Cape Mount

Skirmishes between Vey and Zorroh

In 1890, the legislature approved $500 for an interior road between Gorranommah and Gouga, $100 for cleaning out Gorranommah Creek, and $150 for cleaning out Mi-ingga and Cabolia River.

In 1891, the legislature approved the arrest of certain turbulent kings and chiefs, namely King Darwarnar and his son of Cong-gar town, Goronammah section and Pondeh in the Ding Golah country.

In 1893, the legislature authorized the president to mount a sufficient armed force to quell the rebellion in the Vey and Zarroh sections of county, characterized by repeated raids on each other and refusal of executive authority commanding peace.

Footnote: Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1890, p. 3; Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1891, p. 10; Acts of the Liberian Legislature, 1893, pp. 19-20.