Gale, superintendent of the Christ Missionary School at Jubloom and L. G. Jordan, secretary of the National Baptist Convention, United States of America] (Acts 1920, p. 21).
An act reimbursing Henry B. Williams [typist to the house of representatives, $83.13] for the loss of a statement of account by fire (Acts 1920, p. 22).
An act incorporating the Liberian Press Association, Limited [naming Arthur Barclay, president; J. H. P. Tate, secretary; B. J. K. Anderson, business manager; and members: R. J. Clarke, P. O. Gray and Jno. W. Cooper] (Acts 1920, p. 22).
An act granting to the Compagnie des Cables Sud Americains, the rights to construct and operate an aerial line of telegraphic communication between the territory of Grand Cape Mount, Republic of Liberia, and Blieron in the French Ivory Coast [to be completed by July 31, 1921 and operated for 35 years] (Acts 1920, pp. 23-24).
Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1919—1920. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1920.

Joint resolution authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia to send a commission composed of three persons to be designated by him, to Washington, D. C., United States of America, for the purpose of continuing negotiations with the government of the United States on the proposed financial plan and authorizing the secretary of the treasury of the Republic of Liberia to enter into negotiations for the sum of twelve thousand dollars for the purpose of defraying the expenses of said commission (Acts, Call Session 1920, p. 3).
An act repealing and amending certain portions of an act establishing a criminal code of the Republic of Liberia, approved Oct. 14, 1914 [clarifying the punishment for petty larceny and clarifying the law concerning the setting of spring guns and spring knives] (Acts, Call Session 1920, pp. 4-5).
An act repealing an act annulling the charter of the City of Buchanan [creating a city government for Upper Buchanan, consisting of a five-member council with three members from Upper Buchanan, one from the central ward and one from Paynesbury] (Acts, Call Session 1920, pp. 5-6).
Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the Call Session of 1920. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1920.

An act approving the report of the plenary commission [consisting of President Charles Dunbar Burgess King, F. E. R. Johnson and John L. Morris] and the loan agreement between the Republic of Liberia and the United States of America (Acts 1921-22, pp. 2-3).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the third session of the thirty-fourth legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1921-22, p. 4).
An act prohibiting the profiteering in and fixing the selling price of fire arms and ammunitions within the Republic of Liberia [allowing for a maximum 20 percent profit] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 5-6).
An act repealing an act entitled, an act repealing all existing acts regulating wholesale and dry goods license, and substituting a system of graded license, approved Jan. 18, 1921 (Acts 1921-22, p. 6).
An act making appropriation [of $200] for the printing [1,000 copies] of the loan agreement between the Republic of Liberia and United States of America (Acts 1921-22, pp. 6-7).
An act prohibiting the shipment of labourers from the county of Grand Bassa into foreign colonies [but not applicable to deck labourers] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 7-8).
An act to create the area known as the City of Monrovia, a commonwealth district [transferring powers from the mayor and council to the national government, to be administered by a board composed of an administration head, one superintendent of police, one sanitation director and one public works director] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 8-14).
Joint resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the national legislature of the Republic of Liberia to the plenary commission headed by His Excellency Charles Dunbar Burgess King, president of the Republic of Liberia, to Washington, D. C., U. S. A. to negotiate and complete arrangements for a loan of $5,000,000 and also to confer on matters referable to the rehabilitation of the Republic (Acts 1921-22, pp. 14-16).
Joint resolution expressing the sincere gratitude and deep appreciation on behalf of the government and people of the Republic of Liberia to the government of the United States of America for the cordial reception and courteous treatment accorded the president of Liberia and members of the plenary commission whilst they were at Washington in attendance upon the business of their mission (Acts 1921-22, pp. 16-18).
Joint resolution expressing the high appreciation of the people of the Republic of Liberia to the Honourable Edwin J. Barclay, secretary of state, and other members of the executive government of Liberia for the safe conduct and administration of the affairs of the state while the president was absent from home on official business (Acts 1921-22, pp. 18-19).
Joint resolution reviving the city charter of the City of Greenville in the county of Sinoe, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1921-22, p. 20).
Joint resolution granting the national Baptist board of foreign missions, United States of America, one hundred acres of land located in or near the settlement of Royesville where their operations have already begun, in the county of Montserrado, for missionary and educational purposes (Acts 1921-22, pp. 21-22).
An act granting an annuity [of $500] to E. Monroe Cummings (Acts 1921-22, p. 22).
Joint resolution restoring Samuel Alexander Colston Howard of the city of Harper, County of Maryland, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1921-22, pp. 22-23).
Joint resolution restoring William E. Beal of the county of Sinoe, Charles William Stewart of the county of Maryland, Robert C. Mason of the territory of Cape Mount, Montserrado County in the Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1921-22, p. 23).
An act authorizing the president of Liberian to release unto Matilda A. Howard, resident of the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, the legal owner of lot No. 324 situated lying and being on the northern side of Water Street in the city of Monrovia, county and republic aforesaid, commonly known as West Store also a parcel of land on the western side of Roye’s Store leased by the aforesaid owner, Matilda A. Howard, to Jacob West, agent of the firm of J. W. West, Hamburg, and taken over by the government of Liberia under the German liquidation fund during the war (Acts 1921-22, pp. 23-25).
An act authorizing the president of Liberia to grant unto Corinna A. McGill, a resident of the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, legal heir to a lot formerly owned by one R. S. McGill, situated and lying in the city of Harper, Maryland County [taken over by the government of Liberia under the German liquidation fund during the war] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 23-25).
Joint resolution incorporating the United Mechanic Association of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia [naming J. W. Prosser, president; E. O. McCauly, vice president; J. W. H. Pippins, secretary; W. H. E. Brown, assistant secretary; John C. Barnard, treasurer; S. A. Gabbidon, solicitor; H. R. Brown, chaplain; W. A. Davis, marshall] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 28-29).
Joint resolution restoring Bondo Bye of the settlement of Louisiana, Montserrado County, and William A. D. Green of the county of Maryland, Republic of Liberia, to citizen (Acts 1921-22, pp. 29-30).
Joint resolution granting to Rebecca Downing, widow of the late Thomas Downing of the settlement of Paynesville, Montserrado County, an annuity [of $20] (Acts 1921-22, p. 30).
Joint resolution granting unto the Protestant Episcopal Mission in the territory of Grand Cape Mount at Kobolia five hundred acres of public land for agricultural purposes [naming as petitioner Bishop Momolu Gardiner] (Acts 1921-22, p. 31-32).
An act amending an act chartering the city of Lower Buchanan in Grand Bassa County, approved Jan. 22, 1919 [reducing the council from seven to five members, among other changes] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 32-38).
An act amendatory to an act approved Jan. 29, 1920, granting the city corporation of Sait John River City the right to establish a police station and common booth and all the real estate taxes within the corporate bounds of said city (Acts 1921-22, pp. 39-40).
Joint resolution granting to the foreign mission of the National Baptist Convention of the United States of America five acres of public land in Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, for missionary purposes (Acts 1921-22, p. 40).
Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1921-22. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1922.

An act repealing an act entitled an act supplementary to the Emergency Mode of Procedure Act approved March 12th, 1915 (Acts 1921-22, p. 2).
An act repealing an act entitled an act prohibiting the shipment of labourers from the county of Grand Bassa to foreign countries (Acts 1921-22, pp. 2-3).
An act authorizing the opening of trading areas interiorward beyond ports of entry and regulating the trade of foreign individuals, corporations, associations and companies within such areas (Acts 1921-22, pp. 3-6).
An act fixing port and harbour dues [$35 at Monrovia, Buchanan and Harper; $25 at Greenville; and $10 at all other ports] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 6-8).
An act regulating a detective service corps for the Republic of Liberia and providing for the governance of the same [authorizing a maximum of one chief, five sergeants and twenty privates, all under the attorney general] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 8-11).
Joint resolution repealing joint resolution entitled joint resolution for the relief of officers, public servants, and creditors of the Republic of Liberia, approved March 12, 1915 [requiring all claims to be presented by Sept. 30th, 1923] (Acts 1921-22, p. 12).
An act supplementing and enlarging the stamp act, approved March 12, 1915 [enumerating the denominations of taxation stamps required for various licenses] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 12-13).
An act amending an act creating a department of public works and providing for a surveyor, passed March 10, 1910 [changing the “department” to a “board” composed of the secretary of treasury, the secretary of the interior, the financial advisor and citizens] (Acts 1921-22, p. 14).
An act creating the office of solicitor general of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1921-22, p. 15).
An act creating an annual salary of the national legislature of the Republic of Liberia [at $1,200] (Acts 1921-22, p. 15).
Joint resolution fixing the pay of jurors per diem [at $1.25] (Acts 1921-22, p. 16).
An act chartering the city of Careysburg, Montserrado County [providing for a mayor, one auditor, one recorder, one solicitor, one treasurer, one or more tax collector, one or more magistrate, one clerk, one or more street inspectors, one inspector of weights and measures, a “suitable number” of police officers and a seven-member council (Acts 1921-22, pp. 16-19).
An act creating a commercial division to the treasury department (Acts 1921-22, p. 20).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to put into circulation Liberian silver coins (Acts 1921-22, p. 21).
An act revising the tariff on goods, wares, merchandise and produce imported and exported in and out of Republic of Liberia (Acts 1921-22, pp. 22-28).
A joint resolution repealing a joint resolution fixing the adjournment bill of the 4th session of the 34th legislature from the 25th of Jan. A. D. 1923, to the 31st day of Jan. A. D. 1923 (Acts 1921-22, p. 29).
An act repealing sections 3, 4, and 5 of the act abolishing the office of superintendent of Montserrado County and for other purposes, approved Aug. 2, 1917 [authorizing the president to appoint a judge and clerk of the Monthly and Probate County] (Acts 1921-22, p. 29).
An act authorizing and prescribing the form and use of a customs revenue flag (Acts 1921-22, p. 30).
Joint resolution amendatory and supplemental to a joint resolution regulating the opening of election polls within the Republic of Liberia, passed by limitation Feb. 1910 [permitting the president to open new polls by proclamation] (Acts 1921-22, p. 31).
An act repealing an act entitled “An act amendatory to an act relating to embezzlement [permitting misappropriation from employers other than the government to also result in criminal charges] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 31-32).
Joint resolution removing from office R. E. Dixon, judge of the First Judiciary Circuit Court, Montserrado County (Acts 1921-22, p. 32).
An act relating to the Bank of Liberia, Limited [authorizing the secretary of treasury to purchase ten thousand shares for the government and giving the bank authority to mint coins for Liberia] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 34-35).
A joint resolution restoring John Wesley Tippitt of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1921-22, p. 35).
Joint resolution restoring Necoda Samuel Ross of Brewerville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1921-22, p. 36).
Joint resolution granting the Wedabo Ferry Boat Company of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, the right to run a ferry across the Wedabo River [naming Wouplu, Sebeh, Walleh, John B. Delany, George W. Cox] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 36-37).
Joint resolution granting Louis A. Grimes the right to run a ferry across McGill’s Creek, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1921-22, p. 37).
An act incorporating the Catholic Mission, Liberia [naming John Oge, prefect apostolic] (Acts 1921-22, p. 38).
A joint resolution repealing a joint resolution reviving the city charter of the city of Greenville and repealing all laws creating Greenville, Sinoe County, a city (Acts 1921-22, p. 38).
Joint resolution granting an additional annuity [of $2,500] to ex-president Arthur Barclay of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1921-22, p. 39).
Joint resolution granting to Henry Johnson of Sasstown in the county of Montserrado, an annuity [of $50] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 39-40).
Joint resolution granting the National Baptist Board of Foreign Missions of Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America, two hundred acres of public land in the district of Careysburg, county of Monsterrado, for missionary and educational purposes (Acts 1921-22, pp. 40-41).
Joint resolution granting unto [Emma M. F. Bernard and M. J. Bernard,] the heirs of the late Artence March, formerly Artence Bernard, ferry rights formerly owned by her, running from the market wharf to Vey Town, Monrovia in the county of Montserrado for ten years and also extending said right for a further ten years (Acts 1921-22, p. 41).
Joint resolution incorporating the Accordeon Society of Half Cavalla, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1921-22, p. 42).
Joint resolution granting the Presbytery of Western Africa, Republic of Liberia, two hundred acres of land in the rear of their present mission station at Grassdale, Farmington River in the territory of Marshall in the county of Montserrado, for missionary purposes [naming as petitioner Moderator R. A. M. Deputie] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 42-43).
Joint resolution granting six hundred and five acres of land in Maryland County to the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, U. S. A., for missionary purposes (Acts 1921-22, pp. 43-44).
Joint resolution extending the time to five years from the passage of this resolution for the commencement of the operations of the following corporations, namely: the Enterprise Mining Company of Grand Bassa County, the Mountain Mining Company, Sinoe County, and the Excelsior Company, Limited, of Maryland County (Acts 1921-22, p. 45).
A joint resolution granting to John C. Tubman and Stella G. Tubman, heirs of the late General John H. Tubman, the annuity granted to their father (Acts 1921-22, p. 45).
Joint resolution reimbursing Colston M. W. Cooper, Sr. of Sinoe County, [$234] for public services rendered [as inspector of schools, Sinoe County] (Acts 1921-22, p. 46).
An act incorporating the Boy Scouts of Liberia and granting them the right and power to protect their insignia badge [naming Benjamin W. Payne, president; John G. Richards, vice president; Thomas J. R. Faulkner, treasurer; James A. Gittens, secretary; and T. Elwood Davies, national director] (Acts 1921-22, pp. 46-47).
Joint resolution pensioning John T. Banks, brevet general, Liberian army [providing a pension of $100] (Acts 1921-22, p. 47).
Joint resolution incorporating the No. 1 Brass Band of Virginia, Montserrado County in the Republic of Liberia [naming William H. Johnson, Sr., president; David A. Snorton, first vice-president; Washington Seafah, second vice-president; W. H. Johnson, Jr., secretary; D. F. Snorton, master; Fred H. Marshall, assistant band master; William B. Richardson, band leader; Charles Williams, assistant band leader; D. A. Snorton, legal advisor; Jerome B. Hayes, band instructor; and Hon. C. D. B. King, patron] (Acts 1921-22, p. 48).
Joint resolution restoring Hannah Howard of the county of Maryland to citizenship (Acts 1921-22, p. 48).
Joint resolution reimbursing William U. Cummings, Sr. of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, [$250] for services rendered as customs cashier in the years 1914 to 1915 (Acts 1921-22, p. 49).
Joint resolution granting to the citizens of Brewersville and Virginia in Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, one acre of public land situated along the right bank of the St. Paul River and known as the landing wharf of Brewersville for the purpose of erecting warehouse or warehouses for storing purposes to and from said settlements (Acts 1921-22, pp. 49-50).
Joint resolution incorporating the Liberian Literary, Social and Athletic Union, Montserrado County [naming Doughba Carmo Carranda, president; C. Lorenzo Simpson, vice president; J. Auzell Gittens, secretary; Benjamin T. Collins, assistant secretary; M. Oliver Coleman, financial secretary; W. L. Turner, treasurer; J. Pitman Harmon, chaplain; Thomas H. Barnes, librarian; censors: W. Monroe Phelps, D. R. Horton and Nathaniel Puo Spear; reporters: Thomas R. G. Roberts, Walter P. Davison and W. O. D. Bright] (Acts 1921-22, p. 50).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1922—1923. Published by authority, Monrovia: Government Printing Office, 1923.

Joint resolution removing Cerinthus Edward Gibson, judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, Maryland County, and J. K. P. Basel, judge of the Monthly and Probate Court, Sinoe County, from office [for having incited “mutiny among the people” and taken part “in politics and manifested interest in political parties or factions in violation of the expressed provisions of the statute in such cases” (Acts 1923-24, pp. 2-3).
An act amendatory to an act revising the tariff on goods, merchandise and produce imported and exported in and out of the Republic of Liberia, passed and approved Jan. 26, 1922 [adjusting the duty on spirits, cement, rice, beef and earthenware] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 3-4).
Joint resolution amending part of joint resolution granting to the citizens of Brewerville and Virginia in Montserrado Count, Republic of Liberia, one acre of public land situated along the right bank of the Saint Paul River, known as the landing wharf of Brewerville, for the purpose of erecting warehouse or warehouses for storing purposes to and from said settlement, passed and approved Jan. 21, 1923 [inserting the word “left” instead of “right”] (Acts 1923-24, p. 4).
An act relating to the collection and payment of all fines and forfeitures within the Republic of Liberia [requiring payment in revenue stamps, with each deviation punishable by fines of up to $100] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 5-6).
An act to amend an act granting time for the payment of debt and damages in courts of record [requiring courts to certify that guilty parties are in deed indigent, before extending debt payments] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 6-7).
An act creating Sasstown, Sinoe County, and Grand Cess in Maryland County, townships (Acts 1923-24, p. 7).
An act creating the township of River Cess, a district (Acts 1923-24, pp. 7-8).
An act creating the territory of Grand Cape Mount as the county of Grand Cape Mount, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1923-24, p. 8).
Joint resolution closing a portion of Marshall, Harper City, Maryland County [namely Marsh Street running west McGill Street] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 8-9).
An act authorizing the printing of Volume II of the opinions of the Honourable the Supreme Court of Liberia [appropriating $2,500 for payment to Chipman Law Publishing Company, Brooklin, Massachusetts, United States of America] (Acts 1923-24, p. 9).
An act regulating the methods by which members of one tribe may farm and settle within the territorial limits of another tribe [requiring paramount chiefs to place all land requests from outsiders before local elders, known as “owners or fathers of the land”] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 10-11).
An act establishing rules and regulations governing vessels and small crafts navigating harbours, rivers and inland waterways of the Republic of Liberia [designed to “fix and determine the responsibility of owners or persons operating and navigating such vessels”] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 12-18).
An act amending Section 55 of the criminal code [substituting “murder” for “homicide” on the last line of the sixth subsection] (Acts 1923-24, p. 18).
A joint resolution removing N. B. Whitfield, judge of the Monthly and Probate Court, Grand Bassa County, from office [for “misconducted’ which resulted in his suspension by the president] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 18-19).
An act levying upon each male inhabitant from the age of 21 and property owner of Monrovia, an annual street and light tax of one dollar (Acts 1923-24, p. 19).
An act providing for the erection of a national prison [appropriating $6,000 and authorizing the use of 150 acres of public lands for a new prison and $2,000 for the renovation of existing facilities] (Acts 1923-24, p. 20).
An act amending Section Five of an act approved Feb. 5, 1912, entitled “An act relating to the judiciary” [adding: “But no jury shall be empaneled after the 21st day of any term”] (Acts 1923-24, p. 21).
An act prohibiting the recruiting and shipment of labourers from the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia to Fernando Po and other foreign colonies (Acts 1923-24, p. 21).
An act to prescribe how real estate taxes shall be collected and payment thereof enforced [requiring the commissioner of internal revenue to give advance notice of the tax day (Acts 1923-24, pp. 22-23).
An act prescribing how corporations or franchises shall be annulled [permitting the attorney general to bring action for annulment in the Circuit Court] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 24-25].
An act providing for the funding of certain classes of the existing floating public debt [namely the government salaries, pensions and annuities; salaries of Frontier Force officers; debts to Liberian merchants and private citizens] and for the refunding of the three percent bonds of 1918 (Acts 1923-24, pp. 26-27).
An act creating the area known as the city of Harper, a commonwealth district [replacing the mayor and council with an administrative board, appointed by the national government, to include a police superintendent, sanitation director, director of public works and headed by a commissioner] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 28-31).
An act defining libel and prescribing the punishment thereof [criminalizing “malicious” depictions of the president and foreign representatives, punishable by a maximum of $1,000 in fines and two years imprisonment] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 31-32).
An act regulation the mining and prospecting of all minerals within the Republic of Liberia [declaring all mineral deposits within the country to be the property of the republic and requiring prospecting licenses to be obtained from the secretary of treasurer] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 34-47).
Joint resolution granting an annuity [of $300] to A. B. Stubblefield, Sr. (Acts 1923-24, p. 48).
Joint resolution reimbursing [$500 to] William U. Cummings, Sr., of Maryland County for money supplied during the Cape Palmas uprising of 1910, by orders of the special commissioners (Acts 1923-24, p. 49).
A joint resolution granting to Mildred R. Strong, Henry A. Strong, Martha V. Strong and Jane C. Strong, four of the surviving heirs of the late Henry M. Strong, the pension granted their father (Acts 1923-24, pp. 49-50).
Joint resolution incorporating the No. 1 Gibson Excelsior Brass Band of Caldwell, Montserrado County [naming J. C. A. Gibson, ex-officio president; J. H. Sauders, president; James L. Johnson, vice president; C. C. Melton, band master; S. J. Melton, secretary; A. L. Blackledge, assistant secretary; J. W. Melton, speaker; J. P. Davis, treasurer; Joseph George, band leader; and Henry King, boatswain] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 50).
Joint resolution granting to Abraham Jackson of Maryland County an annuity [of $75] (Acts 1923-24, p. 51).
Joint resolution restoring Joseph Berrian of Edina, county of Grand Bassa, to citizenship (Acts 1923-24, p. 52).
Joint resolution restoring Gaddison Freeman of Brewerville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1923-24, p. 52).
An act incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of Sasstown, St. Paul River, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming R. V. Richards, pastor; and stewards: Agustus Johnson, William Dennis, John B. Brown, James Wilson, John A. King and Frederick Hines] (Acts 1923-24, p. 52).
An act incorporating “The Woman’s Culture Club of Monrovia” [naming H. E. R. Cooper, president; C. A. Cassell, vice president; I. C. Stevens, treasurer; H. E. Goerge, recording secretary; M. E. Hilton, corresponding secretary; H. E. Dennis, financial secretary; and M. A. Parker, chairman of the advisory board] (Acts 1923-24, p. 53).
Joint resolution pensioning Goerge A. Delany of Greenville, Sinoe County [providing $50 per year] (Acts 1923-24, p. 54).
Joint resolution incorporating the “Try Best Company Number One” of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming Jacob Ross, manager; Peter Johnson, assistant manager; Ten Bloh Kargauh, secretary; Sar Wleah Monah, assistant secretary; Gmah Gbee, treasurer; Gbeedee-Yanh, judge; Darweh Togbah, matron; Shegbeah-Monah, assistant matron; Wleah Kantea, captain; Sar-Wleah, medical doctor; Toe-Weon Glapoo, assistant doctor; Yankoon-Slahby, collector; Blobeh-Kopah, steward; and Doweh-Wlateh, police] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 54-55).
An act granting to the Solsapa Export Company Limited of the territory of Marshall the right to cut timber and logs of various sizes in the territory of Marshall, for exportation (Acts 1923-24, pp. 55-56).
Joint resolution granting a pension [of $200] to retired Major George W. King, Sr., Grand Bassa County (Acts 1923-24, p. 56).
Joint resolution granting Wayland H. Hayes the right to run a ferry across the Po River in the settlement of Royesville at the points known as Sybee and Bowah wharves near the Atlantic Ocean, westward (Acts 1923-24, pp. 56-57).
An act incorporating the “Girl Guides” of the Republic of Liberia and granting them the right to protect their insignia, badge, uniform and accoutrements [naming C. Adeline King, commissioner and national directress; M. M. Parker, president; E. I. Wehner, vice president; N. M. Davis, secretary; and Janie L. Harris, treasurer] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 57-58).
Joint resolution granting to Robert W. Draper of Sinoe County, the right to run a ferry across the Sinoe River in the county of Sinoe, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1923-24, pp. 58-59).
Joint resolution incorporating the Caldwell Ferry Company of the county of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia [naming James A. Wilson and J. C. A. Gibson] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 59-60).
Joint resolution granting three hundred acres of public land to the Liberia missionary district council of the Assemblies of God in Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [, 100 acres each in areas occupied by the Trembo, Barrabo and Nyinebo] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 60-61).
Joint resolution restoring Thomas J. Lewis of Grand Bassa County to citizenship (Acts 1923-24, p. 61).
A joint resolution granting to Christiana King, widow of the late Edward King of the settlement of Virginia, Montserrado County [a solider in the Grebo war of 1910] , a pension [of $50] (Acts 1923-24, p. 62).
Joint resolution incroporating the Bleh War-Nah Company of Kru Town, Greenville, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia [naming Dippy Forh, president; Wornh Pio Sackor, vice president; Bee Wreah, judge; Sakey Yambeah, captain; Wreah Gaida Giddeah, treasurer; Sayani Wiseh, commissioner; Wiseh Yundear Dunch, captain; Teah Guash, first mate; Wreah Geebeah, second mate; Tweah Coffar, third mate; Saccor Tainee, purser; War Coffar, chief engineer; and Wippy Wenh, doctor] (Acts 1923-24, p. 63).
An act to incorporate Butler’s Limited of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming Abraham H. Butler, Sr. in a joint real estate and publishing venture, specifically “to print, publish, issue and circulate a newspaper entitled “The Liberia Press,” and such other news budgets, bulletins, paper, periodical, books, directories, circulars and other literary undertaking” and to “give a general support to the policies of the government of the day and the political party ... which that government represents”] (Acts 1923-24, pp. 63-64).
An act incorporating the Liberia Missionary District Council of the Assemblies of God, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [naming John M. Perkins, chairman; Emily de Groat, secretary and treasurer; and members: E. E. Alger, A. Howard, Ethel Bingeman and Katherine K. Kirsh, with headquarters in Springfield, Missouri] (Acts 1923-24, p. 65).
An act incorporating the Cuttington College Protestant Episcopal Mission, Liberia [with a seven-member board of trustees and an executive committee of three, including the president (Acts 1923-24, pp. 65-67).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1923—1924. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1924.

An act amending the several existing acts relating to the internal revenue of the Republic of Liberia [defining “wholesalers,” “retailers,” and ”peddlers” for tax purposes] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 2-5).
An act making it unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use the mail service of the republic for the perpetration of fraud upon the local or foreign public [brought on by certain persons pretending “that they were traders of good financial standing when in truth they were not”] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 5-6).
An act amending the several existing acts relating to the internal revenue of the Republic of Liberia [requiring from registered labor agents a $2.50 fee on every recruited laborer] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 6-7).
An act to provide a special fund to be known as Highway Fund [placing a tax on gasoline and lubricating oil while also prohibiting districts and municipalities from charging vehicle operators for the use of roads] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 7-8).
An act amending the charter of the township of Harlandville [extending the township chairman’s tenure from one to two years] (Acts 1924-25, p. 9).
An act authorizing the secretary of the treasury of the Republic of Liberia to provide for the payment of salaries for the month of January 1925 [from the six percent tax levied on dry goods] (Acts 1924-25, p. 9).
An act repealing that section of the judiciary act prescribing that the grand jury must in any event remain in session for one week [allowing instead for the grand jury to disband whenever there is insufficient business to warrant its retention] (Acts 1924-25, p. 10).
An act amendatory to an act revising the tariff on goods, wares, merchandise and produce imported and exported in and out of the Republic of Liberia, passed and approved Jan. 26, 1923 [affecting mainly automobiles and machinery] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 10-13).
An act regulating the use of the highways, roads and streets and the operation of vehicles thereon [“vehicle” used here to include bicycles, motor cars and any beast of burden being ridden or led, with motor vehicles being confined to maximum speeds of eight miles per hour in business districts, 15 miles per hour in other municipal areas and 35 miles outside municipal limits] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 13-22).
An act approving the deportation of the emissaries of the Universal Negro Improvement Association by His Excellency Charles Dunbar Burgess King, president of Liberia [approved seven months after deportations were conducted] (Acts 1924-25, p. 22).
An act establishing the Bureau of Immigration [within the department of interior] (Acts 1924-25, p. 23).
An act approving memorandum of agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Anglo-African Exploration Limited of London, Wall Building, London, England, dated Jan. 10th A. D. 1925 (Acts 1924-25, p. 24).
An act approving the agreements entered into by the executive government and Harvey S. Firestone of the United States of America [permitting the cultivation of rubber and other produce as well as construction of a harbor at Monrovia] (Acts 1924-25, p. 24).
Resolution ratifying Convention of Madrid, dated 30 November 1920, together with detailed regulation for its executive (Acts 1924-25, p. 25).
An act expressing the confidence of the people of Liberia in His Excellency C. D. B. King, president of Republic of Liberia, and tendering to him their heartfelt thanks for his honest patriotic and unselfish service (Acts 1924-25, p. 25).
An act prohibiting false publication (Acts 1924-25, p. 26).
An act defining petty offenses [as offenses punishable by fines of less than $100] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 26-27).
An act for the registration of trade mark designs in Liberia [creating an Office of Patents, Trade Marks and Designs, under the secretary of state] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 27-31).
A joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the second session of the 35th legislature (Acts 1924-25, p. 31).
An act establishing a special tax on dry goods [of six percent ad valorem on imported items, for duration of two years] (Acts 1924-25, p. 32).
An act chartering and incorporating the Farmers Association of Liberia [naming Daniel E. Howard, Sr., president; vice presidents: C. C. Port, Isaac N. Brown, John Baxter, George W. Washington, W. L. Shaw, Thomas W. Walbuck and Stephen Wilson; J. O. Cassell, treasurer; D. C. Caranda, recording secretary; W. H. Johnson, assistant secretary; and members: C. D. B. King, F. C. Holderness, J. G. A. Richards, James F. Cooper, A. Karnga, G. Stanley Padmore, P. G. Wolo, J. I. A. Weeks, M. Smallwood, P. O. Gray, W. H. Blaine, H. A. Page, Z. B. Brown, S. J. Dossen, C. H. Marshall] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 33-34).
Joint resolution incorporating the Sehmmy Allah La (The Trust in God) of the Mandingoes of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming Memmy Dukuly, president; Memmy Sarno, vice president; Momolu Janjo, treasurer; Zwannah Dukuly, secretary; Mojan Dolleh, chaplain; Dowdah Koeseer, assistant secretary; Ambolia Dukuly, financial secretary; the Rev. Dowdah M. Dukuly; and directors: Vafee Salifue, Zwannah Saryonh and D. Momolu] (Acts 1924-25, p. 35).
Joint resolution transferring annuity [of $200] granted the late C. W. Houston of the county of Grand Cape Mount to his widow A. V. Houston (Acts 1924-25, p. 36).
Joint resolution granting an annuity [of $300] to Charles H. Horace of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1924-25, p. 36).
An act incorporating the First Presbyterian Church Warnee Ginnu Country, Sinoe River in the county of Sinoe, Republic of Liberia [naming as trustees: Stephen H. Dickerson, Joseph R. Crayton, Sr., Isaac Roberts and James T. Davies; and elders: John Hansford, R. B. Davies and Josiah Davies] (Acts 1924-25, p. 37).
Joint resolution granting E. D. Hubbard of the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention (Inc.), United States of America, one hundred acres of public land in the district of Careysburg, Montserrado County, for missionary purposes (Acts 1924-25, pp. 37-38).
Joint resolution pensioning Joseph Alexander Stewart, brevet major of the Liberian Frontier Force, Montserrado County [awarding $500 per year] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 38-39).
Joint resolution increasing the pension of Jesse James of the settlement of Old Congo Town, Montserrado County [from $75 to $100] (Acts 1924-25, p. 39).
Joint resolution increasing the pension of James A. Wilson of Caldwell, county of Montserrado [from $135 to $150] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 39-40).
Joint resolution granting upto the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Cape Palmas district, one hundred acres of public lands on the Hoffman River, Maryland County, for education and industrial purposes [naming the Rev. F. A. Price, representative of the Board, and specifying that land will be used for the establishment of a girls school] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 40-41).
Joint resolution granting an annuity [of $500] to Mrs. Julia Angelique Dossen, widow of the late Honourable James Jenkins Dossen, chief justice of Liberia (Acts 1924-25, p. 41).
Joint resolution incorporating the Number One Musical Company of Paynesville, Montserrado County [naming James W. Gibson, president; J. Cephas Minor, vice president; J. C. W. Gibson, band master; G. Victor Outland, secretary; J. Felix Brumskine, assistant secretary; George H. Weaver, corresponding secretary; Lewis N. Weaver, treasurer; J. P. Nelson, band leader; B. W. Blunt, boatswain; James H. T. Blunt, collector; and S. Henry Mattjies, spokeman] (Acts 1924-25, p. 42).
Joint resolution restoring Arthur Tolbert of Bensonville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1924-25, p. 42).
Joint resolution incorporating the “Bassa Brotherhood Industrial and Beneficial Society of Monrovia,” Montserrado County [naming D. R. Horton, C. V. Johnson, Jacob Mason, James George, James Vambram, Emma A. Tyler, Jacob Gibson, J. E. manderson and Joseph Banks] (Acts 1924-25, p. 43).
Joint resolution incorporating Mahamadu Company No. 1 of Johnsonville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia[naming Momo Gray, manager; Momo Massaquoi, assistant manager; Borkie Rogers, secretary; Joseph Barclay, assistant secretary; Varnee Parboi, treasurer; Zolu Feday, assistant treasurer; Sarkee Johnson, collector; Momo Torbor, assistant collector; Gydakwe, judge; and Simmo, assistant judge] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 43-44).
Joint resolution incorporating the “Remember River Cess Company No. 1” of Kru Town, Monrovia, Montserrado County [naming Juah Mini, manager; Beawor, female manager; Walter Gieswah, treasurer; and Brown Dixon, secretary] (Acts 1924-25, p. 44).
Joint resolution incorporating the Sinoe Jubilee Club No. 1 of Greenville, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia [naming C. M. W. Cooper, president; S. D. Clarke, vice president; W. R. Draper, secretary; S. J. C. Davis, treasurer; with Catherine A. Cooper, president; R. L. Roberts, vice president; E. A. E. Cooper, secretary; and Z. M. Draper, treasurer, of the women’s branch] (Acts 1924-25, p. 45).
Joint resolution granting “Calvary Baptist Missionary Association,” Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, one hundred acres of land at Lloydsville for missionary purposes (Acts 1924-25, p. 46).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1924—1925. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1925.

An act amending an act levying hut taxes among the uncivilized aboriginal inhabitants within the Republic of Liberia, approved Nov. 2, 1916 [exempting those who pay the hut tax from paying poll or head tax] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 2-3).
An act supplying omissions to the criminal code [inserting “embezzlement” between “burglary” and “larceny”] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 3-4).
An act to supply the several arsenals of the republic with arms and ammunitions [appropriating $5,000] (Acts 1924-25, p. 4).
An act amending an act altering and amending the charter of the city of Robertsport territory of Grand Cape Mount, approved Nov. 2, 1916 [establishing the penalty for violating the charter at between $50 and $500] (Acts 1924-25, p. 5).
An act respecting the closing up of a portion of Russ Worn Street in the city of Harper, County of Maryland, Republic of Liberia [between Maryland Avenue and Gregory Street] (Acts 1924-25, p. 6).
An act relating to prisoners [punishing officials with firing and fines of between $500 to $1,000 for illegally transferring prisoners from jails in counties other than the one in which they committed their offenses] (Acts 1924-25, p. 7).
A joint resolution approving the agreement concluded between the government of Liberia and the Firestone Plantations Company, dated 16th and 17th of September, 1925 [requiring the company to: pay the Emergency Relief Fund and vehicle tax; keep the number of white employees to under 1,500; and pay duty on everything except hospital supplies and games] (Acts 1924-25, p. 8).
An act establishing the Fifth Judicial Circuit Court and a Monthly and Probate Court, in the county of Grand Cape Mount (Acts 1924-25, pp. 9-10).
Joint resolution approving the loan agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Finance Corporation of America (Acts 1924-25, pp. 10-20).
Joint resolution supplementary to the joint resolution passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia on the 28th day of January 1926 directing, instructing and authorizing the executive to consummate the loan agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Finance Corporation of America (Acts 1924-25, pp. 20-24).
An act creating the areas known as the cities of Upper and Lower Buchanan, a municipal district [replacing the major and common council with an administrative board, appointed by the national government, to include one head commissioner, police superintendent, one sanitation director, and one public works director] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 25-28).
An act defining how officials and employees of government are to be paid in future [barring the secretary of treasury from requiring government employees to collect their salaries from heads of departments] (Acts 1924-25, p. 28).
An act repealing an act approved Oct. 23, 1914, entitled an act altering and amending an act fixing the time of meeting of the national legislature (Acts 1924-25, p. 29).
An act authorizing and providing for aides-de-camp to the president of the Republic of Liberia [providing for one permanent aide, with a salary of $1,500, and another aide, to be paid at the per diem rate of a colonel and activated only when the president is traveling] (Acts 1924-25, p. 30).
An act amendatory to an act providing for the funding of certain classes of the existing floating public debt and for the refunding of the three percent bonds of 1918, approved Feb. 5th, 1924 (Acts 1924-25, p. 30).
An act altering and amending an act relating to the militia, passed and approved Jan. 27, 1863 [specifying the per diem to be paid to members of the Regimental Court Martial, varied by military rank] (Acts 1924-25, p. 31).
Joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the thirty-fifth legislature, third session, 1925-1926, of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1924-25, p. 32).
Joint resolution providing for an additional representative in the house of representatives of the legislature from the counties of Montserrado County, Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Maryland (Acts 1924-25, p. 32).
Joint resolution incorporating the Patten Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Kru Town, Monrovia, in the county of Montserrdo, Republic of Liberia [naming the Rev. C. S. Sanso, pastor; Robert S. Keyser, treasurer; stewarts: Geyplar Brown and N. Tugbeh Morton; and trustees: Jacob Peter, J. Manning, J. W. S. Barbor, Kity Kor, S. B. Naboy and Tabab Karteh] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 33-34).
Joint resolution granting [a $100] annuity to Hannah Lewis of Montserrado County, widow of the late Frank Caranda Lewis (Acts 1924-25, p. 34).
Joint resolution incorporating the “Jubilee Brass Band” of Hartfordward of the St. John’s River City, in the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia [naming Thomas L. Morris, manager; U. B. A. Dunn, instructor; James Hutchins, band master; H. John L. Diggs, secretary; James R. Clark, treasurer; and D. J. L. Scott, conductor] (Acts 1924-25, p. 35).
Joint resolution incorporating the “Social, Intellectual and Improvement Club” of the city of Edina, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [naming U. A. Potter, president; J. A. Benson, vice president; J. R. King, secretary; J. E. Smith, assistant secretary; S. Annette Potter, treasurer; J. E. Johnson, organist; Lavinia P. P. King, custodian; W. F. R. Johnson, lecturer; J. W. Early, instructor; honourable members: Gen. T. M. Moore, the Rev. J. R. Daves, the Rev. T. J. King, F. E. R. Johnson, S. G. Harmon and L. A. Grimes; patrons: the Rev. S. A. Liberty and J. S Smith; member: Clavender V. King, B. E. Johnson, Ellen C. Potter, Ettmarte C. Early, H. L. Harmon, Catherine H. C. Crusoe and E. T. Woods] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 35-36).
Joint resolution incorporating the George Family Company No. 1 of the Bassa Tribe of Montserrado County [naming Margar, manager; Jacob, inspector billah general; R. S. Morgai, captain; Karmmea, collector; Peter, treasurer; Tarjona Frank, assistant manager; Sam Myer, vice consul; and Miss Kasiah Gibson] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 36-37).
Joint resolution restoring John Jallah of the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1924-25, p. 37).
Joint resolution incorporating “The Training Company, Kru Town, Monrovia,” Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming Yau Kofah, manager; Wredo Geplay, assistant manager; Sarwlay Jugleh, manageress; Wree Tee, assistant manageress; F. K. Roberts, secretary; Japroe Plagbay, treasurer; Foh Dobah, collector; Cautan Kronyan, doctor; Saywon Monah, purser; Teah Gbay, judge; Dugbeh Toogbeh, general; Worcho Mars Marswah, captain; and Doubga Carmo Caranda, solicitor] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 37-38).
An act granting an annuity [of $500] to Mrs. Joetta Toliver of the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia, widow of the late Honourable James Archibold Toliver, chief justice of the supreme court of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1924-25, p. 38).
Joint resolution incorporating the Robertsport Patriotic Matrons Club of the county of Grand Cape Mount of the Republic of Liberia [naming Lucretia A. David, president; Hannah A. Ware, secretary; Laura A. Emmons, treasurer; and members: S. E. A. Sherman, Eliza B. N. Jones, Matilda A. Chinoweth, Hannah Hoff, Amy E. Jones, Martha Marshall, Elsie Chinoweth, Anna A. Muhlenburg and Frances G. Striker] (Acts 1924-25, p. 39).
Joint resolution incorporating the “Social, Intellectual, and Improvement Club Brass Band of Edina,” county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia [naming J. R. King, band master; C. R. H. Johnson, assistant band master; J. S. Woods, secretary; J. F. Brown, treasurer; J. A. Deshield, custodian; J. A. Benson, instructor; and members: J. F. Duncan, T. J. Deshield, Nicholas johnson, J. E. Smith, S. C. Liberty, P. F. Taylor, Thomas King and C. A. Green] (Acts 1924-25, pp. 39-40).
Joint resolution granting fifty acres of public land to the Foreign Mission Board of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Republic of Liberia for misisonary purposes, in the Hobah section, Saint John River, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1924-25, pp. 40-41).
Joint resolution amending a portion of a joint resolution granting E. D. Hubbard of the Foreign Mission Board of the Baptist Convention (Inc.), United States America, one hundred acres of public land in the district of Careysburg, Montserrado County, for missionary purposes, approved Jan. 14, 1925 (Acts 1924-25, p. 41).
Joint resolution authorizing the secretary of the treasury to compensate C. D. Majors of Sinoe County for eleven months services rendered as clerk to the superintendent, Sinoe County [appropriating $275] (Acts 1924-25, p. 42).
Joint resolution incorporating the Elijah Johnson Educational Institute of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming: Doughba Carmo Caranda, founder and principal; Arthur Barclay, chairman; and trustees: W. Sampson Brooks, Abayomi Karnga, T. J. R. Faulkner, R. L. Embree, Robert Karpeh, S. J. Taylor, S. A. Liberty, C. B. Reeves, A. B. Mars, E. J. S. Worrell and James W. Cooper; and patrons: F. E. R. Johnson, Solomon Porter Hood, H. Too Wesley, John G. A. Richards, Edwin J. Barclay and M. Massaquoi] (Acts 1924-25, p. 43).
An act chartering the Missionary and Educational Convention of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School of Montserrado County, Liberian Annual Conference [naming J. Samuel Dennis, president; vice presidents: Phillip F. Simpson, W. Augusta Carter and Gabriel E. Knuckles; C. Henry A. Scott, recording secretary; J. Samuel Simpson, assistant recording secretrary; John T. Smith, corresponding secretary; Thomas J. R. Faulkner, treasurer; and directors: B. J. K. Anderson, John G. A. Richards, George H. Van Dimmerson, James W. Cooper, T. Ebenezer Ward, John H. Smyth, John T. Smith, John H. Wilson and D. E. Howard] (Acts 1924-25, p. 44).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1925—1926. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1926.

An act to prohibit profiteering on the wages of sea going labourers [with fines of between $100 and $400] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 1-3).
An act to increase the salary of the president of Liberia [to $15,000] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 3-4).
A declaratory act on the amendments of the constitution adopted at the quadrennial election in the month of May A. D. 1927, approved Dec. 8, 1926 [certifying the ratification of amendments proposed by the legislature on Dec. 8, 1926] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 4-5).
An act creating the department of public works [consisting of a technical advisor, a road engineer, one draughtsman and others, as deemed necessary, to fulfill the purpose of the recently contracted loan] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 5-7).
An act to amend an act approved Jan. 24, 1923, entitled an act authorizing the opening of trading areas interiorward and beyond ports of entry and regulating the trade of foreign individuals, corporations, associations and companies within such areas [barring aliens whose governments do not have friendship and commerce treaties with Liberia] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 7-8).
An act designating the secretary of public instruction as trustee of the [$7,500] Hall Free School Fund of the county of Maryland [, established by James Hall of the United States of America and administered by the American Colonization Society] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 8-9).
An act to amend the act fixing the import duty on distilled spirits, gun powder and ammunition (Acts 1927-28, p. 9).
An act relating to transportation [barring foreigners from from operating transportation businesses] (Acts 1927-28, p. 10).
An act regulating the residence of aliens and immigrants within the Republic of Liberia [requiring that a residence permit be obtained within five days and permitting the president to deport an alien “whose presence would by authorities be deemed a menace to public security,” including aliens who “advise, advocate or teach, or who are members of or affiliated with any organization, association, society or group, that advises, advocates or teaches opposition to organized governments”] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 10-17).
An act amendatory to an act passed by the legislature of Liberia and approved Jan. 20, 1903, entitled “An act penalizing heads of departments who fail to tender their reports to the national legislature of Liberia, within ten days after the session convenes” [requiring the submission of department reports within two days of the president’s annual message to the legislature] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 17-18).
An act respecting storage regulations for goods in the custody of the Customs Service of the Republic of Liberia [providing for fines of $50 to be levied against any customs officials who stores or allows the storage of landed goods outside the designated wharf or customs house] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 18-19).
An act to create a revenue court and to fix its jurisdiction (Acts 1927-28, pp. 19-22).
An act expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the people of Liberia to his Excellency Charles Dunbar Burgess King for the services he has rendered the republic and their entire confidence in him (Acts 1927-28, p. 23).
An act regulating the operation of radio or wireless telegraph, telephone and broadcasting stations in the Republic of Liberia [barring the importation of radio equipment that operates frequencies between 60,000 and 1,000 kilocycles or 600 to 429 kilocycles, apparently reserved for government communications] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 23-27).
An act to create a sixth and seventh regiment in the militia of the Republic of Liberia and fixing the time of parade of the two regiments also that of the first regiment (Acts 1927-28, pp. 27-29).
An act entitled an act for the adoption of a uniform cap, ornament and buttons for the specific use of commissioned officers of the Liberian army and the protection thereof (Acts 1927-28, pp. 29-30).
An act expressing the thanks and appreciation of the people of Liberia to the Honourable Edwin Barclay, secretary of state, and other members of the presidents cabinet for the conduct of the government of the Republic of Liberia during the absence of the president from the republic on leave (Acts 1927-28, p. 31).
An act regulating the collection and disbursement of all revenues of commonwealth districts, municipalities, townships and settlements within the Republic of Liberia [authorizing the bureau of internal revenue to undertake all collection] (Acts 1927-28, p. 32).
An act increasing the mileage allowances of the legislators of the counties of Grand Bassa and Grand Cape Mount [to $36 each way] (Acts 1927-28, p. 33).
An act defining the duties of the adjutant general (Acts 1927-28, pp. 30-31).
An act repealing that portion of page 23, Chapter 5, Section 36, Paragraph Six, of the Criminal Code, approved Oct. 14th, 1914, which prescribes the way and manner whereby suits may be brought for offenses against the election laws of this republic [requiring offenses against the election laws to be prosecuted only upon indictment by a grand jury and not, as was done in the past, heard in a summary manner upon information of the county attorney] (Acts 1927-28, p. 34).
An act to amend the law prescribing the quorum of the supreme court of Liberia ; and enlarging the powers of the associate justices thereof [raising the number of justices required for a quorum from two to three] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 35-36).
An act supplementing and enlarging the Stamp Act, approved Jan. 24, 1928 [requiring a 25 cent stamp on each of following legal documents: complaints, answers, replies and subsequent pleadings] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 36-37).
An act making appropriation [of $8,000] to defray the expenses of the inauguration of His Excellency Charles Dunbar Burgess King, president of Liberia, and the Honourable Allen Nathaniel Yancy, vice president of Liberia (Acts 1927-28, p. 37).
An act to regulate the practice and dispensing of medicines in the Republic of Liberia and providing for the creation of a director of public health and sanitation [requiring the licensing of doctors and pharmacists; and banning doctors from mixing or dispensing drugs, if a qualified pharmacist is available in that town, but not applicable to “native herbalists”] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 38-40).
Joint resolution extending the annuity granted Anthony J. Wood, now deceased, to his widow [, Mary J. Wood, ] and only surviving daughter [, Antoinette Wood,] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 41-42).
Joint resolution restoring William S. Perviet of Montserrado County to citizenship (Acts 1927-28, p. 42).
Joint resolution incorporating the “New Georgia Brass Band No. 1” of the settlement of New Georgia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming C. L. Berrian, bandmaster; R. D. S. Smith, assistant bandmaster; T. N. Walbuck, Jr., secretary; H. W. White, treasurer; J. N. Brown, custodian; J. A. Ash, instructor; July Davis, band leader; J. F. Smith, assistant band leader; G. W. Cooper, speaker; and members: Sandy Smith and D. B. MacCaulley] (Acts 1927-28, p. 43).
Joint resolution amending a portion of a joint resolution granting to the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention one hundred and fifty acres of public land [transferring to the national Baptist Foreign Mission Board Incorporated] (Acts 1927-28, p. 44).
Joint resolution incorporating the Macedonia Baptist Church of Barnersville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming the Rev. J. T. Minor, pastor; and deacons: W. R. Slocum and J. G. Slocum] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 44-45).
Joint resolution incorporating “The McKrae Memorial Lodge No. 32, International Order of Good Templars,” Kru Town, Monrovia [naming A. T. Gyude Appleton, lodge deputy; R. N. C. Brown, past chief templar; J. D. Kwee Baker, chief templar; Edith B. Gray, vice templar; Nehemiah H. Brown, secretary; D. S. Solomon, assistant secretary; Alfred W. Yanor, treasurer; Jean B. Cuffey, superintendent of juvenile work; Samuel Washington, chaplain; H. D. O. Sorboh, assistant superintendent of juvenile work; William Ginger, marshall; Kieh Galkron, guard; and Slamee Juah, sentinel] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 45-46).
An act compensating Agnes E. Coleman of Clay-Ashland in the sum of fifty dollars for arrears of salary as school teacher in 1915 (Acts 1927-28, p. 46).
Joint resolution incorporating the Niger Company of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [naming Yenkeru Doe, chairman; Bardeh Wreh, assistant chairman; E. J. T. Herron, secretary; Teah Davis, judge; Walker Rodges, doctor; Jack Savage, speaker; and members: Tom Tobie, Teh Won, Teah Gennehkon, Solomon; and Kali-Meh] (Acts 1927-28, p. 47).
Joint resolution incorporating the “St. Michael and All Angels Church” of the Protestant Episcopal Church Timbo District, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [naming the Rev. F. A. K. Russell, rector; J. C. A. Coker, senior warden; E. M. G. Seton, junior warden; and vestrymen: C. H. Harmon, T. K. Janell, A. E. C. Pratt and X. R. Brown] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 47-48).
Joint resolution incorporating the New Company Number One in the city of Greenville, county of Sinoe [naming Canoteh, president; Gbelee, vice president; S. Z. Mitchell, secretary; W. B. Sango, treasurer; and Snawbar Roberts, musician] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 48-49).
Joint resolution incorporating the New Port Company of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [naming Earnest Mappy, president; Mondingo, first vice president; Boe Peter, second vice president; War Frazer, secretary; Charles Gaizor, assistant secretary; Flaunway, treasurer; R. W. harmon, chaplain; and Samuel George, marshall] (Acts 1927-28, p. 49).
An act to reimburse G. H. Vanja Dimmerson [$5,000] for the destruction of his dwelling house, furniture and fixtures by fire in the capture of an outlaw, one John Hall, at the city of Monrovia [who allegedly attacked members of the First Regiment, returning from their quarterly drill] (Acts 1927-28, p. 50).
Joint resolution granting one hundred and fifty acres of public land to the rector, wardens and vestrymen of St. Michael and All Angels Protestant Episcoapl Church at Timbo in the county of Grand Bassa and Republic of Liberia for missionary purposes (Acts 1927-28, p. 51).
Joint resolution incorporating the Workpey Company of Kru Town, Monrovia [naming George Tapy, manager; Kutu Je-Wodi, manageress; Chi-ble Kofa, assistant manageress; J. K. Monday, general; Tee-Weah Kofa, superintendent juvenile order; Tanny Sadi, sea captain; Tugbeh Gbi, dock captain; Tubah Jugbeh, treasurer; Boyah Tanne, doctor; S. J. McCarthy, secretary; and B. J. Davies, judge advocate] (Acts 1927-28, p. 52).
Joint resolution incorporating the Cape Palmas Association Number 1 of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [naming Nyekan Blammo, president; Earnest Tubo, vice president; Fank N. Tubman, secretary; Hanbo, treasurer; John Taisee, advocate; John Wilson, chaplain; and Freeman Wreah, shea doctor] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 52-53).
Joint resolution incorporating the Tom Peter Social Club of New Georgia, Montserrado County [naming Tom Peter, manager; Sage Po, assistant manager; Bluh, treasurer; J. J. Walker, collector; Sarah Peter, inspector; Vah, captain; and members: Saynmoh and Bear] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 53-54).
Joint resolution incorporating the Valley of Comfort Lodge, Number Thirty, of the International Order of Good Templars, Monrovia [naming the Rev. J. A. Johnson, lodge deputy; E. L. Dunn, chief templar; S. F. Hodge, vice templar; Richard A. Henries, secretary; Dexter Lewis, assistant secretary; L. T. Walters, treasurer; J. B. Doighty, superintendent of juvenile works; Charles James, past chief templar; W. B. Harmon, financial secretary; James Williams, chaplain; Ruth Freeman, guard; James Wilson, sentinel; P. Johnson, marshall; W. G. Greenfield, deputy marshall; and members: D. E. Weah, George Siddy, E. B. Davis, J. T. Eddington, A. W. Deline, W. E. Dennis, G. B. Emmerson, N. T. Milton, W. F. Deline and S. B. Gabbison] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 54-55).
Joint resolution restoring Wilbur Faison of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1927-28, p. 55)
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1927—1928. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1928.

An act to repeal “An act respecting storage regulations for goods in the custody of the customs service of the Republic of Liberia,” approved Feb. 2, 1928 [establishing a seven day storage period] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 2-3).
An act amending section ten of the act approved Oct. 22, 1914, entitled an act amending the several existing acts relating to the internal revenue of the Republic of Liberia [fixing the minimum tax of $1.20 on unimproved farm land, to ensure that “citizens enjoying the franchise” pay a tax equal to or greater than persons who do not but must pay a $1.00 hut tax] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 3-4).
An act regulating the admission of lawyers to the bar [establishing a three-member examination committee, appointed by the chief justice, and barring circuit judges from admitting candidates who have not been approved by this committee, at the penalty of a $500 fine] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 5-8).
An act providing for defrayment of expenses incident to the extraordinary session of the 36th legislature of the Republic of Liberia [appropriating $1,141.10] (Acts 1927-28, p. 8).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the extraordinary session of the thirty-sixth legislature of the Republic of Liberia, convened Nov. 27, A. D. 1928 (Acts 1927-28, p. 9).
An act to charter the Booker Washington Industrial and Agricultural Institute of Liberia [naming W. O. Shephard, presiding Methodist bishop; B. W. Payne, secretary of public instruction, ex-officio; William T. Francis, American minister resident, ex-officio; James L. Sibley, representing the American Advisory Committee on Education, ex-officio; Robert E. Campbell, Protestant bishop, ex-officio; J. D. Curran, Lutheran superintendent of mission, ex-officio; Davis, African Methodist missionary bishop; R. L. Embree, College of West Africa president, ex-officio; and C. D. B. King, together with any successors that may be appointed by the Methodist bishop] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 10-17).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the extraordinary session 1928. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1928.

An act amendatory to and repealing a portion of an act entitled an act providing for the provisional authority for payment of government expenses, passed and approved, Oct. 25, 1928 and providing for the payment of mileage of the members and officers of the national legislature of Liberia [exempting the clerical staff of the legislature from the pay reduction affecting other government employees, due to the seasonal nature of their employment] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 2-3).
An act fixing the rate of pay of officers of the militia when called into active service [providing for active service militia officers to receive the same scale of pay and allowances of the Frontier Force] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 3-4).
An act relating to the second regiment of the Liberian army of Grand Bassa County and making provisions for the safety of the soldiers of the third battalion of the said regiment [citing Colonel J. B. Horace as commander and excepting units living St. John River City and surrounding areas from reporting to Edina and Buchanan for quarterly parades] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 4-5).
An act to close certain portion of McGill Street in the city of Harper, Maryland County [between Marsh Street and a mangrove swamp] (Acts 1927-28, p. 6).
An act to provide for the Company Johnson Artillery to hold monthly parades in the settlement of Lexington (Acts 1927-28, p. 7).
An act authorizing the construction of a concrete bridge between the settlements of Farmersville and Lexington in the county of Sinoe in the Republic of Liberia [appropriating $200 for a survey] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 7-8).
An act legalizing the Revised Statutes of the Republic of Liberia, except in such parts where they conflict with the original unrepealed acts of the legislature and statutes upon which the revisions were made (Acts 1927-28, p. 9).
Joint resolution endorsing the actions taken by the executive government referable to the alleged charge of slavery and forced labour made against the government of Liberia, and empowering the president to take such actions that will successfully and honourably terminate said issue [specifically the proposal of a League of Nation commission of inquiry] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 10-11).
An act amendatory to an act to create a sixth and seventh regiment in the militia of the Republic of Liberia and fixing the time of parade of the two regiments, also that of the first regiment (Acts 1927-28, p. 11).
An act to abolish the revenue courts and to provide for the conduct of the business heretofore entrusted to them [creating instead a revenue division in each Monthly and Probate Court and setting the salaries of judges, clerks and sheriffs] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 12-14).
An act providing appropriations for the expenses of the government [applicable to the members and staff of the legislature only] (Acts 1927-28, p. 14).
An act creating a permanent claims commission [consisting of the secretary of treasury, the financial adviser, the comptroller and the auditor, to settle all legitimate claims if registered within six months of the publication of this act] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 15-18).
An act revising and amending an act of the legislature approved Nov. 28, 1928, entitled “An act to repeal all existing acts regulating dry goods licenses and substituting therefor a system of graded licenses” [establishing eight grades of license fees, from six dollars to $100, depending upon the value of capital stock] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 19-22).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 3rd session of the 36th legislature of the Republic of Liberia, A. D. 1929 (Acts 1927-28, p. 22).
An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Protestant Episcopal Church of Robertsport in the territory of Grand Cape Mount, passed and approved Jan. 21 A. D. 1919 [changed to read “Saint John’s Parish (Irving Memorial)”] (Acts 1927-28, p. 23).
Joint resolution granting Moses Early of the territory of Marshall the right to run a ferry across the Farmington River, between the settlements of Owens-Grove and Mount Olive [for ten years, with a maximum charge of eight cents per crossing] (Acts 1927-28, p. 24).
An act incorporating the Taylor’s Jazz Hounds No. 1 of the commonwealth district of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming C. H. Taylor, president; Annie J. Taylor, lady president and treasurer; W. B. Morris, secretary and pianist; James Roberts, director and violinist; Samuel T. Taylor, assistant director; R. S. D. Smallwood, solicitor; and members: Reuben Logan, Johnny Taylor, C. H. Taylor, Jr., A. E. J. Tomlinson, Robertson Roberts and Alfred Russ] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 24-25).
Joint resolution compensating A. V. D. Freeman [$436] for the loss of his personal belongings in the uprising of the Gee-Bee-Ghor tribes of the Bassa Section [while serving as provisory commissioner and tax collector] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 25-26).
Joint resolution granting one hundred acres of public land to the officers of the Missionary Educational Convention of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School of Grand Bassa County, existing under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal District Conference of Grand Bassa County, in the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1927-28, pp. 26-27).
An act to grant one half acre of public land to Saint John Parish (Irving Memorial) in the county of Grand Cape Mount (Acts 1927-28, p. 27).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Richard S. Wiles across the Poo and Little Cape Mount or Loffa River [from Zolu on the right bank to Momojah on the left bank on the Poo River and from Manjamah on the right bank to Dammarah on the left bank of the Loffa River, for a maximum charge of 12 cents] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 28-29).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Doughba Carmo Caranda and heirs of the settlement of Virginia, Montserrado County, across the Saint Paul’s River at the points known as the Shiloh Baptist Church Wharf, Virginia, and opposite said wharf in the settlement of Caldwell, Montserrado County [for ten years, with a maximum charge of 12 cents per crossing] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 29-30).
An act to imburse [$430 to] S. T. Nimmo, government surveyor, Montserrado County (Acts 1927-28, p. 30).
An act transferring [$300] a portion of the pension granted the late Joseph Alexander Stewart to his widow Versa A. Stewart during her widowhood and [his three children] Alice, Samuel Edward and Nellis Etta Stewart during the years of their minority (Acts 1927-28, p. 31).
An act restoring T. V. Smith and L. M. Ferguson [both convicted of forgery] of the city of Monrovia of the county of Montserrado of the Republic of Liberia to citizenship (Acts 1927-28, pp. 32-32).
Joint resolution incorporating Try Best Company No. 5 of Bigtown, Cape Palmas, Maryland County [naming Budu Hne, manager; Kwee, assistant manager; Gba Gyude, secretary; Keda Do, treasurer; Sobo Wade, manageress; Wese Wodooe, assistant manageress; Pe Sie, doctor; Nambo Budu, advisor; Dummude Twee, collector; and members: Bedo Tiba, Dumu Sudobla, Gbuo Keda and Nyeba Hne] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 32-33).
Joint resolution incorporating Grebo Musical Association No. 1 of Bigtown, Cape Palmas, Maryland County [Gbawa Himie, manager; Kedads Hodo, assistant manager; Ba Wea, secretary; Dowe Nyabo, treasurer; Nysue Wede, manageress; Ba Hne-anyene, assistant manageress; Nasowe, doctor; Tia Keda, advisor; Gbudi Nmade, female treasurer; Tumu Hedoo, female collector; and members: Blio Wode, Dowedo Blanye, Tidi Gyedo and Yapo Gbo] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 33-34).
An act granting a franchise to S. E. McCarey, Son and Company, Ltd. at the extreme end of the St. Paul River bar mouth [for ten years with fees not to exceed 12 cents] (Acts 1927-28, p. 35).
An act granting a ferry franchise to J. C. Johns and Company Ltd., Robertsport, on the Marfar River, from the town of Sewelor on the left bank to the city of Robertsport and from Wiemah Point, on Benson Lake to Gomer’s Point in Robertsport [for twenty years with fees not to exceed 36 cents] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 35-36).
An act restoring Stanley C. Clarke of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1927-28, p. 37).
An act to grant three hundred and twenty acres of public land to the Methodist Episcopal Mission in Saniquellie District Number Three, Liberian hinterland (Acts 1927-28, pp. 37-38).
An act to transfer the pension granted to Nathan A. White deceased to his widow Martha A. White of the county of Montserrado, to their son Isaac White of the aforesaid county (Acts 1927-28, p. 38).
Joint resolution granting to Josephine Hughes, heiress of the late J. H. Hughes, Grand Bassa County, an annuity [of $150] (Acts 1927-28, p. 39).
Joint resolution incorporating the Spring Hill Brass Band, Half Graway, Cape Palmas, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia [naming John G. Howe, manager; O. H. Shannon, assistant manager; M P. K. Killen, chaplain; N. H. Hammond, band master; and Edwin Y. Harris, inspector] (Acts 1927-28, pp. 39-40).
Joint resolution incorporating the Diamond Musical and Social Brass Band of Fortsville, Saint John River City, Grand Bassa County [naming Joseph L. Reeves, manager; Mascon S. Hall, band master; Joseph F. Barnard, assistant band master; James T. Roberts, secretary; Josiah C. Reeves, treasurer; Joshua A. Winkey, drum major; Samuel Snyder, conductor; Arthur Hall, drum major; and members: H. C. Barnard, H. C. Reeves, James T. Forte, Nathaniel Anderson] (Acts 1927-28, p. 40).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1929. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1929.

An act relating to contract labour recruited for service overseas [banning all recruiting due to ”many abuses”] (Acts 1931, p. 1-2).
An act authorizing the reorganization of the administration of the hinterland and providing for the employment of foreign administrative officials [specifically, “two persons of American or European nationality and certified experience in the administration of tropical territories” with each to receive no more than $4,000 in salary and $1,500 in allowances] (Acts 1931, pp. 3-4).
An act relating to the pawning system [nullifying the favorable recognition of pawning included in the regulations issued by the president and interior chiefs at Suehn, August 1923, and declaring pawning to be a felony punishable by no more than two years imprisonment] (Acts 1931, pp. 4-5).
An act creating a public health and sanitation service in the Republic of Liberia [authorizing the appointment of a physician as director with responsibility for preventing the spread of communicable diseases into and out of Liberia through ports of entry] (Acts 1931, pp. 5-9).
An act permitting unrestricted trade in the hinterland of Liberia, both to citizens and aliens [in response to representations made from abroad] (Acts 1931, pp. 10-12].
An act amendatory and extending the jurisdiction of the justice of the peace as found on Pages 622 and 644 of the Revised Statutes of the Republic of Liberia, Volume I (Acts 1931, pp. 12-13).
An act to relieve the strain upon the revenue of this republic [reducing the salaries of all foreigners employed by the government, except the financial advisor, and requiring these persons to share housing as assigned by government] (Acts 1931, pp. 13-14).
An act fixing the rate of allowances for the commanding officers and adjutants of the several regiments and detachments, and the clerks to the several regimental and detachment courts-martial of the various regiments and detachments of the militia of Liberia [and authorizing the secretary of treasury to pay their legitimate allowances, no overdue] (Acts 1931, pp. 15-16).
An act authorizing the president of Liberia to institute summary investigation by the department of justice of all complaints against persons criminally charged within the terms of reference submitted to the International Commission of Inquiry by the Liberian government as may be found in the official report filed with the government of Liberia by the said International Commission of inquiry on the 8th day of September A. D. 1930 [and declaring it illegal for any executive official or legislator to serve as a lawyer in these cases] (Acts 1931, pp. 16-17).
An act repealing the act approved Jan. 21, 1928, entitled “An act creating the public works department” and providing how public works shall hereafter be prosecuted, substituting Senate’s Engrossed No. 3, “An act abolishing the department of public works and creating a bureau of public works” [reducing the department to a bureau within the department of interior, consisting of one or engineers authorized to award contracts on the basis of competitive bidding] (Acts 1931, pp. 17-19).
An act amendatory to an act entitled “An act chartering the Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute,” passed and approved Nov. 29, 1928 [acknowledging the existence of a New York board of trustees, authorizing a local nine- to fifteen-member board of managers as delegates of the trustees and appropriating $5,000 a year in support] (Acts 1931, pp. 19-22).
An act amendatory to an act entitled an act regulating the collection and disbursements of all revenues of commonwealth districts, municipalities, townships and settlements within the Republic of Liberia, approved Feb. 16, 1928 [authorizing the bureau of internal revenue to administer the funds of local governments, with unexpended funds going to maintain the national government] (Acts 1931, pp. 22-23).
An act amending an act of the legislature approved Dec. 12, 1929, entitled an act revising and amending an act of the legislature approved Nov. 28, 1929 entitled “An act to repeal all existing acts regulating dry goods licenses, and substituting therefor a system of graded licenses” [requiring licensee with stock valued over ten thousand dollars to pay the required $100 plus an $3.00 per thousand for every addition thousand dollars in stock] (Acts 1931, pp. 23-24).
An act authorizing the sale of certain property of the government [from the former department of public works] (Acts 1931, p. 24).
An act relating to permits of residence [establishing a $5 charge for six month permits and $10 for one year permits] (Acts 1931, p. 25).
Joint address of the senate and house of representatives to his excellency the president of Liberia requesting the removal of judge James Henson Dent of the Fourth Judicial Circuit [who has “lost his mental control to such an extent as to at certain times compel his confinement] (Acts 1931, p. 26).
Joint resolution restoring Thomas Reuben Hill of the county of Grand Bass of the Republic of Liberia [convicted of embezzlement] to citizenship (Acts 1931, p. 27).
Joint resolution restoring John L. Fuller of Montserrado County and Frank E. Marshall of the territory of Marshall to citizenship [both having been convicted of infamous crimes] (Acts 1931, pp. 27-28).
Joint resolution to incorporate Daubeny Cooper and Company in Liberia [citing Harper, Cape Palmas, as location and proprietors: Daubeny Bartholemew Cooper, Sr.; E. J. Cooper, E. J. L. Cooper, D. B. Cooper, Jr., A. E. G. Cooper and M. O. E. Cooper] (Acts 1931, pp. 28-29).
Joint resolution restoring Norwood Theodore Dennis of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1931, p. 29).
Joint resolution restoring Robert H. Dennis of the city of Monrovia, county of Montserrado of the Republic of Liberia to citizenship [having been convicted of forgery] (Acts 1931, p. 29).
An act to grant the Pentacostal Assembly of the World Missionary Organization of the United States of America, two hundred acres of land (Acts 1931, p. 30).
An act granting one hundred acres of public land to the Seventh Day Adventist Mission, in the Gbahngah Section, interior Grand Bassa County [for missionary purposes] (Acts 1931, p. 31).
An act to incorporate the Woman’s Progressive Culture Club of Harper, Maryland County [naming J. Angelique Dossen, president; C. B. Harmon, vice president; I. K. Ferguson, treasurer; T. R. Andrews, secretary; S. Jane Diggs, assistant secretary; and D. F. Gardiner, critic] (Acts 1931, pp. 31-32).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Henry E. Snetter of Eloise Farm, New York, Clay Ashland, in the county of Montserrado and Republic of Liberia, to run a ferry across the Saint Paul River at the points known as Gripper Creek and Peter Creek below the settlement of Millsburg and directly opposite said points below the settlement of White Plains [for ten years with a maximum charge of six cents during the dry season and 12 cents during the rainy season] (Acts 1931, pp. 32-33).
An act granting a ferry franchise to A. M. Harris and John Clinton and Joseph Cisco, Limited, of Millsburg and Harrisburg in the county of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia, to run a ferry across the Saint Paul River at the point between the Muhlenburg Mission Boys School and Girls School, Harrisburg [for ten years with a maximum charge of six cents during the dry season, 12 cents during the rainy season and two cents per kinjah] (Acts 1931, pp. 33-34).
Joint resolution granting two hundred acres of land to the Union of Baptist Churches of Ontario and Quebec, Canada, in the New Cess section, Timbo district, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, for missionary purposes (Acts 1931, pp. 34-35).
An act providing certain amendments to Section 3, of an act entitled an act granting a ferry franchise to Richard S. Wiles, passed by limitation at the third sitting of the 36th legislature, A. D. 1929 [changing the act to read: “the right to run a ferry across the Little Cape Mount or Loffa River from Majamah on the right bank to Bombojah on the left bank and from Damarah on the left bank to Barjah on the right bank”] (Acts 1931, pp. 35-36).
An act amending an act incorporating the ferry boat company of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, approved Oct. 12, 1916 [making the right “sole and exclusive”] (Acts 1931, p. 36).
Substituted act to senate’s original No. 20, incorporating Hayes Brothers and Company Limited of Brewerville, county of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia [naming Wayland H. Hayes, president; Henry Clay Daniels, vice president; Highland G. Hayes, business manager, local and foreign representative; John B. H. Hayes, business agent and accountant; Luther M. Hayes, treasurer and chief, industrial division; James O. Hayes, Jr., assistant chief of industrial division; and Solomon Jesse Oliver Hayes, secretary and salesman, authorized to operate motor launches, mercantile businesses, mechanical shops and agricultural activities] (Acts 1931, pp. 36-37).
An act incorporating the “Alpha Tennis Club” in the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming Cyrie W. A. Davis-Johnson, president; A. R. Harper, vice president; J. Marie Davis-Johnson, secretary; Etta Wright, treasurer; W. Stanley Wiles, financial secretary; and Beresford A. Cole, captain] (Acts 1931, p. 38).
An act granting an annuity to James Henson Dent of Maryland County [, former judge, appropriating $300 a year for “the period of his lunacy”] (Acts 1931, pp. 38-39).
An act granting Dougba Carmo Caranda and heirs the right to run a ferry across the Stockton Creek in the county of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia, between the point known as Bendumah Wharf and the point commonly known as Old Government Farm on Bushrod Island, opposite the said Bendumah Wharf, situated in the Upper Section of New Georgia in Montserrado County [for ten years, with a maximum charge of six cents] (Acts 1931, pp. 39-40).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 4th session of the 36th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1931, p. 40).
An act providing appropriation for the expenses of the government [, but the act does not include any figures although it notes “the following sums are hereby appropriated”] (Acts 1931, p. 41).
An act to designate the adjournment day of the extraordinary session of the legislature A. D. 1931 (Acts 1931, p. 42).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1930—1931 and the extraordinary session 1931. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1931.

An act making appropriation [of $4,000] to defray the expenses of the inauguration of His Excellency Edwin J. Barclay, president of Liberia, and Honourable James S. Smith, vice president of Liberia (Acts 1931, pp. 1-2).
An act amending a certain portion of the Revised Statutes, relating to townships officers, page 273, section 1416, paragraph 4 [extending 12 days to 24 days the period during which road repair is required to be undertaken by adult men in townships] (Acts 1931, pp. 2-3).
Joint resolution authorising his excellency the president of Liberia to call an election for the purpose of electing a senator and four representatives in the county of Maryland, Republic of Liberia [declaring illegal the quadrennial election of May 5, 1931] (Acts 1931, pp. 3-4).
An act supplementary to Chapter LXXII of the Revised Statutes of Liberia, providing for the acquiring of private lands for public use (Acts 1931, pp. 4-6).
An act amending an act of the legislature entitled “An act fixing port and harbour dues,” approved Jan. 24, 1923 [exempting ships if their sole purpose is the disembarking of Liberian deckhands and providing a 50 cent for each Liberian shiphand disembarked to those ship that also land good] (Acts 1931, pp. 7-9).
An act authorizing the secretary of the treasury under warrant of the president to make partial payments to certain unpaid ex-Frontier Force soldiers [appropriating $5,000] (Acts 1931, p. 8).
An act declaring Picininicess in the county of Maryland, Republic of Liberia, a port of entry and delivery (Acts 1931, p. 9).
An act providing for the payment of the mileage and traveling expenses of the vice president of Liberia [restoring expenses for travel now that a vice president has been elected] (Acts 1931, pp. 9-10).
An act legalizing the manual of the Liberian Frontier Force of the Republic of Liberia [legalizing the existing compilation] (Acts 1931, p. 10).
An act to provide for the registration of births, deaths and burials and the care of cemeteries in the Republic of Liberia [authorizing the appointment of registrars and declaring burials outside approved cemeteries to be illegal, with fascimiles of approved registration forms and schedule of fees] (Acts 1931, pp. 11-40).
An act authorizing the president of Liberia to set up a special Discharged Frontier Soldier Claim Commission [to meet for no more than 60 days] to investigate and scrutinize the claims of all discharged soldiers of the Liberian Frontier Force and report its findings to the president who shall cause all cases of fraud connected therein to be rigidly prosecuted by the department of justice (Acts 1931, pp. 41-43).
An act prescribing the time in which the proposed budget should be presented to the national legislature of the Republic of Liberia by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia and defining the punishment for the violation of same [requiring the secretary to present the budget 30 days before the opening of the legislature or pay a fine of at least $100] (Acts 1931, pp. 43-44).
An act legalizing a budget for ten months period from March 1st to Dec. 31, 1932 [, but the budget was not included] (Acts 1931, p. 44).
An act repealing the act of the legislature providing for the Monthly and Probate Court in the several counties of the republic and making provision for the conduct of same [transferring the duties of the monthly and probate courts to the circuit courts] (Acts 1931, pp. 44-46).
An act approving Executive Order Number 8.1931 relating to the trial of sanitary cases before police magistrates in Monrovia, issued on the 12th day of December A. D. 1931 [establishing fines of $5 for the first offense and $10 plus dismissal from office for the second offense] (Acts 1931, pp. 46-47).
An act permitting special juries in civil cases [at the request of the litigants, provided the losing party agrees to pay the costs of court and expenses of the special jury] (Acts 1931, p. 47).
An act exempting reporting officers of the Republic of Liberia from paying fees to the clerks of courts for filing reports required by law [covering justices of the peace, constables, sheriff and coroners] (Acts 1931, p. 48).
A joint resolution repudiating a report of a special committee of the house of representatives, Republic of Liberia, 36th legislature, said to be relieving president C. D. B. King from censure for any misconduct whilst in office [because the resolution is “against the will of the people of the republic, considering the same as laying a precedent, unwarranted by law, unsupported by the constitution and dangerous to the safety of the nation] (Acts 1931, pp. 49-50).
An act to provide a special fund to be known as the Special Public Health and Sanitation Fund [imposing a three cent tax on every packaged or crated item imported into the county and a one cent tax on unpackaged items] (Acts 1931, pp. 50-51).
An act amending the tariff of official fees on Section 196 of the Consular Regulations of 1922 [authorizing a $10 fee for bills of health in duplicate; $6 for supplementary bills of health and certificate of employment; and $2 for passport, ship’s manifest cargo or ship’s passenger list visa] (Acts 1931, pp. 51-52).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 1st session of the 37th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1931, p. 52).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Oscar J. K. Gray of the county of Grand Cape Mount [with sole and exclusive right to run a ferry across the Lofa River on both sides from the town of Kparkarjah on the left bank to the town of Montserrado for 12 years, setting a maximum fee of 12 cents during the rainy season and six cents during the dry season] (Acts 1931, pp. 53-54).
An act restoring John W. Ross of Jacksonville, Maryland County of the Republic of Liberia to citizenship [having been convicted of petty larceny] (Acts 1931, p. 54).
An act granting a ferry right to J. Cepahs Brooks, Willis J. Rose, David Harris and Hannibal L. White of the county of Grand Bassa across the St. John River in the county of Grand Bassa (Acts 1931, p. 55).
An act incorporating the “Monrovia Athletic Club” of the city of Monrovia, county of Montserrado and Republic of Liberia [naming Clarence L. Simpson, president; Rachell A. Cole, vice president; Ella B. Sharpe, secretary; Stanley C. Clarke, assistant secretary; Uriah J. D. Cole, treasurer; Randolph M. Ellis, captain; and members: Edward L. Dunn, Mahamadu Dukuly, Jacob N. Sharpe, Pearl R. Clarke, Beatrice Ellis, Ida Watson, Anna Bishop, Mozart J. Bernard and J. D. Moore] (Acts 1931, p. 56).
An act incorporating the Marshall Transport Company and granting said company a ferry franchise and right to operate across the Junk River [naming Yamphor Seckeh, manager; and A. D. Peabody, assistant manager; authorized to operate for ten years from the right bank of the Junk to Harmon Point on the Bargay River, with a maximum charge of 12 cents] (Acts 1931, pp. 57-58).
An act incorporating the Camphor Memorial Church, borough of Kru Town, county of Montserrado and Republic of Liberia [naming the Rev. Charles W. Duncan, pastor; and trustees: Monah Nimley, Mary A. Duncan, Frances Frank, Rebecca Demery, Sarwea Tiny, Monah Karmlin, Tarlah Teh, Teah Jlah and T. V. A. Smith] (Acts 1931, pp. 58-59).
An act incorporating the Extremity Tennis Club in the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming J. Henrique Brown, president; Urias Brown, secretary; Robert E. Bright, treasurer; Emmett Harmon, captain; and John Grisby, vice captain and coach] (Acts 1931, pp. 59-60).
An act to incorporate Crowd “23” of Monrovia, Montserrado County [naming J. Daniel Beysolow, president; Ruben A. Stevens, vice president; Francis Tarr Grimes, secretary; James Z. Wilson, treasurer; and Isaac V. Fiske, master of ceremonies] (Acts 1931, pp. 60-61).
An act to incorporate the Liberian Industrial Corporation of Liberia in the county of Grand Cape Mount [naming Joseph F. Lawrence, J. S. Dennis, A. J. George, T. E. Beysolow, A. J. Padmore, C. H. A. Scott and Albert Watson] (Acts 1931, p. 61).
Joint resolution restoring Josiah E. D. Ricks of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1931, p. 62).
An act incorporating the Zordee Pentecostal Mission operating in Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming Aaron J. Homes, president; Pearl J. Homes, secretary; and the Rev. B. M. Kinnan, treasurer] (Acts 1931, pp. 62-63).
A joint resolution repealing a joint resolution incorporating the J. N. Wright and Company, Marshall territory, approved Nov. 22, 1928 [for exceeding the fees stipulated by the legislature and for continual disregard of government officials] (Acts 1931, p. 63).
An act incorporating the Liberian Dental Association and the Liberian Dental Society [naming Dr. M. M. Townsend, president, and R. E. Hill Townsend, secretary] (Acts 1931, p. 64).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1931—1932. Published by authority, Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1932.

An act making appropriation [of $1,985] for the expenses of the legislature of Liberia at its extraordinary session 1932 (Acts Extraordinary Session 1932, pp. 1-2).
An act authorising the president to negotiate and conclude an agreement with the Danish Syndicate of Denmark [approving the agreement with minor changes] (Acts 1933, pp. 2-4).
An act amendatory to Section 107, sedition as found on page 29 of the Criminal Code of Liberia [prompted because “it is becoming increasingly habitual for evil minded persons to make false representations, disrespectful and defamatory allusions to the head of the nation with intent in so doing to impugn and degrade the dignity and respect due tot the presidential office” and setting punishment as imprisonment from three to seven years with confiscation of all property] (Acts 1933, pp. 4-7).
A joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to adopt Annex III of the Plan of Assistance as a basis upon which the League of Nations will render assistance to the Republic of Liberia [, but disapproves section calling for the creation of a gendarmerie under the president, suggesting instead corps of up to 30 messengers in each province under the district commissioners and some less significant points] (Acts 1933, pp. 7-10).
An act to reimburse [$3,000 in three annual installments to] the Council of the League of Nations for expenses incurred in sending Dr. MacKenzie to Liberia to assist the government in the pacification of the belligerents of the Kru coast (Acts 1933, p. 11).
An act to provide for the application of part of the floating government indebtedness to the payment of certain taxes and revenues [up to $50,000 for payment of Liberians for services rendered] (Acts 1933, pp. 12-13).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the extraordinary session of the legislature of the Republic of Liberia that convened on the 18th day of July 1932 (Acts 1933, p. 13).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 37th legislature of the Republic of Liberia that convened on the 15th day of August A. D. 1932 (Acts 1933, p. 14).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the extraordinary session 1932. Published by authority, Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1932.

An act relating to [duties of] revenue solicitors transferred to county, territorial and district attorneys (Acts 1933, p. 1).
A joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to suspend payment of interest and amortization on the seven percent gold loan of 1926 for other purposes [due to the “world wide depression” payments are suspended until government revenues have amounted to $650,000 annually for two years, with money to be used for paying salaries instead] (Acts 1933, pp. 2-4).
An act extending the jurisdiction of the Provisional Monthly and Probate Courts of Marshall territory and the district of Careysburg in Montserrado County [jurisdiction extended to include all petty offenses] (Acts 1933, p. 4).
A joint resolution relating to the street lighting system of the city of Monrovia [appropriating $5,000 for electric street lights] (Acts 1933, p. 5).
An act authorizing his excellency the president of Liberia to appoint a commission to standardize and regulate all exportable products of the republic and penalize its violation [done to ensure high prices specifically for coffee, palm kernels, piassava, kola nuts, fibre, ivory and cocoa] (Acts 1933, pp. 6-7).
An act requiring the traveling allowance of circuit judges to be paid upon assignment of judges by the chief justice of the supreme court of Liberia [requiring the chief justice to notify the secretary of treasury one month before the assignment of judges, to ensure their timely payment] (Acts 1933, pp. 7-8).
An act relating to postmasters of the postal service of the Republic of Liberia [requiring the immediate return to the postmaster general of all foreign mail bags, or payment of a five dollar fine for every missing bag] (Acts 1933, pp. 8-9).
An act amending an act to provide for the application of part of the floating government indebtedness to the payment of certain taxes and revenues approved Aug. 11, 1932 [authorizing the secretary of treasury to accept non-interest bearing notes for payment of individual debts to government] (Acts 1933, p. 9).
An act relating to the operation of stills, the standardization and sale of locally distilled potable spirits in the Republic of Liberia [requiring a $100 commercial distillery fee and $60 home industry fee, requiring distillation in copper or brass tanks and imposing a fine of between $5 and $75 for the distillation of liquor in any tanks made of other metals because of potential harm “to the human system,” with supervision to be conducted by the bureau of internal revenue] (Acts 1933, pp. 10-13).
An act relating to the officials of the loan agreement [permitting foreign employees of the Liberian government four months leave after two years of service; seperate housing quarters only if accompanied by dependents; and authorizing their dismissal without pay for breaking local laws or disobeying the president] (Acts 1933, pp. 13-14).
An act providing for the funding of the National Floating Debt [authorizing the secretary of treasury to issue a maximum of $650,000 bonds in dominations of $1, $5, $10, $50, $100 and $500, bearing three percent interest per year to mature in 20 years] (Acts 1933, pp. 15-17).
A joint resolution authorizing the auditor of the treasury department of the Republic of Liberia to issue statements of accounts in favour of officials, employees of the government and all other persons having claims against the government (Acts 1933, pp. 17-18).
An act amending Sections 1011, 1014, 1015 and 1022 of the Revised Statutes of Liberia [placing the trustees of Liberia College under the secretary of public instruction, empowered to sign all college checks] (Acts 1933, pp. 18-19).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of the government for the fiscal year, 1933 (Acts 1933, p. 20).
A joint address of the senate and house of representatives of the Republic of Liberia in legislature assembled memorializing his excellency the president of Liberia to continue and conclude an agreement between the government of Liberia and the Danish Liberian Syndicate [covering a railroad-mining concession] (Acts 1933, pp. 20-21).
Amendments to Danish Liberian Agreement as suggested by the joint committee of the Liberian senate and house of representatives (Acts 1933, pp. 21-23).
An act granting fifty thousand acres of public land to the Bank of Liberia, Limited [for ten years in exchange for ten thousand bank shares] (Acts 1933, p. 23).
A joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to compensate Milton D. Nassau [$100], F. A. K. Russell [$135] and J. F. B. Coleman [$45] for services on special commissions, during the year 1932 and fixing the pay of persons serving on special commission by appointment of the president [at three dollars per diem] (Acts 1933, pp. 24-25).
An act authorizing the president of Liberia to cause a census of the republic taken in the year 1933 [under the supervision of the secretary of interior, appropriating $300 for books and forms] (Acts 1933, pp. 25-26).
An act relating to postmasters and employees of the postal service of the Republic of Liberia [forbidding postal employees from signing for mail of others on penalty of suspension without pay for the first offense and dismissal on the second offense] (Acts 1933, p. 26).
An act to authorize and approve of the expenditure and the reimbursement [of $452.48] by the treasury department of monies spent in connection with the mission of the Liberian delegate to Europe without regular appropriations [, in connection with the meetings of the Committee of the Council of the League of Nations in London from February to March 1931] (Acts 1933, pp. 27-28).
An act authorizing the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, to pay to K. Jeff Adorkor the sum of seventy-five dollars for services rendered the committee on public accounts and expenditures of the national legislature at the 2nd session of the 37th legislature of the Republic of Liberia as special accountant [, “owing to complicated accounting system on file sheets in the internal revenue bureau”] (Acts 1933, pp. 28-29).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 2nd session of the 37th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1933, p. 29).
Joint resolution restoring S. G. W. Bailey to citizenship (Acts 1933, p. 30).
An act incorporating the Wakolo Progressive Twelve Club [text is missing from among the photocopies, hence the names of members are not included] (Acts 1933, pp. 31-32).
An act granting Alfred Morris and Charles A. Montgomery of Farmersville and Lexington of Sinoe County to run a ferry across the creek known as the Lexington Creek [for ten years, with a maximum fee of four cents] (Acts 1933, p. 32).
An act granting to Ellen M. Marshall of the territory of Marshall the annuity of two hundred dollars granted her late husband James H. Marshall [who served in government for 54 years] (Acts 1933, pp. 32-33).
An act granting Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Horace, widow of the late Honourable Charles H. Horace, a part [one third] of the [$300] pension granted her late husband (Acts 1933, pp. 33-34).
An act incorporating the Pioneer Community School, Monrovia [Sarah Brownell, principal, founder and proprietress; C. Letecia Blaine, vice principal; Rose C. Harris, secretary; teachers: R. O Ate and Amanda Capeheart; and advisor board members: Elizabeth Mitchell, Rachel A. Cole, Sarah Raynes, J. Ira Haltiwanger, Matilda A. Richards and Cecelia A. Dunbar-Cooper] (Acts 1933, pp. 34-35).
Joint resolution restoring J. B. Butcher of Lower Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship [having been convicted of petty larceny] (Acts 1933, p. 35).
An act granting a ferry franchise to George P. Harris of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [to operate for ten years across the St. Paul River, from Thompson Wharf on the left bank to Poibis Farm on the right, with a maximum charge of six cents] (Acts 1933, pp. 35-36).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Jacob H. Logan and Sons of the county of Grand Bassa [across the N’yah or New Cess River from Logan’s town, Goyah section on the right bank to Zeawornh’s town on the left] (Acts 1933, pp. 36-37).
An act incorporating the Home and Foreign African Relief Committee of Monrovia, Liberia [naming H. B. Hall, president; Lois Pittman, vice president; A. W. Darby, recording secretary; J. A. Gittens, assistant secretary; C. E. Tucker, financial secretary; C. Henry A. Scott, corresponding secretary; J. F. Lawrence, treasurer-physician; and Katie Bell, chaplain] (Acts 1933, pp. 37-38).
An act reimbursing Jeffrey B. Horace, colonel of the second regiment, Liberian army, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [, wounded five times while in service, authorizing an $800 payment for pension suspended since 1917 by the secretary of the treasury without legal authority] (Acts 1933, pp. 38-39).
An act granting L. P. Crawford of the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County, a pension during the years of his illness [appropriating $100 a year for the duration of his paralysis] (Acts 1933, p. 39).
An act incorporating the Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Limited of Liberia [naming K. Jefferies Adorkor, Jr., C. Robert Campbell, William N. Ross, A. J. E. Sawyer and J. W. Barbour] (Acts 1933, p. 40).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1932—33. Published by authority, Government Printing Office: Monrovia, 1933.

An act repealing Section 1 of the act approved Oct. 22, 1914, relating to the judiciary [nullifying the section which made it unlawful for any circuit judge to preside over one circuit twice in succession] (Acts 1934, p. 1).
An act fixing the salaries of the justices of the honourable the supreme court of the Republic of Liberia [at $3,000 for the chief justice and $2,500 for each associate justice] (Acts 1934, p. 2).
An act reorganizing the department of justice of the Republic of Liberia [placing the department in charge of: detection and prosecution of crimes, misdemeanors and revenue fraud; vindication of treaty rights and contractual obligations of the republic; the probation and registration of deeds, condemnation of private properties, and transfer of public lands; registration of aliens; and control of all police forces] (Acts 1934, pp. 2-9).
A joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to complete negotiations in connection with the League’s plan of assistance to Liberia [with major revisions, such as: a prohibition against the “chief advisor being appointed from any state to whose nationals the government has financial obligations or is under economic commitments, nor from any state having territory contiguous to Liberia; a requirement that deputy provincial commissioners be Liberians; and a rejection of foreign troops being brought into the country, “except upon the authority of the president”] (Acts 1934, pp. 9-12).
An act authorizing the president of Liberia to have built in the upper ward of the municipal district of Buchanan, county of Grand Bassa, a suitable house for court and prison purposes [appropriating $4,000] (Acts 1934, pp. 12-13).
A joint resolution amendatory to a joint resolution authorizing the president of Liberia to suspend payment of interest and amortization on the Seven Percent Gold Loan of 1926 and for other purposes, being Chapter 2, of the acts of the legislature of Liberia approved Dec. 23rd 1932 [authorizing the president to begin paying the loan out of surplus government funds, earlier than previously provided for] (Acts 1934, pp. 13-14).
An act approving the road regulations of January 1925, issued by the secretary of the interior [applying an annual five dollar tax to all vehicles using public roads] (Acts 1934, p. 15).
A joint resolution approving the payments of the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, of amounts during the fiscal year covering Jan. 1 to Sept. 30th, A. D. 1933 as couched in the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, report for the period above indicated, in recommendations 1—7 [specifically, $4,573.56 to Liberian Frontier Force soldiers; ten percent commission to chiefs; payments to foreign merchants in Liberia; $1,000 to C. Boman van Oudkarspel, Brussels, spent on Liberian delegates to League of Nations; $3,498 to Louis Arthur Grimes for League of Nations mission; $659 to W. D. Lea and Company for state department supplies; $6,427.20 for engraving and printing of internal bonds; $432 to Antoine Sottile, Geneva legation; $7,000 outstanding claims for Frontier Force supplies] (Acts 1934, pp. 15-16).
An act closing the voting poll of Trehn-Dru, New Cess, Grand Bassa County, and making Wohrwehn, Trade Town section, Grand Bassa County, instead [due to adverse topological situation of Trehn-Dru] (Acts 1934, p. 17).
An act repealing part of Section 394, amendatory of Section 395 of the Revised Statutes, and an act approved March 11, 1932, permitting special juries in civil cases [permitting the court to empanel special juries and order the losing party to pay jury and other court costs, without the consent of either litigant] (Acts 1934, pp. 18-19).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of the government, for the fiscal year 1934 [, but budget not included] (Acts 1934, p. 20).
An act closing the voting poll of Little Bassa, Grand Bassa County (Acts 1934, p. 20).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 3rd session of the 37th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1934, p. 21).
An act incorporating the “Community Activity Club” of New Series, Grand Bassa County [naming Jeremiah H. King, William H. Toliver, Jehu R. King, J. Waltus Gerring, Hesenna L. Gerring, Emma J. Findley, Louise T. King, W. F. R. Whitfield, N. C. C. Harris, John H. King, Etta Johnson, Jehu H. Jenkins, Perry J. C. King, Z. E. James-Vicks, James R. King, Jacob L. Williams, Lewis G. Adams, Henry T. King, Robert h. L. Porte, Frances Findley, Sarah R. Porte, Frances Williams, Joseph King, J. L. King, Clara King, Margaret Toliver, James Toliver, George B. Findley, James C. Liberty, C. R. H. Johnson, Elsie David, Pathinea A. King, Caroline Hodges, J. R. Green, Edward Green, T. Ishmael Johnson, Pheobe J. King, Joseph Chesseman, Cecelia Ricks, E. J. Harris, Joseph White, John Preston, J. Washington Early, Henrietta G. King, Samuel A. Findley and M. R. King] (Acts 1934, pp. 22-23).
An act transferring the annuity granted Simon O. Outland passed and approved Dec. 8, 1926 to Varni Dandah [of Jami, Garwolah district, having been wounded while serving in the military] and Jallah Konah, known as Jundopu [of Robertsport, having served the county in various capacities for 50 years], both of the county of Grand Cape Mount and Republic of Liberia [, $50 each] (Acts 1934, pp. 23-24).
Joint resolution granting Robert E. Campbell Missionary Bishop of Liberia Protestant Episcopal Church Mission additional public land in the city of Robertsport, county of Grand Cape Mount, for missionary purposes [in connection with St. John’s Academy and Bethany School] (Acts 1934, pp. 25-26).
Joint resolution incorporating the No. 1 Excelsior Club of Central Buchanan, Grand Bassa County [naming W. T. Haynes, parton; G. W. Horace, speaker; G. H. Moore, secretary; Peter Minor, treasurer; W. A. Greenfield, chaplain; D. A. B. Worrell, advocate; J. H. Ponter, messenger; and members: J. T. Innis, J. N. Horace, J. M. Greenfield, S. A. Gabbidon, C. A. McIntosh, J. Winfred Diggs and J. C. Philips] (Acts 1934, pp. 26-27).
An act incorporating the Industrial Progressive Club of Nyearkey in the county of Maryland, Republic of Liberia [naming Nyema (alias Charles), president; Kro (alias Aliam), vice president; Tom Nimley, treasurer; Queah, secretary; and members: Too and Peter Nah Paul] (Acts 1934, p. 27).
An act reimbursing [$147.11, salary for eight months and 24 days to] D. Colden Wilson, a county commissioner for the Plebo district in Maryland County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1934, pp. 28-29).
An act granting C. K. Clarke and Dolly Bernard [of Caldwell], the right to run a ferry across the St. Paul River in the county of Montserrado and Republic of Liberia, at the points always known as the Teep Clarke landing to the opposite side of said river known as the Bromley landing (Acts 1934, pp. 29-30).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Henry J. R. Cooper, Sr., of Harper, Cape Palmas, Maryland County [from Sassa-wood and Marshall on one side of the Hoffman River to Puduke graveyard and Government Wharf on the other] (Acts 1934, pp. 30-31).
An act incorporating the Monrovia Recreation Club of the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County and Republic of Liberia [naming J. S. T. Davies, president; Agnes Cole, vice president; W. C. Labor, secretary; C. D. Bioux-Davis, assistant secretary; G. McCauley, treasurer; and C. H. Hooke, financial secretary] (Acts 1934, pp. 31-32).
An act incorporating the townships of Charlesville and Lloydsville, of the territory of Marshall, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1934, p. 32).
An act transferring the pension of Hedo Gbee and Beleo Hennings of Maryland County passed and approved Jan. 16, 1912, now deceased, to Eli Barns of Tubmantown [$50], and [$50 to] Hne Augens, messenger [widow of the late Pedebo, messenger] (Acts 1934, p. 33).
An act incorporating the Gordian’s Knot Association of Harper City, Maryland County [naming C. Hector Harmon, president; W. Alexander Wilson, vice president; L. Benjamin Andrews, critic; W. Sac-Bill Cummings, secretary; A. Lewis Smith, assistant secretary; E. Benjamin Cooper, treasurer; J. Colden Tubman, curator; E. Monroe Cummings, president emeritus; W. Alexander Tubman, president emeritus; and members: S. David Cummings; R. Filmore Neal, S. Ashford Brewer, A. Lewis Weeks, A. Augustus Howard, W. E. Avey, A. Dash Wilson, Jr., and D. Eugene Lincoln, J. Horatio Thorne] (Acts 1934, p. 36).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1933—1934. Published by authority, Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1934.

An act creating a voting poll in the settlement of Lloydsville in the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1935, p. 1).
An act repealing a portion of an act declaring building materials and reading literature free of duty, approved Nov. 26, 1926 [affecting cement, corrugated iron, flat iron sheets, ridging and spouting, structural iron and plumbing fixtures] (Acts 1935, p. 2).
An act recommending amendments to the constitution of the Republic of Liberia [1. extending the presidential term from four to eight years, with no more than two terms, and 2. approving a civil service law, both in order “to promote efficiency and to assure continuity of policy”] (Acts 1935, p. 3).
An act relating to elections and amending an act providing for the appointment of commissioners of election, passed and approved Jan. 20 A. D. 1914 [requiring approval of of election expenses by county and territory superintendents] (Acts 1935, p. 4).
An act closing the voting poll of Liberia Jenny Taylor section, Grand Cape Mount County, and making Jenny Wonday, Taywoh section instead, and to open a voting poll at Jenny Varkii, in the Upper Kouneh section (Gola), Grand Cape Mount County [being “more central and assessible”] (Acts 1935, p. 5).
An act prohibiting a breach of respect to the national colour of Liberia [making it unlawful for anyone to “sit or move along the same route in full view of the national colour while it is being raised or struck at official stations with ceremony,” except for women and those in military service] (Acts 1935, p. 6).
An act making Seethon of the Nahray section in the county of Sinoe, Republic of Liberia, a voting poll (Acts 1935, p. 7).
An act authorizing the president of the Republic of Liberia, to open a poll at Mount Olive, in the territory of Marshall, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1935, p. 7).
An act amending Section 87 of the Criminal Code of Liberia [allowing for any alien who interferes with a local election through bribery or other means to be fined $700 to $1,000 and deported] (Acts 1935, pp. 9-10).
An act for the control of venereal diseases [organizing a Sanitation and Civil Welfare Police within the bureau of health and authorizing penalties of three to five years imprisonment with hard labor for anyone who knowing spreads a venereal disease and fines of $100 to $500 for anyone administering treatment to an infected person without reporting same] (Acts 1935, pp. 10-15).
An act creating a vocational college in Liberia [under the secretary of public instruction, to offer engineering, mechanical industries, vocational agriculture, business and home economics, and appropriating $5,000 for the erection of buildings and $5,000 for salaries] (Acts 1935, pp. 15-17).
An act establishing the Civil Service of the Republic of Liberia and providing for the operation thereof [to “secure for deserving employees a reasonable tenure of office and opportunity for advancement according to merit”] (Acts 1935, pp. 17-29).
An act approving the three year plan for internal development of the republic, elaborated by the executive government dated Aug. 28th, 1934, and authorizing the president of Liberia to conclude negotiations with the Finance Corporation of America, for the purpose of making modifications to certain [unspecified] provisions of the Seven Percent Gold Loan Agreement of 1926 (Acts 1935, p. 30).
An act to create a municipality of Grand Cess [governed by a commissioner, a road and street overseer, three associate magistrates, a police magistrate, a chief of police, a municipal clerk and a municipal court clerk, all to be commissioned by the president] (Acts 1935, pp. 31-33).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of the government, for the fiscal year 1935 (Acts 1935, p. 33).
An act incorporating the “Kru Town Literary Club” of Harper City, Maryland County, Liberia [naming Alexander J. K. Hney, president; Elizabeth M Toobo, lady president; John W. Lewis, vice president; S. J. Sachor, secretary; John N. Davis, assistant secretary; Elizabeth W. Weah, treasurer; J. W. Twegbay, doctor; William R. Roberts, assistant doctor; F. J. Pearson, master of ceremonies; Peter T. Hney, speaker; Lewis Nmah Harmon, marshal; Ernest B. Brown, assistant marshal; B. D. K. Bestman, musician; Peter K. Freman, musician; and members: S. D. Solo, J. K. Nimley, William Moore, J. E. Minor, J. T. Tubman, Samuel B. Mensah, Charlie Chapman, J. E. D. Hney, Doe Gbeh, Nmah Weday, Mary Addy Mensah, Kaffah Weadi, Mary Markine, Mary Nyenday Wilson and Sapo Weay] (Acts 1935, pp. 34-35).
An act incorporating the Union Club of the settlement of Caldwell, Saint Paul River, Republic of Liberia [naming J. C. A. Gibson, Sr., general director; C. V. Harris, president; Ellen A. Moulsen, vice president; Sarah Brisbane, secretary; Etta Ricks, sheriff; and A. L. Scott, marshall] (Acts 1935, p. 35).
An act granting Maria J. Reeves, citizen of the city and territory of Marshall, Republic of Liberia, pension for her natural life time [appropriating $144 per year for teacher after 51 years of service] (Acts 1935, pp. 36-37).
An act transferring the annuity [of $150] granted Judge Ishmeal W. Marshall passed and approved Dec. 12, 1932, to his widow Bessie Marshall of the territory of Marshall, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1935, p. 37).
An act incorporating the Royesville Excelsior No. 1 Brass Band Association of Royesville, Montserrado County [naming Solomon Davis, president; A. N. Iving, vice president; Solomon N. Mathis, general secretary; P. A. Lavoll, treasurer; T. L Harmon, bandmaster; B. E. Chiles, assistant bandmaster; G. L. Darby, secretary; L. H. Monger, purser; Hirman Parson, instructor; G. V. Monger, band leader; C. N. Duncan, assistant band leader; S. A. Chiles, boatswain; and D. J. E. Lee, assistant boatswain] (Acts 1935, p. 38).
An act incorporating the Queen Esther Household of Ruth No. 5743 of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, Arthington, Liberia [naming L. N. B. Tyler, past most noble governor; Rebecca Bracewell, most noble governor; Mary Lawrence, right noble governor; L. A. Hill, recorder; G. B. Groove, noble governor and chamberlain; L. B. Turbett, shepherd and usher; W. H. Tyler, treasurer; H. M. Moore, worthy counsel; Hattie Brisbane, right senior steward; and trustees A. E. Diggs, A. E. Gall and P. J. Bracewell] (Acts 1935, pp. 38-39).
An act amending Section 1 of an act granting 50,000 acres of public land to the Bank of Liberia Limited, passed and approved Feb. 4th, A. D. 1933 [stipulating that “the certificate of stock in exchange for the land shall be delivered to the government as the land is taken up by the said Bank”] (Acts 1935, pp. 39-40).
An act reimbursing Charles B. Alfonso Caine of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [$516.79 for salary and expenses will serving as director of detective services] (Acts 1935, p. 40).
An act granting H. N. Chiles and Company of Montserrado County, ferry franchise [naming H. N. Chiles, manager; Gbee-Bye, assistant manager; and Myamah Gbinnie, to operate across the Po River in Royesville from Sah landing on the right bank to the opposite side] (Acts 1935, pp. 41-42).
An act granting ferry franchise to I. L. Hoff and Company of the county of Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado County [across the Benson Lake from Tawaly to Sulima, for 10 years] (Acts 1935, p. 42).
An act granting the right to run a ferry across the Po River to J. J. Chesson and Company [naming J. J. Chesson, G. A. Curtis and Tabo to operate for ten years across the Po River in Brewerville from Chesson plantation to the Kpor bank, with a maximum charge of six cents] (Acts 1935, p. 43).
An act incorporating the Missionary and Educational Church School Convention of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Montserrado and Grand Cape Mount counties of the Republic of Liberia [naming J. I. A. Weeks, president; vice presidents: J. H. Ricks, Oscar S. Norman and J. T. Milton; T. J. R. Faulkner, treasurer; J. F. Dennis, recording secretary; P. C. Simpson, corresponding secretary; W. N. Ross, business manager; and directors: D. E. Howard, Monroe Phelps, G. L. Dennis, J. J. Minor, T. E. Ward, David Brent, Victoria Henry] (Acts 1935, p. 44).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 4th session of the 37th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1935, p. 45).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1935. Published by authority, Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1935.

A declaratory act on the amendments of the constitution approved Nov. 26, A. D. 1934, as adopted at the quadrennial election of the republic held in the month of May A. D. 1935 [certifying approval by voters the presidential term extension and civil service law] (Acts 1935, pp. 1-2).
An act making appropriation [of $3,251] for the expenses of the legislature of Liberia at its extraordinary session 1935 (Acts 1935, p. 3).
An act to repeal certain acts of the legislature, entitled respectively “An act to relieve the strain upon the revenues of this republic passed over the president’s veto, “An act providing for the funding of the national floating debt,” approved Jan. 6, 1933, and “An act relating to the officials of the loan agreement,” approved Jan. 31, 1933 (Acts 1935, p. 4).
Joint resolution ratifying an agreement concluded between the government of the Republic of Liberia, the Finance Corporation of America, and the National City Bank of New York, supplementary to and amendatory of the loan agreement of 1926 (Acts 1935, pp. 5-6).
An act fixing the gold content of the Liberian dollar [at fifteen and five-twenty first grains of gold, nine tenth fine] (Acts 1935, p. 6).
An act approving the proposed banking agreement between the Firestone Plantations Company (the Bank of Monrovia) and the government of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1935, p. 7).
A joint resolution ratifying the agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Firestone Plantations Company, date the twentieth day of March 1935 (Acts 1935, pp. 7-8).
A joint resolution ratifying an agreement between the government of Republic of Liberia and the Finance Corporation of America (Acts 1935, p. 8).
An act amendatory to an act passed and approved during the month of December 1934, entitled an “An act providing for the expenses of the quadrennial election of the republic 1935 [appropriating an additional $12,000 to cover bills from Maryland, Sinoe, Grand Bassa and Grand Cape Mount counties] (Acts 1935, p. 9).
An act making appropriation to defray the expenses of the inauguration of His Excellency Edwin Barclay, president of Liberia, and James S. Smith, vice president of Liberia [appropriating $6,000] (Acts 1935, p. 10).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the extraordinary session of the 38th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1935, p. 10).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the extraordinary session of 1935. Published by authority, Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1936.

An act to authorize the coinage of fractional currency [consisting of copper, bronze or zinc coins in one-half cent, one cent and two cents denomination, not to exceed $10,000] (Acts 1935, pp. 1-2).
An act providing for the mortgaging of personal property and for the registration of mortgages so executive (Acts 1935, pp. 2-10).
An act to amend the Criminal Code of 1914 by the addition of two sections penalizing the taking or granting of secret commissions or discounts on sales to the government and other corrupt acts [punishable by up to $1,000 in fines, one year imprisonment and dismissal from office] (Acts 1935, p. 11).
An act relating to an agreement between the government of the republic of Liberia and of the French Republic concerning the exploitation of aviation lines [for five years] (Acts 1935, p. 12).
An act to extend the jurisdiction of the municipal court of Grand Cess and creating a revenue division thereof [to hear all complaints for default in payment of taxes, licenses and other forms of internal revenue] (Acts 1935, p. 13).
An act amendatory to an act entitled an act to regulate the practice and dispensing of medicines in the Republic of Liberia and providing for the creation of a director of public health and sanitation [establishing a medical board to adjudicate payment disputes between doctors and patients as well as provide expert medical testimony in legal cases] (Acts 1935, pp. 14-16).
An act to approve memorandum agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and Thomas J. R. Faulkner [granting the right to a telephone service, mainly in Monrovia] (Acts 1935, p. 16).
An act creating a bureau of trade and commerce in connection with the treasury department and repealing an act approved Jan. 26, 1923 entitled “An act creating a commercial division in the treasury department [authorized to: register all commercial enterprises within the country; record all imports and exports; record the prices of the country’s main products; compile all laws of West Africa colonies governing exportation of produce; publish on trading conditions in Liberia; and survey the internal market conditions] (Acts 1935, pp. 17-19).
An act to provide for the appointment of revenue solicitors [within the justice department, with a $650 salary] (Acts 1935, p. 20).
An act amending an act passed by limitation January 1936, appropriation $200 from the township funds of the settlement of Royesville in Montserrado County for the construction of a substantial bridge across the Fall Creek on the central and commercial road from Royesville through Little Cape Mount to Grand Cape Mount (Acts 1935, p. 21).
An act establishing a fund to be known as “The Civil Service Provident Fund” [consisting of compulsory contributions from certain civil servants, to be administered by the president, secretary of treasury and commissioner of the civil service,with funds to be paid out permanently when employees die or reach the age of 55 or temporarily to cover: burials of dependents, medical expenses, higher education of children and other hardship cases] (Acts 1935, pp. 21-25).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of government for the fiscal year Jan. 1, 1937 to Dec. 31, 1937 (Acts 1935, p. 26).
An act approving the administrative regulations proposed by the president for governing the hinterland districts of the republic [with minor amendments to regulations included] (Acts 1935, pp. 26-28).
Joint resolution ratifying the agreement concluded between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Firestone Plantations Company (Acts 1935, pp. 28-29).
Joint resolution ratifying an agreement concluded between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Firestone Plantations Company [ratifying certain amendments to the agreement] (Acts 1935, p. 29).
An act authorizing the payment of $400 to James S. Smith, being an amount which represents an unpaid difference of the vice president’s salary fixed by act of 1913 (Acts 1935, p. 30).
Joint resolution ratifying an agreement concluded between the government of the Republic of Liberia, the Finance Company of America and the National City Bank of New York [approving the supplementary agreement] (Acts 1935, p. 31).
An act granting Joseph T. Dayrell, Sr., a citizen of the Republic of Liberia, a resident of the municipal district of Buchanan of Grand Bassa County, [after thirty-four years of teaching, including two years at Cuttington College; 20 years at the Methodist Seminary, including 12 years as principal; 12 years at Hartzell Academy, including nine as principal] pension [of $300] for his natural lifetime (Acts 1935, pp. 32-33).
An act granting D. L. Cephas, a citizen of Liberia, resident of the commonwealth district of Monrovia, in Montserrado County, Liberia, [a 66 year military veteran, having fought at Cape Mount in 1870m, in 1875, 1893 and Cape Palmas in 1910, where he was seriously wounded] pension [of $100] for his lifetime (Acts 1935, pp. 33-34).
Joint resolution granting Marion B. Majors [, widow of C. D. Major, a member of the House of Representatives, recently drowned in the wreckage of the M. L. “Amelia”] of the county of Sinoe, annuity [of $150] (Acts 1935, pp. 34-35).
Joint resolution incorporating the “Youngmen Literary Club of Liberia” [naming W. R. Tolbert, Jr., president; D. Colston Nelson, secretary; I. A. David, Jr., treasurer; Wilmot A. David, R. Francis Okai, Jr., S. David Carter, Jr., Esli L. Holder, Arthur B. Walker, J. D. Maximore, Harrison Grisby, L. C. E. Gbeyon, S. N. Burnett, N. M. Gibson, George B. A. Stevenson, U. A. Freeman, Jacob Browne, Joshua L. Harmon, John R. DeShield, C. H. Taylor, Jr., A. Roosevelt Tubman and Simeon B. Hoff] (Acts 1935, p. 35).
An act to fix the day of adjournment of the second session of the thirty-eighth legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1935, p. 36).
Acts passed by the legislature Republic of Liberia during the session 1936. Government Printing Office, Department of State, Frank T. Grimes, Sr., chief printer: Monrovia, 1936.

An act to regulate the importation, exportation, sale and dispensing of narcotic and dangerous drugs [with penalties of between $100 and $500 in fines and six months to two years imprisonment for importation of dangerous drugs without license] (Acts 1937, pp. 1-2).
An act relating to plants and pests [requiring the registration of every farm for periodic inspection, with facsimile of inspection form included] (Acts 1937, pp. 2-7).
An act amending sections 1015, 1017, 1018 and 1019 of the Revised Statutes of Liberia [making the president of Liberia the visitor of Liberia College, with the right to inspect its condition at any time and requiring the officers to furnish him with periodic reports on its curriculum, financial resources and list of teachers] (Acts 1937, pp. 7-8).
An act relating to counterfeiting [with penalty of between five and seven years imprisonment with hard labour] (Acts 1937, pp. 8-17).
A joint resolution approving an agreement supplementary to the loan agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia with the Finance Corporation of America and the National City Bank, dated as of the 10th day of November A. D. 1937 (Acts 1937, p. 17).
A joint resolution approving the agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Firestone Plantations Company, dated the 10th day of November A. D. 1937 [with the proviso that employees be given days off for regimental quarterly parades of the militia] (Acts 1937, p. 17).
An act amendatory to the General Education Act of 1912 [giving the secretary of public instruction control over all schools supported in whole or part by the government along with all public museums and libraries and setting the minimum salaries of teachers, ranging from $100 to $1,000 per year] (Acts 1937, pp. 18-34).
An act providing for the appropriation of certain public monies [, $60,129,] for sundry purposes [providing $20,043 toward the Loan of 1926, $10,873 for Frontier Force supplies, $1,000 supplies for prisoners, $3,000 for department of interior tools, $2,670 for road construction vehicles, and $2,500 for vehicles and tools for Monrovia] (Acts 1937, pp. 35-36).
An act to govern the working of ocean-going vessels in open ports of the Republic of Liberia on Sundays and national and other holidays [permitting the discharge of cargo on those days without special permits, in order not to increase freight rates for shippers] (Acts 1937, pp. 36-37).
An act to regulate how wholesale, retail and peddling traffics shall be operated (Acts 1937, pp. 37-38).
An act to create the area known as the city corporation of Greenville, a commission government [transferring the power formerly held by the mayor and common council to an administrative board, consisting of a commissioner, one police superintendent and one director of public works, appointed by the national government] (Acts 1937, pp. 38-42).
An act approving the [iron ore] mining agreement entered into between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Noord Europeesche Erts en Pyriet Maatschappy [of the Netherlands], and dated Aug. 23, 1937 [with an amendment requiring the construction of a habour at Monrovia or Cape Mount (Acts 1937, pp. 42-45).
An act incorporating Cedor a settlement [in Sinoe County, from the barnch called Pudor to the junction known as the Juarzon—Butaw Road] (Acts 1937, pp. 45-46).
An act authorizing the participation by the government of Liberia in the New York’s World Fair of 1939 [appropriating $25,000] (Acts 1937, p. 46).
An act approving a depositary agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Bank of Monrovia, Incorporated (Acts 1937, p. 47).
An act incorporating the township of Owensgrove, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1937, p. 47).
An act granting certain exemption of customs duty to missionaries [, professors, tutors and instructors allowed to import goods for their personal use valued up to $150 free of duty] (Acts 1937, p. 48).
An act fixing the boundary between the countries of Grand Bassa and Sinoe [at the Bloni River] (Acts 1937, pp. 48-49).
A joint resolution approving payment by the administrative government of certain excess revenues and receipts of the government which accrued during the calendar year 1936 [applied as follows: $46,150 to interest on the funded debt; $7,130.49 to amortization of bonds issued under the loan agreement of 1926; $7,130.50 to the floating debt; $5,000 to outstanding debts; $750 to paramount chiefs in payment of five percent commission on hut tax collection; $700 for subsistence of prisoners; $180 for mechanic at government radio station; and $500 for interest on road construction contract with Firestone Plantations Company] (Acts 1937, pp. 49-50).
An act approving the agreement entered into between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Kingdom of Norway, as date 27th August 1937 (Acts 1937, pp. 50-51).
An act granting leave of absence to his excellency the president of Liberia [authorizing up to $10,000 for a health trip abroad] (Acts 1937, p. 51).
An act authorizing the postmaster general to organize an intra-county transport service for the carriage of mails between the counties, territories and districts within the republic [appropriating $800] (Acts 1937, pp. 51-52).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of the government for the fiscal year Jan. 1, 1938 to Dec. 31, 1938 (Acts 1937, pp. 52-53).
An act amending the act incorporating the township of Sasstown of Sinoe County, approved Jan. 21, 1924, and the act incorporating the township of Jekwi in Sasstown, Sinoe County, approved Feb. 6, 1936 [amalgamating the two into one township, in recognition that “peace and normal conditions have been restored in that area”] (Acts 1937, pp. 53-54).
An act to provide an internal revenue code of the Republic of Liberia [covering court costs; stamp duties; fees; fines and forfeitures; postal revenues; licenses, but stipulating that foreigners pay twice the rate prescribed for Liberians; real estate taxes at $2 per city lot plus half of one percent of the assessed value of any improvement, but excepting churches, schools, fraternities and foreign governments; the hut tax at between $1 to $2.16; a street and light tax of $1.50 applied to land owners in municipalities; a school tax of one dollar applied to every adult male resident of a township, settlement or municipality; a poll tax of one dollar to every adult male who does not own real estate; (Acts 1937, pp. 54-84).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the third session of the thirty-eighth legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1937, p. 84).
An act restoring Thomas E. C. Pelham and Robert W. Draper of the city of Greenville, Sinoe County, to citizenship (Acts 1937, p. 85).
Joint resolution granting Cecilia V. Liberty [widow of Stephen A. Liberty, 15-year member and twice elected speaker of house of representatives] of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, annuity [of $50] (Acts 1937, pp. 85-86).
An act incorporating John B. McCritty’s Memorial School, Monrovia, Montserrado County [naming Mary Jacques McCritty, principal; and M. Massaquoi, tutor] (Acts 1937, pp. 86-87).
Joint resolution granting Hannah C. L. Smith [widow of Major Lemuel L. Smith who served for 20 years in the Frontier Force until his death in April 1931] of the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia, annuity [of $150] (Acts 1937, pp. 87-88).
An act restoring Napoleon B. Logan of the commonwealth district of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, to citizenship (Acts 1937, p. 88).
An act declaring legal the present marriage of P. G. Wolo to Milisa Dennis-Wolo of the county of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia [, marital relations between Wolo and Juah Weeks-Wolo have been “duly dissolved and annulled ... the question of the legality of said marriage does not, cannot and shall not arise and is not a property subject matter for adjudication in the courts”] (Acts 1937, p. 89).
Joint resolution incorporating J. J. Minor’s Lodge No. 144 of the United Brothers of Freindship at Fortsville, St. John’s River City, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia [naming Charles A. McIntosh, worthy master; C. E. Bernard, d. m.; Joseph Bernard, worthy secretary; W. E. Roberts, assistant secretary; J. T. Bernard, w. treasurer; Joseph E. Holt, w. chaplain; H. C. Reeves, r. s.; R. Z. Reeves, l. s.; W. E. Avery, i. s.; Joseph E. Reeves, o. s.; trustees: Thomas L. Frazier andJames R. Page; W. H. Reeves, junior pilot; James S. Hill, senior m.; Joseph Washington, junior m.; and sick committee: Josiah T. Junius and David Morris] (Acts 1937, p. 90).
Joint resolution incorporating the Liberian Stenographers Association [naming Roland T. Dempter, president; Eugenia Simpson-Cooper, vice president; Sophia E. Dunbar, secretary; C. W. Davies-Johnson, director of stenographic school; John D. Cox, treasurer; C. L. A. Davies, critic; and members: L. B. Jacobs, R. S. S. Bright, K. Jeffries Adorkor, Mai Wiles, E. O. Akinselure, Esli Holder, J. K. Morris, T. N. Rolland, Etmonia Howard, B. P. Sacko, Rebecca Cassell, James S. Swaray, Francis T. Grimes, Adelaide Dayrell, M. W. Davies, james J. Pearce, A. M. W. Collins, G. W. Martin, Rudolph Grimes, R. N. Lewis, C. E. Morris, L. B. Nichols, Sadie Cummins, Edwin G. Hodge, L. B. Andrews, Isaac Grey Woods, W. A. B. Bucornor, Borkai Freeman and E. O. K. Freeman, requiring registration with the association prior to employment as a stenographer] (Acts 1937, pp. 91-92).
An act incorporating the “Pride of Arthington Temple” No. 137, Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, Arthington, Montserrado County [naming Beatrice A. Tyler, worthy princess; Salomi Moore, worthy vice princess; Lillian Hill, secretary; L. B. Tucker, assitant secretary; W. H. Tyler, worthy treasurer; Lilly Mason, chaplain; Penelope Moore, zilla; Viola Tyes, marshal; Hannah Moore, senior marshal; trustees: June Moore, Willie Moore, Reginald L. Brown, Daniel B. Warner, Major M. Branch; sick committee: Julia A. Warner, Margaret Grove, Cordelia Moore, Lecretia Raynes and Nora Cooper; and members: Louise Mars, Elfreda Witherspoon, Mattie Branch, Harriet Trinity, Beatrice Moore, Eugenia Turkle and Dianah Obey] (Acts 1937, pp. 92-93).
An act incorporating the “Monrovia County Club” of Monrovia [naming C. L. Simpson, president; G. L. Dennis, vice president; T. Hector Milton, secretary; W. D. Nabors, treasurer; and members: Richard S. S. Bright, Thomas E. Buchanan, Maude A. Morris, John L. Cooper, Eugenia Cooper, Henry W. Grimes, Adelaide Morris, A. B. Simpson, Sarah Raynes, Sarah Buchanan and K. J. Adorkor] (Acts 1937, pp. 93-94).
A joint resolution incorporating the Number One Native Community Club, native community of Crozierville, Montserrado County [naming C. P. Graham, president; David B. Cooper, vice president; Samuel P. Crawford, secretary; Kparkla Dennis, patron and treasurer; Moses Brown, chaplain; Charles Dunn, advocate; Kpannah Queh, collector; Fahn Sunday, messenger; and members: James Dingwall, Rolax Elias, Hektee Dunn, being “civilized Christian young men ... anxious to disseminate what light of general and Christian education they have received among their less favoured brethern”] (Acts 1937, pp. 94-95).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1937. Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1937.

An act providing for the travel expenses of the members of the national legislature [from Montserrado County and Marshall Territory $10; Maryland, $72; Sinoe, 49.68; Grand Bassa, $43.92; and Grand Cape Mount, $43.92] (Acts 1938, pp. 1-2).
An act to amend Section XXXIX of the act entitled “An act relating to matrimonial causes” passed and approved Feb. 24th 1936 [restricting Section 39 to divorces on the ground of adultery only] (Acts 1938, p. 2).
An act amendatory to the statute laws of Liberia relating to appeals [adding: “that no act nor omission of a judge nor any officer of the court shall affect the validity of an appeal”] (Acts 1938, p. 3).
An act amending Section 1414 of the Revised Statutes [investing the corporate powers of each township in a commissioner, appointed by the president, along with following, elected at the annual township meeting: a town clerk, a treasurer, three road overseers and three constables] (Acts 1938, p. 4).
An act extending the jurisdiction of all municipal courts in commonwealth and municipal districts in this republic in actions of debt, detinue, replevin, trover [all up to $300] and slander [up to $100] (Acts 1938, p. 5).
An act amending an act entitled an act to repeal the charter of the city of Robertsport and creating the municipal district of Robertsport, county of Grand Cape Mount, passed and approved Jan. 27, 1936 [stipulating the salaries of officers; requiring periodic reports by the court clerk to the bureau of internal revenue and by the police chief to the circuit court; and extending the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court in this district only to include: examination of all criminal cases above the justice of peace level; all revenue cases; sanitation violations; and violations of municipal ordinances] (Acts 1938, pp. 5-7).
A vote of confidence extended His Excellency Edwin Barclay, president of the Republic of Liberia, by the national legislature of Liberia, for and on behalf of the people of the Republic of Liberia for the satisfactory manner in which he has conducted the affairs of state during his incumbency [for dissipating “the clouds that darkened our national atmosphere,” improving the economic conditions, making the county “self-supporting and prosperous by encouraging industry and thrift,” and judicious solution of “several issues affecting the internal relationship of the several units composing the citizenry ... he is bringing about a closer and sympathetic touch and understanding each with the other, and all into a solid homogeneous entity than ever before,” approved unanimously by the legislature, prefaced by the note that “during said tenure of office the republic was caused to face some of the most complicated and difficult situations she has every experience in her international relationship with foreign powers to the extend of threatening her very existence as a free state” and ordered published in the Weekly Mirror newspaper] (Acts 1938, pp. 7-8).
An act repealing an act entitled “An act approving the mining agreement entered into between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Noord Europeesche Erts en Pyriet Maatschappy and date Aug. 23rd 1937,” approved Dec. 9, 1937 and authorizing the president to explored other means of exploiting the iron ore deposits of Liberia [cancelled because the company rejected modifications imposed by the legislature] (Acts 1938, p. 9).
An act relating to bonds of public servants and officials [authorizing the circuit court to hear cases alleging violations of bonds by public servants and providing as penalties the restoration of missing amount and cost of proceeding plus possible criminal prosecution] (Acts 1938, pp. 10-11).
An act amending Article 2, Sections 1 (a), (b), (c) and 19, Articles 3, Sections 28 and 30 of an act entitled “An act to provide an Internal Revenue Code of the Republic of Liberia, approved Dec. 11, 1937 [providing for a 15 percent discount on property valuation if no improvements have been made in ten years and a six cents per acre tax on farm land within municipalities; changing the license fee for goldsmiths, pharmacists and certain mechanics; and adding a $1.50 tax for municipal upkeep to be collected from all male residents of municipalities and commonwealth districts and all real estate owners in those area] (Acts 1938, pp. 11-13).
An act abolishing the position of justice of the peace and creating instead the office of stipendiary magistrate [to be held for four year tenures by lawyers also possessing the qualifications of justices of the peace with a $600 salary, necessitating the division by the counties into magisterial area] (Acts 1938, pp. 14-15).
An act amendatory to “An act to regulate the imporation, exportation, sale and dispensing of narcotic and dangerous drugs” approved Nov. 5, 1937 (Acts 1938, pp. 15 [requiring the public health director to comply with provisions of the International Opium Convention of 1925; reserving to the government the right to import all drugs covered by this act through the pharmacy of the Liberian Government Hospital; and providing of penalties ranging 20 years imprisonment for peddling narcotics to $100 fines for minor infractions] (Acts 1938, pp. 15-17).
An act relating to naturalization [permitting the department of justice to intervene in all naturalization matters, in opposition to petitions; and including facsimiles of “declaration of intention and “certificate of citizenship” forms] (Acts 1938, pp. 17-21).
An act to legalize certain executive orders issued by the president during the year 1938 [prohibiting the removal of official records from government office; and concerning registration of births and deaths, official working days, reorganization of the tribal affairs bureau of the interior department, notary public fees and amendments to the Civil Service Rule] (Acts 1938, p. 21).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of the government for the fiscal year, Jan. 1, 1939 to Dec. 31, 1939 (Acts 1938, p. 22).
An act providing for the establishment of a reserve fund [to defray emergency, unappropriated expenses, as authorized by the president with subsequent approval by the legislature as the next regular session] (Acts 1938, pp. 22-23).
An act providing for the appropriation of certain public monies for sundry purposes [namely $360 for presidential office equipment; $10,077.501/2 toward the floating debt; $1,977.50, construction of an aviation slipway; $1,000, repairs of public buildings; $700 for election expenses; $459.37, general contingent; $5,000 to control the spread of sleeping sickness, yaws and leprosy; $2,300, government light and power plant; $800 to send two government radio station employees to Dakar to study meteorology] (Acts 1938, pp. 24-25).
An act providing for the appropriation of certain public monies for sundry purposes [namely $3,173 for construction of an aviation slipway; $1,750, New York World’s Fair expenses; $2,500 judiciary expenses of the justice department; $300 printing of revenue bureau forms; $1,800, commission to chiefs for hut tax collection; $450, revenue bureau for internal travel; $900, agriculture bureau for supervising inspector salary; $120 for audit bureau equipment and stationary; $5,000, Government Hospital remodeling; and $1,000, construction of dustbids for Monrovia, due to a suplus from appropriated but unspent funds as follows: $10,873 for Frontier Force supplies; $5,000, Government Hospital salaries; $1,000, drainage system; $120, audits bureau salaries] (Acts 1938, pp. 25-27).
An act to control the distillation of rum and other potable spirits [requiring the registration of all sugar cane farms, payment of an excise tax on rum produced for sale, and the placing in bonded warehouses of all rum produced for commercial distribution; and prohibiting the extension of sugar cane planting, except by permission from the secretary of treasury; (Acts 1938, pp. 27-31).
An act relating to the office of the curator of intestate estates [permitting the president to issue rules for this office, with the weight of law] (Acts 1938, p. 32).
An act to repeal Section 3 of the act entitled “An act to provide for defense counsel [appropriating salaries for county defense counsels instead of fees, as follows: Monsterrado, $500, and all others, $300] (Acts 1938, pp. 32-33).
An act relating to the pay of special juries in civil cases [reducing pay of jurors from $1.25 per day to 75 cents] (Acts 1938, p. 33).
An act repealing Sections 1155, 1161 and 1162 of the Revised Statutes and authorizing the president to issue regulations controlling the training of the militia and fixing penalties for the non-performance of military duty (Acts 1938, p. 34).
An act providing for appeals in criminal causes [specifying that all appeals by prisoners be taken by the Supreme Court as a matter of rights and “an appeal taken by the state shall in no case operate to stay or affect the operation of a judgment in favour of the defendant until the judgment be reversed,” among other rules] (Acts 1938, pp. 34-38).
An act prescribing laws and regulations for the administration of the several prisons of the Republic of Liberia [authorizing the president by executive order to establish all prisons or close any, remove any prisoner, put any prisoner to work and grant early releases; requiring reports from superintendents of prisoners held in their counties; establishing a limit of 15 strokes at any one whipping; allowing visits only with permission of the appropriate sheriff; and requiring passage of the civil service examination as a requirement for future appointment to prison administration] (Acts 1938, pp. 38-54).
An act amending Sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10 of an act entitled “An act chartering the Saint John River City, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, approved Jan. 29, 1920 [changing the boundaries of the city; and reducing the council from seven to five members] (Acts 1938, pp. 55-56).
An act granting a pension [of $150] to Colonel Edward W. Leonards of Grand Bassa County [, having served for 48 years in the military, including command of the Sinoe and Grand Bassa regiments in the Nana Kru Expedition of 1903] (Acts 1938, pp. 57-58).
An act restoring E. A. L. McCauley of Greenville, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia, to citizenship (Acts 1938, p. 58).
Joint resolution granting Thomas M. Moore, major general, Liberian army, of the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia, an annuity [of $300, having been wounded while in service] (Acts 1938, pp. 58-59).
A joint resolution granting to Mary L. Ford of Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia, widow of the late Prince A. Ford, the [$50] pension granted her husband (Acts 1938, p. 59).
A joint resolution granting to Nancy G. Walbuck, widow of the late Sandy Walbuck of Grand Bassa County, the pension which was by law paid to her late husband (Acts 1938, p. 60).
A joint resolution granting Agabus E. Walker of Montserrado County, an annuity {of $150, having been injured while serving as captain of the Johnson Volunteers during the Yarn vor quelle War of 1910] (Acts 1938, pp. 60-61).
An act granting 18 acres of land to the Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Walin and Miss Lucille Jinkins, trustees of the Associate Fellowship of the Assembly of God’s Mission of the United States of America, Blue Barrow in the Mantro Chiefdom, Sinoe County, for missionary and educational purposes (Acts 1938, pp. 61-62).
Joint resolution granting C. C. Bodo Hoffman of Hoffman Station, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, an annuity [of $60, having fought in several expeditions] (Acts 1938, pp. 62).
Joint resolution granting J. Catherine Smith of the county of Grand Bassa, Republic of Liberia [widow of John J. Smith], an annuity [of $60] (Acts 1938, p. 63).
Joint resolution authorizing the payment to Charles Vanah Wright of the settlement of Arthington, Montserrado County, a sum of money [, $181.60, awarded in an arbitration order by Attorney General Louis A. Grimes] as compensation for use by the government of his house and entire premises as a “pest house” in the year A. D. 1929 [for housing small pox cases] (Acts 1938, p. 64).
Joint resolution granting annuity [of $120] to A. R. Chinoweth, Sr., of the county of Grand Cape Mount [, having served as commissary for 15 years and in the active duty from 1890 to 1910, including the Gbesseh expedition, under R. A. Sherman, and the Gleemah battle] (Acts 1938, p. 65).
Joint resolution granting Lott Hill of the county of Montserrado, Montserrado County, a pension [$100, having been incapacitated by injuries sufferin in the 1900 Suehn-Bopolu expedition] (Acts 1938, p. 66).
Joint resolution granting Sarah Woodall of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, annuity [, mother of Private Frank Woodall, who died in the 1910 Cape Palmas was while under the command of Captain John Betty] (Acts 1938, pp. 66-67).
An act incorporating the Farmersville Progressive union of the settlement of Farmersville, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia [naming A. E. Montgomery, president; B. A. Frazier, vice president; A. E. M. Rauls, patron; D. J. Clarke, vice patron; Fanny J. Davies, secretary; Lina Quins, treasurer; Eliza Bing, chaplain; M. J. Turner, marshall; and J. J. Bing] (Acts 1938, pp. 67-68).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Harriet Harmon, J. Allen Benson, J. Wallace Smith, Jannie Brownell nee White, C. C. Dougans nee Russell, Stephen J. Crusoe, T. Reuben Hill, Thomas R. Horace, Moses B. King, James E. Morgan and John S. Woods on the Mechlin, Benson and Saint John Rivers between Edina, Upper Buchanan and Moore’s Point, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, to be known as the “Edina—Buchanan Ferry Company” [for ten years, with a maximum charge of 12 cents] (Acts 1938, pp. 68-69).
An act repealing an act incorporating the Ferry Boat Company of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, passed and approved Oct. 12, A. D. 1916, amended Jan. 15 A. D. 1931 [with no reason given] (Acts 1938, p. 69).
An act restoring S. A. Bing of the settlement of Farmersville, Sinoe County, Liberia, to all the rights and privileges of citizenship (Acts 1938, p. 70).
An act incorporating the Atina Reading Circle of Sasstown, Sinoe County, Republic of Libera [naming Stephen S. Togba, president; J. Nimley Blamoh, vice president; David C. Tobour, secretary; Thomas P. Nimene, critic; Francis F. Doh, treasurer; Joseph B. Kie, financial secretary; John W. Toe, chaplain; Joseph S. Wah, marshall; and members: Dennis N. Davis, James M. Nagbe, Philip S. Broh, Peter B. Tapera, Jeremiah J. Teh and Paul T. War] (Acts 1938, pp. 70-71).
An act granting to Ella F. Minor of Sinoe County, an annuity of $100 (Acts 1938, p. 71).
An act to repeal an act entitled “An act granting a ferry franchise to J. C. Johns Company,” passed and approved Dec. 8, 1929, and act granting ferry franchise to I. L. Hoff and Company, passed and approved Dec. 11, 1934, both of the county of Grand Cape Mount, and granting ferry franchise to the Wakolo Ferry Transport Company, Incorporated, county of Grand Cape Mount [naming N. B. Baxton, I. L. Hoff, E. O. K. Freeman, Mambu Kia Howo, A. H. Butler and J. J. Greene, to operate along the Maffar River, from Sawilor to Deah, and along Lake Piso, from Robertsport, Mecca Point, Sulima and Towele, for ten years with a maximum charge of 48 cents between Robertsport and Deah, 24 cents between Robertsport and Sawilor and 12 cents between Robertsport and Mecca Point and between Towele and Sulima] (Acts 1938, pp. 72-73).
An act incorporating the Hoffman Station Company of Maryland County in Liberia, and granting it certain rights [naming C. C. Hoffman, president; J. H. Nelson, first vice president; S. K. Scott, second vice president; H. N. Prowd, business manager; Godfrey G. Evans, secretary; W. T. Toomey, treasurer; and members: J. P. Jackson, J. Y. Wright, H. Jacques, B. Scotland, Bobbo Henning and Sissimah Wesley, to operate a ferry across the Hoffman River between Hoffman Station and Palm Grove landing for a maximum charge of four cents] (Acts 1938, pp. 74-75).
An act incorporating the Progressive Crowd Twelve of the city of Careysburg, Montserrrado County [naming P. Edward Nelson, president; Robert D. Ureh, president emeritus; J. R. D. Craig, vice president; Gabriel E. Knuckles, Jr., secretary; Samuel P. Ureh, treasurer; William T. Ureh, master of ceremonies; and members: James G. Johnson, Henry T. Dennis and Thomas J. Wardsworth, organized, among other reasons, to “entertain the public from time to time with series of debates, social and dramatic concerts, athletic sports and other public entertainments”] (Acts 1938, pp. 75-76).
An act restoring Anthony Williams of the commonwealth district of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, to all the rights and privileges of citizenship (Acts 1938, p. 76).
An act to grant the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States of America, operating in Kplapo section of the Kru coast district in Maryland County, 50 acres of land (Acts 1938, pp. 76-77).
An act incorporating the Mamba Chemical Corporation [naming Monroe Phelps, president; F. A. K. Russell, secretary; and directors: J. H. Ricks, Cyril Henries, R. S. Wiles, James S. Smith, B. D. Peal and Joseph Phelps, granting sole rights to manufacture soap, candies and all other confectioneries for 15 years] (Acts 1938, pp. 77-78).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the fourth session of the thirty-eighth legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1938, p. 79).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1938. Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1938.

Joint resolution approving an agreement supplemental to the loan agreement of 1926 between the government of the Republic of Liberia, Finance Corporation of America and the National City Bank of New York, dated Dec. 28 A. D. 1939 [including the text of the supplemental agreement] (Acts 1938, pp. 2-16).
A joint resolution approving the agreement supplemental to the planting agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Firestone Plantations Company, dated Dec. 28th, 1939 [including the text of the supplemental agreement] (Acts 1938, pp. 16-20).
Joint resolution endorsing the action taken by the executive government referable to the declaration of neutrality of the government of Liberia in the present European conflict and empowering the president to take such other actions as will ensure internal economy and external interests during the existence of the said conflict (Acts 1938, p. 21).
An act fixing mileages to be paid witnesses or judicial officers on duty where motor or vehicular transport is available [, obligating the government to pay the amount charged by the vehicle operator only instead of the previous rate of 10 cents per miles, with the previous rate being paid only if the witness or judicial officer travels by foot] (Acts 1938, p. 21).
An act amending Section 29 of the Civil Service Act approved Dec. 12, 1934, and relating to leave of absence [allowing employees to accumulate the 14 days paid leave granted each year for a maximum leave of 52 days] (Acts 1938, pp. 21-22).
An act amending Section 64 of the Code for Justices of the Peace of 1907 [allowing representation of litigants only by licensed attorneys or close male kin] (Acts 1938, p. 22).
An act amending Section 41 of the act of legislature passed and approved Feb. 24, 1936, prescribing the time limit [30 days] for the payment of the [$50] divorce tax after final judgment (Acts 1938, p. 23).
An act enlarging Section 1 of the judiciary act passed and approved Oct. 22, 1914, relating to the assignment of circuit judges [allowing cirucit judges to preside over the same circuit more than once, given the abnormal travel conditions precipitated by the current European war] (Acts 1938, pp. 23-24).
An act granting emergency powers to the president of Liberia in respect of foreign trade [, permitting the president to take extraordinary measures to increase production and export of Liberian products, including the appointment of agents in foreign countries, to counteract the adverse of the European war] (Acts 1938, p. 24).
An act amending the matrimonial causes act of 1936 [eliminating “incompatibility of temper” as grounds for divorce, because it has permitted “the severing of the matrimonial tie on inadequate and frivolous grounds”] (Acts 1938, p. 25).
An act amendatory to an act passed and approved Jan. 24, 1923, fixing the pay of jurors per diem [reducing the rate in various county courts to 75 cents per day] (Acts 1938, pp. 25-26).
An act to amend the debt and damages act [so that in judgments for adultery, seduction of a wife or daughter, illegal haboring or taking of a dependent, breach of a promise to marry, and defamation losing defendants who are unable to pay civil damages may be imprisoned until the debt is liquidated, at a rate of $12 per month] (Acts 1938, pp. 26-27).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of the government for the fiscal year, Jan. 1, 1940 to Dec. 31, 1940 [and authorizing the secretary of the treasury to repay the justices of the supreme court and five judges of the circuit court amounts “that may have been voluntarily surrendered from their salaries as a loan to the government on account of the financial condition,” whenever funds become available] (Acts 1938, pp. 27-28).
An act regulating the exploitation of timberlands and fixing duty on lumber exported from the Republic of Liberia [imposing a six cents per cubic foot customs duty on exported logs and prohibiting the commercial exploitation of trees of less than 36 inches girth with a penalty of $500 for each violation (Acts 1938, p. 28).
An act providing for and establishing the Monthly and Probate Court for the county of Monserrado and annexing the provisional Monthly and Probate Courts of the territory of Marshall and the district of Careysburg as jurisdiction thereof (Acts 1938, pp. 29-30).
An act amendatory to an act entitled “An act regulating the mining and prospecting of all mineral and other natural deposits within the Republic of Liberia” [governing placer mining of gold and other minerals] (Acts 1938, pp. 30-33).
An act amending Section 124 of the Criminal Code of 1914 relating to smuggling [permitting for maximum fines of $1,000] (Acts 1938, pp. 33-34).
An act to amend the law of bail in criminal, civil and appeal causes [requiring payment in cash, unencumbered real estate or items easily convertible into money, to be certified by the presiding judge or other magistrate] (Acts 1938, pp. 34-35).
An act relating to the military service of the republic [detailing organization of the armed forces, authorized strength, exemptions from military service, pay, equipment, allowance, arms, instruction, distribution of forces, penalties for evasion of military service and related points] (Acts 1938, p. 35-45).
Joint resolution ratifying an agreement of lease concluded between the government of the Republic of Liberia and the Firestone Plantations Company, dated Dec. 28 A. D. 1939 [approving a lease between Firestone and the government of land leased by the government from Edwin J. Barclay (with the concurrence of his wife, Mary Euphemia] (Acts 1938, pp. 46-52).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 1st session of the 39th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1938, p. 52).
An act incorporating the Saint James Methodist Episcopal Church of Robertsville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming W. David Richards, pastor; B. W. Dennis, recording steward; M. A. Bass, distributing steward; J. L. Dennis, district steward; George Outland, reserve district steward; J. H. Hope, class leader; and steward: J. B. Howland, Emma Raly and C. W. Baley] (Acts 1938, pp. 53-54).
An act incorporating the United Methodist Episcopal Church of the settlement of Fendell, Louisana, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia [naming W. David Richards, pastor; J. J. Baxter, recording secretary; Julia E. Dennis, disbursing steward; W. H. Carver, district steward; I. W. H. Wright, class leader; and members: M. N. Massaquoi, J. E. Pason and Paul Dennis] (Acts 1938, p. 54).
An act granting Carney Johnson and such other persons as hereafter may become associated with him the right to run a ferry across the middle point of the Poh River, Montserrado County, known as the Juijuah Center [for ten years at a maximum charge of six cents] (Acts 1938, p. 55).
Joint resolution restoring Alford C. Russ to citizenship [convicted of embezzlement and wrongly denied an appeal] (Acts 1938, p. 56).
An act restoring Alfred Russell of the settlement of Harrisburg, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, and Jacob S. Cummings of the city of Harper, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, to all rights and privileges of citizenship [both sentenced in 1934, having lived as “upright” citizens since their release from prison] (Acts 1938, p. 57).
An act granting to S. E. McCarey, Son and Company, Ltd., a renewal of ferry right for another 20 years [across the mouth of the St. Paul River for a maximum charge of 12 cents] (Acts 1938, pp. 57-58).
An act granting ferry franchise to Boima Kartumu and Sons of [Kolobolia, Dewo District,] the county of Grand Cape Mount, Republic of Liberia [granting sole right to operate for 20 years across the Marfa River from Kolobolia to the opposite side] (Acts 1938, pp. 58-59).
An act granting a ferry franchise to Clarence O. Tuning, Sr., of the city of Greenville, Sinoe County [to operate for six years across the Sinoe River, from Crayton’s Creek to the land owned by the late John W. Norman in upper Bluntsville to the Jack Town wharfs for a maximum charge of six cents] (Acts 1938, pp. 59-60).
An act restoring Murray J. Turner of the city of Greenville, county of Sinoe, and Republic of Liberia, to all the rights and privileges of citizenship (Acts 1938, p. 61).
An act granting a renewal ferry franchise to George B. Mooney of Garraway, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, successor to the Garraway Ferry Boat Company (of 1918) for the operation of a ferry across the Garraway Po River, between Garraway on the east side of the said river and Po River Town on the west side of said river at a point one mile from the entrance of the said river from the Garraway Bar on each side and parts adjacent to and fro, always known and styled as the Garraway Ferry Boat Company, Garraway, Maryland County Republic of Liberia [for 12 months, with a maximum charge of six cents] (Acts 1938, pp. 61-62).
An act transferring the [$50] pension granted by law to the late Stephen W. Edwards [wounded in the 1910 rebellion] of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia, to his wife Cordella C. Edwards (Acts 1938, pp. 62-63).
An act to declare Charles A. James and Felix O. Lawrence, citizens of Liberia [even though they have resided in the country for less than the required two years] (Acts 1938, pp. 63-64).
An act restoring Daniel Jackson of the township of Tallah, Grand Cape Mount, Republic of Liberia, to all the rights and privileges of citizenship (Acts 1938, p. 64).
An act restoring Henry D. Hoff of Montserrado County to all rights and privileges of citizenship (Acts 1938, pp. 64-65).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1939—40. Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1940.

An act suspending the privilege and benefit of the writ of habeas corpus [permitting the president during the next 12 months to establish a military commission to judge infractions of security, if warrant by the external or internal situation] (Acts 1938, pp. 1-2).
An act creating the township of Bethlehem, Lloydsville, in the territory of Marshall, Montserrado County, a voting precinct [due to the risks associated with travel by canoe to vote in Marshall, 11 miles away] (Acts 1938, p. 2).
An act appropriating certain public monies for sundry purposes [namely $15,000, for commission of funds transferred abroad; $10,000 for transmission of radio messages and mail; $2,000 for department of state travel; $816.17 for Liberia College; $2,160.35, construction of customs house at Buchanan; and $23.48, treasury department general contingency fund] (Acts 1938, p. 3).
An act approving the budget presented by the secretary of the treasury, Republic of Liberia, and providing for the expenses of the government for the fiscal year, Jan. 1, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1941 [and authorizing the secretary of the treasury to repay the justices of the supreme court and five judges of the circuit court amounts “that may have been voluntarily surrendered from their salaries as a loan to the government on account of the financial condition,” whenever funds become available] (Acts 1938, p. 4).
A joint resolution approving an agreement supplementary to the loan agreement between the government of the Republic of Liberia, the Finance Corporation of America and the National City Bank of New York dated the first day of September A. D. 1940 [including the text of the agreement] (Acts 1938, pp. 5-8).
An act extending the jurisdiction of stipendiary magistrates in civil and criminal cases [involving up to $300 in debt and damages, infractions of the peace not exceeding $25 in fines and, in the Firestone Plantations Magisterial area, matrimonial cases arising under Native Customary Law] (Acts 1938, p. 9).
An act to amend Chapter XXII of the acts of 1926 relating to a quorum of the supreme court [allowing any number of present justices to convene until the 20th day of the session when, in the absence of a quorum, they may adjourn] (Acts 1938, p. 9).
An act fixing the day of adjournment of the 2nd session of the 39th legislature of the Republic of Liberia (Acts 1938, p. 10).
Joint resolution granting [$1,000] annuity to ex-president C. D. B. King of Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia (Acts 1938, p. 11).
An act reimbursing Alfred M. W. Collins of Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, in the sum of $80 [, having been exonerated of misappropriating a typewriter from the senate] (Acts 1938, p. 12).
An act reimbursing Frances P. Dennis of Careysburg, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, in the sum of $60 [for 2,000 pounds of rice supplied to the Frontier Force] (Acts 1938, pp. 12-13).
An act granting Zuke Kandakai, Njola Karmoh, Sengbe Kojowah and Siafa Jalla-Kei, the right to run a ferry across the Little Cape Mount River in the county of Grand Cape Mount, and Republic of Liberia, at the points commonly known as Gbaa, to and from the opposite bank and Segana, to and from the opposite bank, under the name and style of Zuke Kandakai, Njola Karmoh, Sengbe Kojowah and Siafa Jalla-Kei Ferry Company [for a maximum charge of 12 cents] (Acts 1938, pp. 13-14).
An act incorporating the Unity Mechanic Association of Virginia, Montserrado County [Henry J. Gordon, president; Charles H. Capehart, vice president; Richard N. Starks, recording secretary; Charles H. Christopher, assistant recording secretary; Joseph J. Washington, financial secretary; Frederick H. Marshall, treasurer; Sampson Snorton, director; patrons: Z. B. Roberts and Henry Johnson] (Acts 1938, p. 14).
An act restoring Albert Dondo Ware of the county of Grand Cape Mount, Republic of Liberia, to all right and privileges of citizenship [, having been an “upright” citizen since his release from prison] (Acts 1938, p. 15).
An act amendatory at an act to repeal an act entitled “An act granting a ferry franchise to J. C. Johns Company” passed and approved Dec. 9, 1929, an act granting ferry franchise to I. L. Hoff and Company, passed and approved Dec. 11, 1934, both of the county of Grand Cape Mount, and granting ferry franchise to the Wakolo Ferry Transport Company Incorporated, county of Grand Cape Mount [keeping the maximum charge at 24 cents between Robertsport and Sawilor and 12 cents between Robertsport and Mecca Point and between Twelve Point and Sulima but reducing the maximum charge between Robertsport and Deah from 48 cents to 24 cents] (Acts 1938, pp. 15-16).
Joint resolution granting Robertport Union Lodge No. 4463, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, one quarter acre of land, one town lot, in the city of Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County, for the purpose of erecting thereon a temple (Acts 1938, p. 17).
An act granting T. E. Carr of Caldwell, Monserrado County, in the Republic of Liberia, [a $200] pension for and during his natural lifetime [, having fought in 30 skirmishes] (Acts 1938, pp. 17-18).
Acts passed by the legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1940. Government Printing Office, Department of State: Monrovia, 1941.

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